49 research outputs found

    Proteomic profiling of proteins associated with the rejuvenation of Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don) Endl

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    Background: Restoration of rooting competence is important for rejuvenation in Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don) Endl and is achieved by repeatedly grafting Sequoia shoots after 16 and 30 years of cultivation in vitro. Results: Mass spectrometry-based proteomic analysis revealed three proteins that differentially accumulated in different rejuvenation stages, including oxygen-evolving enhancer protein 2 (OEE2), glycine-rich RNA-binding protein (RNP), and a thaumatin-like protein. OEE2 was found to be phosphorylated and a phosphopeptide (YEDNFDGNSNVSVMVpTPpTDK) was identified. Specifically, the protein levels of OEE2 increased as a result of grafting and displayed a higher abundance in plants during the juvenile and rejuvenated stages. Additionally, SsOEE2 displayed the highest expression levels in Sequoia shoots during the juvenile stage and less expression during the adult stage. The expression levels also steadily increased during grafting. Conclusion: Our results indicate a positive correlation between the gene and protein expression patterns of SsOEE2 and the rejuvenation process, suggesting that this gene is involved in the rejuvenation of Sequoia sempervirens


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    [[alternative]]An Analysis of Motherhood Represented in the Blogs

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    計畫編號: NSC98-2410-H343-026執行機構: 南華大學傳播學系研究期間: 9808~9907[[abstract]]受到後結構、後現代主義等思潮影響,尊重、包容多元、差異觀點,並給予每 一個社群發聲的空間,成為民主社會的重要訴求,而網路部落格似乎成為此種理想 的實踐場域之一。本研究經由分析部落格的母親經驗書寫,檢視其中所展演的母職 形象及所隱含的母職意涵,亦兼論母職實踐與女性主體性之間複雜的關連性,希望 藉由此種母親知識生產,能一窺台灣女性的母職經驗及其所賦予母職的主觀詮釋。[[abstract]]This study attempts to analyze the mothers’ writing regarding their mothering experience in the blogs. Mothers’ talks were often considered trivial and of no much importance under a patriarchal culture. The study is to see how mothers themselves represent their mothering practice and the images of mothers they perform in the blogs they run. Besides ,the intertwined relationships between motherhood and females’ subjectivity were also explored

    [[alternative]]Betrayal! How Taiwanese Females Interpret the Movie Brokeback Mountain: A Reception Analysis

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    [[abstract]]本研究探索台灣已婚女性對同志電影《斷背山》的解讀。以方誌學中的深度訪談法,瞭解八位背景不同的女性觀眾對《斷》片中兩位男主角之間、兩位男主角與他們的妻子、家庭之間的關係、以及兩位妻子面對他們丈夫「外遇」的方式有何看法,五位受訪者育有子女、三位未有孩子。研究發現,女性觀眾一致認定男主角與同性的婚外情是一種「背叛」行徑,和一般婚外情並無二致。然而是否有孩子似乎是影響女性解讀的重要因素;沒有孩子的女性關切婚姻中的兩性關係及雙方平等的議題,並認為離婚是婚外情必然的結果,同時認為離婚對雙方和孩子都比較好。而有孩子的女性則是以一個母親的角色來看電影,著重在包括孩子(甚至以孩子為中心)在內的家庭概念上,關注家庭和諧與孩子觀感,並將離婚視為畏途,而願意委曲求全、忍辱負重(孩子)。另外,有孩子的女性企圖否認一個丈夫的同性戀傾向,無法理解也不相信一個丈夫會愛上另一個男人,而不愛自己的妻子。女性閱聽人對文本的詮釋及主體認同的建構,確實受到環繞著女性的文化與歷史論述(例如母職)所影響。 This study is to explore how Taiwanese females interpret the movie Brokeback Mountain in terms of the relationship between the two leading actors, and the way they deal with their wives, children, and family. All respondents consider an affair with same sex being a betrayal not much different from an "ordinary" affair. Those females who don't have children focus more on fidelity and equality between partners in their representation, and yet those who have children concern about the harmony in the family and children's feelings. Mother viewers seem to deny the fact that a man would love another man, rather than his wife. It is found that motherhood influences a female's identification and her understanding of media text

    [[alternative]]TV Consumption and Filial Piety in Family Viewing

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    [[abstract]]晚近閱聽人研究逐漸轉向強調閱聽個體賦予意義的能力,而此種賦予意義的能力不僅限於文本意義的解讀與詮釋,亦指涉媒體經驗之於每日生活的意義。本研究屬於民族誌學取向的閱聽人研究,將電視媒介的使用放回閱聽人的日常生活脈絡中,檢視「看電視」如何鑲嵌在閱聽人的每日生活中。本研究盡可能揭露閱聽人具體生活的真實經驗,分析未婚子女在與家中長輩一同收看電視的特殊電視使用情境中賦予何種重要的意涵?研究發現,電視相較於其他媒體而言,是一種家庭媒介,其與家庭日常生活關係密切。看電視是如此稀鬆平常、唾手可得、不費力勞神,提供家庭最佳互動管道。對子女而言,「共視」亦提供安全、事不關己、不會造成尷尬與親子間緊張與壓力的交談氛圍。而與住在家中的子女不同,外宿子女因為與雙親的相處互動時間少,必須把握有限的返家時間來陪伴父母、承歡膝下,因此傾向戰略性(tactically)地運用與父母親一起看電視的行動來展現其孝心與孝行,發展出特殊的共視模式與意涵。據此,子女與家中長輩一起看電視並非單純的「看電視」,而是有更深層的意涵;電視消費被挪用、改造、轉化,成為具有個人化意義與功能的孝道實踐行動。 Recently, audience study has made a sharp turn toward ethnographical approach. It is emphasized that individual can actively construct meanings of media texts and also how their personal interpretations interact with everyday life.The study explores how young adults accompany their parents watching television. Research regarding family television has been abundant, however, little is attended to the way television mediates the relationship between young adults and their parents.It was found that young adults who do not live with their parents choose to watch television with them with a purpose of keeping them company, rather than simply ”watching television”. Young audience's co-viewing with their parents is incorporated into their practice of filial piety


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    [[abstract]]本研究以結構性媒介系統依賴理論(structural media system dependency theory)為基礎,探究廣播賣藥產業系統中各結構間的關係。筆者參與觀察廣播賣藥節目運作,並訪談廣播賣藥節目從業人員,發現廣播賣藥系統中的主要組織包括廣播賣藥電台、廣播賣藥節目製作單位、指定藥房及藥廠,該四個組織間的關係相互依賴但並不平等,指定藥房較為依賴廣播賣藥媒體擁有的行銷管道;而廣播賣藥電台則依賴廣播賣藥節目外製單位的進駐,因此,身兼藥品代理經銷商的廣播賣藥節目外製單位是在廣播賣藥節目媒介系統中最強勢的結構,但他們所冒的風險也最大。而整個廣播賣藥節目媒介系統最重要的依賴為廣播賣藥媒體所控制的珍貴資源-購藥聽眾,以及與購藥聽眾相關的資源系統,包括藥品利潤、簽台費等,支撐了系統組織間的依存運作,達到廣播賣藥媒介系統中各個組織的目標

    An Action Research Study on Teaching Tsou Young Children about Natural Disaster

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    [[abstract]]本研究採行動研究法,探討鄒族幼兒天然災害課程之實踐與成效。研究者與托兒所教保員擔任協同教師,研究參與者為莫拉克颱風受災之鄒族幼兒。本研究之教學為期三個月,資料蒐集含:教室觀察、幼兒訪談、幼兒學習單、幼兒藝術作品、教師訪談、教學省思札記等。研究結果發現:(一)幼兒對颱風認知概念有些許進步,例如:颱風的科學概念、颱風災害、颱風準備等。(二)幼兒對颱風的感受以負面居多。(三)大部分幼兒對科學與藝術統整的天然災害課程接受度甚高。(四)研究者與協同教師共同協商解決的教學困難包括:幼兒秩序管理、以問題引導幼兒思考。研究者最後在幼兒天然災害課程設計與未來相關研究提出建議,期盼對學前教師有所幫助。[[abstract]]Using action research, this study aims to investigate the implementation and effect of young children`s disaster curriculum in a Tsou aboriginal classroom. The first author and preschool techer served as co-teachers nd taught the Tsou young children who suffered through Typhoon Morakot.The lessons spanned three months. Data sources included classroom observations, young children`s interviews, young children`s worksheetsand artwork, teacher`s interviews, reflection notes on teaching, eatc. Findings revealed that (1) the young children`s conceptions of a typhoon made some improvement, such as their concept of typhoon., typhoon disaster, and preparation for typhoon. (2) The young children had more negative feelings about a typhoon. (3) Most of the young children accepted the natural disaster curriculum with science and arts integration. (4) The co-teachers had certain difficulties on teaching and had to solve the problems of classroom management and guiding young children to think through questions posed in the classroom. Finally, this research makes suggestions on the design of young children`s natural disaster curriculum and recommendations for future related research. It is expected that this study will provide useful ways for early childhood educators to teach young children about natural disaster

    [[alternative]]An Action Research Study on Teaching Tsou Young Children about Natural Disaster

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    [[abstract]]本研究採行動研究法,探討鄒族幼兒天然災害課程之實踐與成效。研究者與 托兒所教保員擔任協同教師,研究參與者為莫拉克颱風受災之鄒族幼兒。本研究 之教學為期三個月,資料蒐集含:教室觀察、幼兒訪談、幼兒學習單、幼兒藝術 作品、教師訪談、教學省思札記等。研究結果發現:(一)幼兒對颱風認知概念 有些許進步,例如:颱風的科學概念、颱風災害、防颱準備等。(二)幼兒對颱 風的感受以負面居多。(三)大部分幼兒對科學與藝術統整的天然災害課程接受 度甚高。(四)研究者與協同教師共同協商解決的教學困難包括:幼兒秩序管理、 以問題引導幼兒思考。研究者最後在幼兒天然災害課程設計與未來相關研究提出 建議,期盼對學前教師有所幫助

    [[alternative]]Bad Deaths?--Representations of AIDS Deaths in the Press in Taiwan

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    [[abstract]]本研究以質化分析法檢視報紙文本對有關愛滋病死亡之意念如何呈現,以及社會規範與主流意識型態如何在愛滋病死亡的媒體建構中被再製。研究發現台灣主流報紙主要以幾個主再現愛滋病的死亡:在公共場域中的死亡、骯髒不潔的死亡;罪有應得的死亡、無可避免的死亡、難堪又難看的死亡、孤寂的死亡、痛苦的死亡、夭折、快速而無法控制的死亡、值得紀念的死亡。媒體的愛滋病死亡論述將「歹死」、「不自然死亡」、「不正常死亡」和愛滋病串聯起來,使「乾淨」的一般大眾可以和「受污染的」愛滋病患劃清界限,並且規範一般人的行為不脫離常軌,否則便受到懲處(不得好死的下場),媒體藉著其與死亡的緊緊相扣,強化對愛滋病的烙印,並強化社會既有價值與常規,以達到社會控制。 Using textural analysis, this study is to analyze the representations of AIDS deaths in the Taiwanese press and how the social rules and dominant ideology regarding AIDS are re-produced through these representations.The rhetorical themes of AIDS deaths found are as following: deaths in a public space, filthy deaths, deserved deaths, inescapable deaths, undignified deaths, deaths in loneliness, deaths in despair and distress, premature deaths, rapid, uncontrollable, collective deaths, and deaths to commemorate. The language and discourses used to describe and account for AIDS deaths connect AIDS with "bad","unnatural"."abnormal" deaths, therefore keep the "clean", general population and the "contaminated"people with AIDS safely apart and the representations of AIDS deaths threaten the general population into behving themselves to avoid punishment (to die a bad death). The study demonstrates how media use disease to define social boundaries and further help to reinforce social norms and maintain social orders