Establishment of Fertilization Recommendation System for Paddies in Taiwan


本系統之堆肥推薦包括水稻之稉稻、秈稻、圓糯、長糯等類別,其中在臺灣栽種面積較廣之多種品種的氮、磷、鉀三要素之施肥推薦;氮肥推薦原則乃以前人水稻肥料試驗結果之推推薦量範圍為基準,再依期作生產力、有機資材之施用量及土壤特性,依序調整其推薦量或施肥方式。調整程序乃先將1991年全省一、二期作十個生產力等級調整為五個等級,以決定推薦量基準,生產力愈高則推薦量愈高。推薦量再扣險有機資材或前作殘體之施用將提供之肥分。若考慮生產良質米則僅推薦量的90%。至於施肥方式,採用深層施肥者以推薦量之70%為基肥,且不必再施用追肥;採用撒施者則依土壤有效性磷、鉀的含量而定。磷肥之施肥方式以全部當基肥的為原則,但花蓮及宜蘭等地區則推薦分施;鉀肥之施肥方式則以分施為原則。肥料實際推薦量則依肥料種類再作調整。本系統係以Visual Basic與Mapobject軟體,連結地理資訊係統及Ms Access軟體,在微軟視窗(Windows 98)中文環境上開發之。 The fertilization recommendation of the three major essential elements ( N. P, K ) for cultivated varieties of Japonica. Indica and Glutinous types are involved in fertilization recommendation system. The fertilization recommendations for nitrogen are based on the results of experiments conducted in respective regions in Taiwan, and adjusted with the crop productivity, expected N release from the residue of previous crop、application method and soil properties. The crop productivity levels are divided to five levels modified from the ten levels of productivity rating of paddy in Taiwan. The higher the productivity, the higher rate is recommended. The rate is deducted for the nitrogen released from the residue of the previous crop. The rate is deducted by 10 c/c recommended rate if a higher quality of rice is chased. The rate is adjusted by 70 ck rate as long as the fertilizer applied for deep placement and spares the dressing application. The amount of the individual three or four split application is decided by soil texture provided broadcast application is adopted. The rate for panicle initiation stage is dependent on the leave chlorophyll value or remote sensing information. After nitrogen rate is devised, the real fertilizer rate can be calculated with different kind of fertilizers. The recommendation rates for phosphorus and potassium are dependent on the levels of available P and K in the soil. The system have been programmed by Visual Basic and MapObject with geographic information system (GIS) and MS Access software on the Microsoft Windows 98 in Chinese

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