33 research outputs found


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    本研究主要目的除探討記述稗草皺縮矮化病毒(ERSV)引起之病徵、寄主範圍、傳播 特性外,並就其與水稻皺縮矮化病毒(RRSV)生體外之性質、血清類緣關係、核酸、 蛋白質以及病毒形態等特性加以分析比較,期以闡明兩種病毒之異同。 稗草皺縮矮化病主要病徵為植株矮化,分檗增加,葉色濃綠,葉片皺縮不平且於葉綠 形成鋸齒狀缺刻,並於罹病莖、葉之葉脈形成葉脈腫大現象。以帶毒媒介昆蟲接種2 1種禾本科植物結果,計有水稻、小米、小麥、黑麥草、龍爪稷、白茅、野稗及玉米 等出現病徵。 稗草皺縮矮化病毒由擬白背飛蝨(Sogatella longifurcifera)以持續方式傳播。成 、若蟲均能自罹病植物獲毒,約經9∼10日潛伏期即可傳病,不同蟲群平均傳病蟲 率22.7%。帶毒蟲最短獲毒及接種吸食時間分別為2小時及30分鐘。擬白背飛 蝨最適獲毒及傳病溫度為25℃。罹病植物對媒介蟲之傳病能力有顯著的影響,當媒 介蟲取食發病後30日(23.3%)及60日(20%)之病株,其傳病蟲率較取 食發病後10日(14.9%)及140日(9.6%)之病株為高。當取食同一病 株之葉片(23.7%)或莖部(19.6%)時,傳病蟲率較取食根部者(5.5 %)高。本病毒不能經卵傳播,亦不能經由其他七種棲息於雜草或水稻之飛蝨、浮塵 子類傳播。利用機械傳播方法不能傳播本病毒。利用玻璃毛細管將罹病粗汁液注射於 稗草幼苗之葉脈,約有5%供試苗表現病徵。以注射方法將罹病株汁液注射於擬白背 飛蝨,約有32∼57%供試蟲能獲毒及傳病。讓媒介蟲經由拉張之parafilm及食罹 病汁液,約有7.4%供試蟲能帶毒及傳病。 ERSV及RRSV之生體外性質方面,兩種病毒之熱不活化溫度均在70∼80℃間,稀釋 終點均為10∼10,帶毒擬白背飛蝨之稀釋終點為10∼10。 在4℃時,ERSV及RRSV之耐保存日數分別為9及10日以上。兩種病毒經由三次凍結 及融解均不減低其感染力。以不同緩衝液萃取ERSV,並將汁液注射媒介蟲後之傳病率 順序為0.1M 醋銨酸,︿0.1M 磷酸緩衝液,︿0.1M 檸檬酸緩衝液,︿0. 1M 硼酸液,︿0.1M Tris緩衝液。RRSV於pH6-8 間病毒均極安定。以四氯化碳或 DaiflonS3 處理ERSV病毒時感染力分別為31∼45%;當以氯仿或正丁醇+氯仿( 1:1)處理粗汁液時,病毒感染力顯著降低。證明ERSV與Fijivirus 亞群之病毒並 無血清類緣關係;但ERSV與RRSV間則具有血清類緣關係。 以 %Polyacrylamide凝膠泳動時,ERSV可分析到10條(3.0v /cm,30-4 6小時)或 條基因段(2.5v /cm,40-50小時);而RRSV均為10條。以 WTV dsRNA 為標誌來同時泳動時,估算ERSV及RRSV之核酸分子量分別為17.89× 10(10條基因條)及18.15×10daltons。 ERSV及RRSV蛋白鞘之電泳分析兩種病毒分析到10種鞘蛋白構造單位。RRSV罹病植物 組織經固定,陰染後可在電顯微鏡下觀察到直徑55∼60nm之病毒粒子,偶亦可觀 察到直徑約76nm之大型粒子,具A 突起。純化樣品陰染後,部份粒子可觀察到B 突 起。無突起中核直徑約40∼45nm。罹病植物葉片超薄切片可觀察到大量病毒粒子 分佈於韌皮細胞內之viroplasm 或散生於細胞質中或分佈於葉肉細胞內之細胞質並排 邛圍繞於葉緣體之周圍。帶毒媒介昆蟲擬白背飛蝨之組織器官超薄切片後可觀察到直 徑50∼75nm之病毒粒子,偶亦可觀察到直徑40∼45nm之未成熟粒子。病毒粒 子分佈於帶毒蟲之腦、複眼、胃盲囊、馬氏管或脂肪體等組織器官內。 以RRSV罹病葉片做成陰染標本,於電子顯微鏡下觀時,可發現直徑50∼66nm之病 毒粒子。純化樣品陰染時,可觀察到直徑50∼55nm之無突起中核或病毒亞粒子, 偶亦可觀察到B 突起中核。 綜合本研究結果ERVS與RRSV之媒介昆蟲種類、寄主範圍、病毒粒子構造、病毒核酸基 因段及蛋白鞘構造單位之排列位置均不相同,故二者為兩種不同之病毒。RRSV之部份 性質如病毒粒子具雙層蛋白鞘與第二亞群之病毒相似;而部份性質如核酸基因段大小 、排列位置及血清關係則於第三亞群相近似,故ERSV之分類地位仍有待商榷


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    In order to control the contamination of the production in plant tissue culture, all tools used in transfer process need to be sterilized by the sterilizer. The thoroughly sterilization can isolate the path of microbial contamination. In this study為控制組織培養苗生產流程之污染問題,組培工具需要有適用之殺菌工具進行徹 底殺菌以隔離移殖過程的污染來源。此研究測定兩種電熱式遠紅外線殺菌器的滅菌能力。利 用內部溫度測定配合滅菌動力學的推衍,用以建立滅菌指標以評估各種加熱溫度狀態下之滅 菌能力。試驗結果顯示採用溫度上下限設定進行電源供應控制可以維持殺菌器內部高溫狀態 以具有殺菌能力。並可顯著節省能源


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    攝氏廿五∼三○度間為尾浮塵子傳播黃葉病之最適宜溫度,傳病蟲率因吸毒時間、吸 食品種、季節等不同而有差異,黃葉病病原毒素對點尾浮塵子之生育有明顯地不良影 響,帶毒成蟲之壽命有顯著的縮短現象,產卵數亦較減少,媒介昆蟲之傳病能力可能 受雌體個體遺傳之支配,在田間黃葉病病原主要經由媒介昆蟲體越冬,田間殘留之再 生稻株亦可能為病原越冬途徑之一。李氏示,大黍等二種雜草經試驗證明為黃葉病病 毒素之寄主植物,田間迥年間帶毒不因季節而中斷,其中以三、四月及七∼十月傳病 蟲率最高,分別為三∼十二%及四∼廿六%,十二月以後帶毒蟲率下降至二月份為全 年之最低點亦即黃葉病週年傳播圈之最弱點,第二期作水稻主要感染黃葉病之時共秧 苗期(約佔全期作總罹病率之七○%)故第二期作播種前至秧苗期似為防治黑尾捊塵 子以減少黃葉病發生之最適當時機

    Survey and Identification of Seeds of Flower and Vegetable Crops Infected by Cucumber mosaic Virus, and Gene Cloning and Developing Molecular Detection Techniques of Lisianthus, Carnation and Calla Lily-Infecting Viruses

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    洋桔梗、康乃馨及彩色海芋為台灣及世界性具經濟重要性的重要花卉作物,已知有多種病毒會感染洋桔梗、康乃馨及彩色海芋並構成嚴重的經濟損失,過去台灣僅有少數零星的有關於球形病毒感染此等花卉作物的正式報告,加以進入WTO之後,國際種苗的交換及交易更加頻繁,為避免造成嚴重經濟損失,搜集、研發並建立快速及準確的病毒檢測工具為當務之急,本研究之目的為: (1) 建立國內外重要洋桔梗、康乃馨及彩色海芋球形病毒病害發生種類、特性、生態及檢測技術之基本資訊; (2) 建立廣泛性及專一性檢測感染洋桔梗、康乃馨及彩色海芋球形病毒的分子檢測技術; (3) 利用所建立的分子檢測技術調查台灣洋桔梗、康乃馨及彩色海芋之球形病毒的種類.此外我們亦將進行胡瓜嵌紋病毒感染花卉及蔬菜種子之檢測調查與病毒品系之分類,以建立健康種苗檢查、檢防疫之參考.Lisianthus, carnation and calla lily are economically important flower crops both in Taiwan and worldwide. They are affected by a large number of diseases of viral etiology that can cause substantial economic losses. Since there are not many reports regarding the isometric viruses infecting lisianthus, carnation and calla lily in Taiwan, developing approaches for the detection of viruses infecting these important flower crops become very important. The main objectives of this proposal are (1) to collect and establish basic information on the occurrence of viral diseases of lisianthus, carnation and calla lily; (2) to develop broad-spectrum and specific tools for diagnosis of isometric viruses infecting lisianthus, carnation and calla lily; and (3) to examine the possible existence of isometric viruses infecting lisianthus, carnation and calla lily in Taiwan. In addition, we will survey and identify seeds of flower and vegetable crops infected by (Cucumber mosaic virus)and to establish a standard operating procedure for detecting seeds-infecting viruses. Through these efforts, we will be able to provide easy and reliable tools for detection and diagnosis of isometric viruses infecting lisianthus, carnation and calla lily in Taiwan and worldwide

    [[alternative]]The Effects of The Repeated Bout Effect on Muscle Damage

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    [[abstract]]BACKGROUND: Previous studies have shown that repeating the same bouts of 30 maximal voluntary eccentric contractions at 1 to 6 days or 3 and 6 days after the first maximal eccentric exercise (ECC1) did not cause further muscle damage. This is referred to as the “repeated bout effect”. However, the amount of total work done during each of the subsequent bouts could only reach about 57%-76% of that done during the ECC1. It may be possible that the repeated bout of 30 maximal eccentric contractions was not stressful enough to produce further damage. What if one were to do the subsequent bout of intensive eccentric exercise, at what intensity would this second bout produce no further muscle damage or retard the recovery process? PURPOSE: This study examined the effects of the repeated bout effect after second bout of intensive eccentric exercise (80%, 90%, and 100% of the pre-ECC1 MVC level) on the indicators of muscle damage. METHODS: Fifty-one college-age males and females were randomly assigned into 100% maximal isometric voluntary contraction strength (MVC)(E100; n =12), 90% MVC (E90; n =13), 80% MVC (E80; n =14), and control (CON; n = 12) groups. The initial exercise was 30 maximal eccentric contraction (ECC1) on non-dominant elbow flexors using a dumbbell that was set at 100% of the pre-ECC1 MVC level. Three days after ECC1, the E80, E90, and E100 groups repeated this same exercise of 30 repetitions, but using a dumbbell that was set at 80%, 90%, and 100%, respectively, of the pre-ECC1 MVC level. This second bout was hereafter referred to as ECC2. Upper arm circumference (CIR), range of motion (ROM), MVC, serum creatine kinase (CK) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activities were measured before, immediately after, and every 24 hours or 9 consecutive days after ECC1. In the E80, E90, and E100 groups, CIR, ROM, MVC, CK, and LDH were also tested immediately after ECC2. Muscle soreness was assessed before and for 9 consecutive days after ECC1. Ultrasound imagines were taken from the upper arm immediately before ECC1, and at 2, 4, and 9 days after ECC1 for all groups. RESULTS: There were significant changes (p < 0.05) in all criterion measures following ECC1 for all groups. Moreover, the E80 to E100 subjects who repeated the second bout of eccentric contraction training at varying intensities 3 days after ECC1, no further muscle damage was observed when the indirect indicators of muscle damage were used. However, the ultrasound imagine showed a significant increased (p < 0.05) in muscle damaged area after ECC2 for the E100 group when compared to the E80, E90, and CON groups. CONCLUSION: 1.When the indirect indicators of muscle damage (e.g. MVC, ROM, CIR, soreness, CK, LDH) were used for the evaluation of eccentric-training effect after repeating a second bout of eccentric exercise on the damaged muscle, at the intensity of 80~100% pre-ECC1 MVC level, no signs of deterioration or retardation in the recovery process were observed. 2.However, when ultrasound images were used for the evaluation of eccentric-training at 100% of pre-ECC1 MVC level, the damage was much more evident. This suggest that the upper limit of repeated bout effect is approximately at 90% of pre-ECC1 MVC. 3.The results of this study may provide new information and serve as a practical reference to strength training for coaches, athletes and the general public during muscle damage and muscle soreness. KEY WORDS: eccentric contraction training, repeated bout effect, ultrasound imagines, muscle damage.


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    [[abstract]]不論是運動選手或一般大眾從事運動時,所引起之延遲性肌肉酸痛( DOMS)現象,是一 個很普遍且又不會感到陌生的經驗。當肌纖維發 生DOMS時,是否可以再繼續從事高強度的劇烈運動呢? 或是應等到 DOMS 的情況完全復原才可以再作運動呢? 此一問題亦是大家所關心的問題。所 以本研究的目的在於探討從事反覆最大自主等速離心收縮運動,對已受到 損傷且還未完全恢復之肌纖維的影響。受試者為24名大學健康男性學生, 平均年齡為22.9±2.3歲,身高173.6±6.9公分,體重68.2±5.1公斤。本 研究是以隨機分派的方式將受試者分成反覆離心運動組和控制組,每組各 十二名。所有受試者一開始須從事一回合共30次最大自主等速離心收縮 (是以Cybex 6000機器,將轉速設定在60度/秒之情形下),來誘發其非慣 用手的肱二頭肌產生DOMS之狀態。其中反覆離心運動組在第一回合運動後 的第三和第六天時,各再作一回合的最大自主等速離心運動。本研究的依 變項為肘關節活動範圍、肌肉酸痛指數、最大屈肘等長肌力、CK 和 GOT 活性值。所有受試者在第一回合運動前及 運動後第 1-9 天之間,每天 各接受一次肌肉酸痛指數測量及一次抽血(共十次);在第一回合運動前及 運動後的第0、1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9 天時,各接受一次肘關節活 動範圍及最大屈肘等長肌力的測驗(實驗組之所有依變項均統一在每回合 的運動前測量)。 結果:發現不同兩組在所有DOMS的評估指標中,皆僅在 時間方面有達到顯著水準(P<.05)而已;換言之,反覆離心運動組在從事第 一回合離心運動後的第三和第六天時,再繼續各作一回合高強度的離心收 縮運動後,發現並沒有進一步加重肌纖維受到損傷或阻礙肌肉損傷之恢復 的情形,所以當肌纖維因從事離心運動進而引起DOMS的情形時,可能不須 等到DOMS完全恢復,即可再繼續從事高強度的運動。 結論:因從事運動所 引起之DOMS,在肌肉酸痛情況、關節活動範圍、肌肉力量、血液中之 CK 和 GOT 活性還未恢復之前,再繼續從事高強度之離心運動,可能不會進 一步加重肌纖維之損傷情形,所以在此一情況下,可能可以繼續從事運動 或訓練,而不會產生額外的肌肉損傷。 Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is commonly caused by unaccustomedor novel exercise in both recreational and elite athletes. Should one make the muscle do strenuous exercise when it has already produced DOMS ? Thisis a question that everybody cares about needs to know the answer. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether performing repeated boutsof isokinetic voluntary eccentric exercise when muscles had not recovered from previous exercise would have a positive influence on DOMS recovery. Agroup of of 24 male university students (22.9±2.3 yrs,173.6±6.9 cm,68.2±5.1 kg) were placed in one of two groups. The control group (n=12) and ex-ercise group (n=12) performed three sets of 10 maximal isokinetic voluntary eccentric actions (ECC1) of the non-dominant forearm flexors. A Cybex 6000that was set at a speed of 60 Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is commonly caused by


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