19 research outputs found


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    Model analysis for the transformation of carbon and nitrogen in

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    土壤一作物系統中碳與氮動態的模式化,為不同土壤環境中碳與氮循 環,對環境影響評估之有利工具。本文根據長期與短期試驗,進行前人不 同土壤環境中碳轉化模式,對本土數據之模擬能力比較及模式之特性檢視 ,在氮素轉化模擬,則選擇在台灣已經過多處作物生長方面測試之作物模 式 CERES-Maize中氮次模組,進行本土氮素轉化數據之模擬測試,嘗試藉 此模式解析、檢視與驗証工作,確立適宜之模擬機制,以為後續之研究與 應用,並作為未來建立一個適合於本土環境之模式之依據。根據模擬結果 ,對於長期試驗土壤有機碳最終穩定趨向之模擬,無論簡單或複雜模式, 可藉參數之調整,使其結果相近,但就土地利用型態改變,所導致之過度 分解現象之可能性的預測,則必須擁有兩個變數以上之模式才適用。模式 驗証結果顯示, CERES-Maize模式中氮次模式可應用於壤土之一般耕作方 式與適量的施肥量下之模擬,唯在過高施肥量、氨揮散強及強淋洗量下模 擬準確性較差。封面 中文摘要 英文摘要(Abstract) 謝誌 次目 表次 圖次 第壹章、緒論 第一節、緣起 第二節、前人有關土壤環境中碳與氮轉化之相關研究 一、台灣地區歷年化學與有機質肥料施用情況與土壤有機質含量變化 二、台灣大宗有機質肥料生產量與成分 三、不同作物系統作物殘體回歸土壤量估算 四、土壤有機質之組成 五、土壤有機質碳與氮含量百分率 六、有機質肥料特性對其在土壤中分解之影響 七、土壤特性與環境對有機質分解與氮礦化釋出之影響 八、長期連用同種有機質肥料之試驗 九、土壤有機質達平衡之含量與所需時間 十、土壤有機質之年齡 十一、土壤有機質分解過程中之起應效果 十二、全球土壤有機質研究網與模式測試 十三、全球暖化對土壤CO?2釋出量之預測 十四、農田氮素循環之研究 十五、土壤氮轉化模擬模式 第貳章、土壤環境中碳、氮轉化模式之解析 第一節、土壤環境中碳轉化模式之理論解析 一、單變數一階反應式 二、雙變數一階反應式 三、Jenkinson-Rayner模式 四、Lin等(1987)模式 第二節、CERES-Maize中碳與氮轉化模式之理論解析 第三節、模式中分解速率常數之溫度與水分函數比較 第四節、結論 第參章、土壤環境中碳轉化模式之適用性分析 第一節、前言 第二節、材料與方法 一、檢視之模式說明 二、模式參數鑑定之試驗描述與說明 三、各模式對長期試驗中土壤有機碳轉化之模擬比較 四、各模式應用於模擬預測之適用性比較 五、單變數模式對於短期試驗資料之模擬 六、各模式對於土壤有機碳初期特殊分解動態模擬之檢視比較 第三節、結果與討論 一、不同試驗區土壤有機質分解與累積之比較 二、各模式對於長期試驗中土壤有機碳轉化之模擬比較 三、模式預測維持不同有機碳水準所需投入碳量之比較 四、單變數模式對於短期試驗資料之模擬 五、各模式對於土壤有機碳初期分解動態之模擬特性檢試與比較 第四節、結論 第肆章、土壤有機質降解過程之過度分解現象研究 第一節、前言 第二節、材料與方法 一、土壤有機質分解模式 二、由動態模式推導之平衡模式 三、過度分解現象之分析 四、靈敏度分析 第三節、結果與討論 一、模式動態模擬之平衡值與平衡模式計算之理論平衡值的比較 二、過度分解現象之分析 三、各參數及狀態變數起始值之相對靈敏度分析 第四節、結論 第伍章、CERRES-Maize中氮轉化次模式之驗証與檢討 第一節、前言 第二節、模式理論概述 第三節、材料與方法 一、模式驗証之試驗描述與說明 二、模式模擬作業 三、模式脫氮機制之靈敏度分析 四、新鮮有機物施用方式對脫氮影響之模擬分析 第四節、結果與討論 一、CERES-Maize中氮轉化次模式之驗証 二、模式脫氮機制之靈敏度分析 三、新鮮有機物施用方式對脫氮影響之模擬分析 第五節、結論 第陸章、總結 參考文獻 附錄

    Impact Assessment of Shifts of Land Use on Soil Organic Carbon Storage of Cultivated land in Taiwan

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    This study is to evaluate the effect of the shifts of land use on soil organic carbon storage of cultivated land in Taiwan. The soil fertility survey data were used to evaluate soil organic carbon storage of cultivated land in Taiwan, and soil organic carbon contents were compared among different types of land use. On the base of soil survey data during 1978- 1982, the storage of soil organic carbon on the surface soil (0-20 cm) of cultivated land in Taiwan is 27.5 Tg, calculated by 850 thousand hectares of cultivated land in 1998, assuming that the majority of cultivated land has reached to equilibrium under the same long-term cultivation. This amount is 93 % of carbon released from energy source in 1990. The organic carbon storage of surface soil (0-20 公分)is about 30-40 % of the organic carbon storage to a depth of 100 cm. The survey data shows that paddy field obviously can accumulate more organic matter; therefore, the storage of surface soil (0-20 公分) organic carbon can be added 4.7 Tg if the current upland field is shifted to paddy field. But there is 5.5 Tg carbon released from soil if paddy field is shifted to upland field, showing that the surface soil (0-20 公分) organic carbon of cultivated land in Taiwan is between 22.0 to 32.2 Tg. According to the result of long-term experiments, the time for equilibrium on shifts of land use is 30 years. Nevertheless, the carbon amount stored or released by upland field shifted to paddy field or paddy field shifted to upland field is about 0.5 % and 0.6 % of carbon released from energy source. 本研究之目的係利用土壤肥力調查資料估算台灣農地土壤有機碳存量,並評估土地利用改變對農地土壤有機碳存量之影響,藉此評估土壤有機碳存量之變動量佔能源部門釋出碳量之百分比,以了解土壤有機碳之變動量對溫室氣體減量之重要性。依據1959-1967年間全省農田肥力測定所調查之78萬公頃耕地的土壤有機質分析結果,估算全省農地表土(0-20公分)的有機碳存量爲21.7 Tg (太克,1012g),此碳量爲1990年能源部門釋出碳量(29.5 Tg)的74 %。若以1978-1982年間之調查資料爲基礎,又假設大部分已達平衡,以1998年的耕地面積85萬公頃,計算台灣農地土壤的表土(0-20公分)有機碳存量爲27.5 Tg,此碳量爲1990年能源部門釋出碳量(29.5 Tg)的93%。表土(0- 20公分)有機碳存量,約佔土壤一公尺深存量的30-40%左右。依調查資料顯示水田明顯可累積較多的有機質,因此若使現有的旱田轉作水田,則全省表土(0-20公分)有機碳存量可再增加4.7 Tg碳量,但若將水田轉作旱田則表土(0-20公分)有機碳可再釋出5.5 Tg之碳量,顯示台灣農地表土(0- 20公分)有機碳約在22.0-32.2 Tg之間。根據長期試驗結果顯示,土地利用改變所需的平衡時間約30年,因此,旱田轉作水田或水田轉作旱田,每年表土(0-20公分)所貯存或釋出的碳量,約是能源部門釋出碳量的0.5%與0.6%

    The relationship of initial soil organic matter and over decomposition phenomenon

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    An over decomposition phenomenon was discovered in the simulation process of soil organic matter decomposition. The over decomposition phenomenon presented the special hollow curve of soil organic matter accumulation which decreased temporally to the lower level than initial condition, then gradually increased to the final equilibrium level. The phenomenon usually happened when easily decomposed portion of initial soil organic carbon was great. This study discussed the relationship of initial soil organic matter and over decomposition phenomenon. The results of simulation process showed that: (1) The over decomposition could not be simulated by the mono-variable model, due to the partitioning of soil organic carbon could not be described by such a model. (2) According to the Jenkinson-Rayner model simulation, the phenomenon could easily occur when initial soil organic carbon contained great decomposable and resistant plant material. The change extent of curve was increased as the decomposable plant material portion was increased. (3) The phenomenon could never occur when the stabilized soil organic matter portion of initial soil organic carbon was great. (4) No matter how much organic matter was added, the phenomenon could never occur after soil organic carbon reached an equilibrium. 有機質的轉化過程長期以來一直是土壤研究者關心的重點。根據過去的硏究,發現一種土壤有機質總量自較高之初始狀態,會因後績之年度添加量不足以維持原有含量時,逐漸降解至一個低含量點,而後又漸漸累積,終至呈一新的穩定態之特 殊“過度分解”現象。此現象可能發生在初始狀態含較多易分解之物質。因此本文主耍爲探討模式變數設定及土壤有機質初始狀態與過度分解現象出現之相關性。 根據模式模擬結果顯示:(1)單變數模式因爲沒有土壤有機質形態之劃分,未能模擬過度分解現象。(2)若模擬初始之易分解態與抗分解態植物殘體佔土壤總有機碳 之絕大比例,將較易出現過度分解現象,且其變化幅度隨易分解態植物殘體在植物殘體中所佔之比例增加而變大。(3)若模擬 初始之穩定態有機質佔絕大部分,則不會出現過度分解現象。(4)當土壤有機碳達穏 定平衡後,無論添加多少量,都不會出現過度分解現象

    Establishment of Fertilization Recommendation System for Paddies in Taiwan

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    本系統之堆肥推薦包括水稻之稉稻、秈稻、圓糯、長糯等類別,其中在臺灣栽種面積較廣之多種品種的氮、磷、鉀三要素之施肥推薦;氮肥推薦原則乃以前人水稻肥料試驗結果之推推薦量範圍為基準,再依期作生產力、有機資材之施用量及土壤特性,依序調整其推薦量或施肥方式。調整程序乃先將1991年全省一、二期作十個生產力等級調整為五個等級,以決定推薦量基準,生產力愈高則推薦量愈高。推薦量再扣險有機資材或前作殘體之施用將提供之肥分。若考慮生產良質米則僅推薦量的90%。至於施肥方式,採用深層施肥者以推薦量之70%為基肥,且不必再施用追肥;採用撒施者則依土壤有效性磷、鉀的含量而定。磷肥之施肥方式以全部當基肥的為原則,但花蓮及宜蘭等地區則推薦分施;鉀肥之施肥方式則以分施為原則。肥料實際推薦量則依肥料種類再作調整。本系統係以Visual Basic與Mapobject軟體,連結地理資訊係統及Ms Access軟體,在微軟視窗(Windows 98)中文環境上開發之。 The fertilization recommendation of the three major essential elements ( N. P, K ) for cultivated varieties of Japonica. Indica and Glutinous types are involved in fertilization recommendation system. The fertilization recommendations for nitrogen are based on the results of experiments conducted in respective regions in Taiwan, and adjusted with the crop productivity, expected N release from the residue of previous crop、application method and soil properties. The crop productivity levels are divided to five levels modified from the ten levels of productivity rating of paddy in Taiwan. The higher the productivity, the higher rate is recommended. The rate is deducted for the nitrogen released from the residue of the previous crop. The rate is deducted by 10 c/c recommended rate if a higher quality of rice is chased. The rate is adjusted by 70 ck rate as long as the fertilizer applied for deep placement and spares the dressing application. The amount of the individual three or four split application is decided by soil texture provided broadcast application is adopted. The rate for panicle initiation stage is dependent on the leave chlorophyll value or remote sensing information. After nitrogen rate is devised, the real fertilizer rate can be calculated with different kind of fertilizers. The recommendation rates for phosphorus and potassium are dependent on the levels of available P and K in the soil. The system have been programmed by Visual Basic and MapObject with geographic information system (GIS) and MS Access software on the Microsoft Windows 98 in Chinese

    Long Term Monitoring on the Effect of Climate Change on Agricultural Ecosystem

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    本研究之目的為探討氣候變遷對農業生態系之影響。由氣象資料顯示,雲林分場1988年至2013年呈現增溫之現象,而2000年至2013年各研究站平均氣溫並未呈現增溫趨勢;雨量方面顯示在2010年四月、2011年四月及2011年11月之雨量有明顯高於往年之情形。水稻產量部份,雲林分場與溪口農場之水稻產量與平均氣溫、生長積溫之間無顯著相關,但可看出產量隨平均氣溫與生長積溫上升而下降的趨勢;全台15個試驗點之水稻產量亦與平均氣溫、生長積溫並無顯著相關,但仍可看出水稻產量隨平均氣溫與最低氣溫上升而下降,反之隨最高氣溫上升而上升;DNDC對水稻生產模擬結果,未能呈現實際調查之南部產量高於北部之現象。水稻病害以稻熱病及紋枯病發生最多,在慣行農耕與永續農耕間無顯著差異;甘藷僅發生白絹病,在慣行農耕試驗田發生較輕微;落花生葉斑病在兩處理間發生情形相近,但銹病在慣行農耕發生率較低;荔枝酸腐病僅在慣行農耕試驗田發生輕微。在指標昆蟲方面,兩處理均以六條瓢蟲為優勢種,在年度間與多樣性方面則無明顯差異性。在雜草部份,永續農耕處理之平均雜草密度、平均雜草生質量以及每株雜草生質量皆高於慣行農耕區;輪作區之平均雜草生質量及每株雜草生質量高於連作區,而平均雜草密度則相反之。 The major aims of this study are to investigate the effect of climate change on agriculture system. For these aims, firstly, meteorological data are analyzed from three study stations of long term ecological research (LTER); include Yuin-Lin branch station, Chi-Ko branch farm, and Chia-Yi branch of Agricultural Research Institute. Air temperature keeps increasing from 1988 to 2013 in Yuin-Lin branch station; however, there are no significant differences from 2000 to 2013 in three LTER stations. Besides, rainfall in April 2010, April 2011, and November 2012 is higher than previous years. Secondly, there are no significant linear relationships between yields of rice grown and not only average air temperature, but also growing degree day (GDD) in Yuin-Lin and Chi-Ko, but the yield show a reducing trend if the average air temperature and GGD increase. Also, there are no significant linear relations between yields and not only average air temperature, but also GDD in 15 study stations around Taiwan, The yield in 15 study stations show a reducing trend if the average and minimum air temperature increase, but increasing if the maximum air temperature increases. Moreover, DNDC simulated model shows an inconsistent result with realistic situation which the yield in south area is higher than in north in Taiwan. Thirdly, the major rice diseases are rice blast and sheath blight, and the disease incidences have no significant differences between conventional (CA) and sustainable agroecosystem (SA). The major sweet potato disease is southern blight, and the disease incidence shows a slight serious condition in CA area. The major peanut diseases are leaf spot and rust. There are no significant differences in disease incidences of leaf spot between CA and SA, but the disease incidences of rust disease are lower in CA. Fourthly, the dominant indicator insect, ladybug, is Cheilomenes sexmaculata (Fabricius). But the biodiversity of ladybug has no differences in different years. Finally, average weed density, average weed fresh mass and single weed fresh mass are higher in SA than CA. Average weed fresh mass and single weed fresh mass are higher in paddy-upland cropping (PP) than paddy-paddy cropping (PP), but average weed density is just the reverse


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    整治河川污染,提高環境品質,已為政府既定政策之一。社區污水與工業癈水處理廠 的設立為防止河川污染的主要方法。據估計,家庭污水處理廠每年污泥產量可達三千 萬立方公尺,而工業廢水處理後的污泥,每年更高達七千萬立方公尺以上。利用土地 處置污泥為最簡便的方法之一。但其處理量必須加以管制,才不會引起二次公害,危 害土壤環境,而適當的處置量,對土壤反而有益。 本試驗的目的即在利用簡單的模擬模式及便捷的實驗方法,當含有重金屬的危害性污 泥在土地處置時,從控制重金屬含量的觀點,估算其安全處置量,並希望所擬定的方 法具一般性,可適用於各種性的污泥及土壤。本試驗所選用的土壤為中興大學農場, CEC 值較高的Ap2層土壤及CEC 值較低的C 層土壤。選用的污泥為重金屬含量較低的 中興新村家庭污水處理廠的消化污泥及鋅含量相當高的台中鍍鋅廠污泥。由於所用的 方法與步驟不具特異性,如以其他土壤或污泥作測試,亦可進行估算。 採用的模式以單一步驟機制的二次反應模式為主。藉迴歸式及簡單的振盪實驗,確定 模式中的參數。所得結果由歐拉數值分析方法分別進行24小時的污泥中重金屬的再 溶出及土壤滯留重金屬反應模擬,所得結果與實驗結果相近。 聯合以上所得的污泥及土壤模式,以灌溉水質銅○.2ppm 、鋅2ppm 作為土壤溶液 中可容許的最高濃度,進行模擬分析所得的污泥施用量如下:在溫度21.5℃,總 體密度為1.6g /cm 及飽和含水量情況下,Ap2層土壤可施中興新村污泥84% (即13125tons/ha),鍍鋅廠污泥3%(T 7tons/ha)而C 層土壤可施中興 新村污泥56%(3182tons/ha),鍍鋅廠污泥2.5%(64tons/ha)。 所建立的估算模式,如與其他土壤水文模式結合,可對污泥處置後的土壤環境作長期 性的評估