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    [[abstract]]過去三十年間由於對健康與預防醫學的普遍推廣,參與體適能(fitness)與全人健康計畫的人 口也逐漸增加,自1970 年代初期的體適能熱潮至今,身體活動與全人健康計畫已經蔚為一種風 潮(Werner & Sharon, 2003/2004)。體適能的演進過程可由運動項目之變化來了解,從80 年代流 行的有氧舞蹈(aerobics dancing),至90 年代的階梯有氧、水中有氧、拳擊有氧與機械訓練等, 都代表著體適能多樣化類型的轉變。近年來,墊上核心訓練(mat science)的健身方式更帶動了健 身俱樂部一股新的流行旋風,其健身方式結合瑜伽(yoga)與皮拉提斯(Pilates)的靜態課程,以調 節呼吸,達成身心保健為目的。邱俊傑(2004)指出有好的核心可幫助改善身體中心線與姿勢 的調整,並提升專項運動能力的穩定度,而墊上核心訓練即兼備核心訓練與柔軟度的提升,是 為國際體適能界未來的新趨勢。 反觀現今國內的運動教學指導,學員的程度不一,若指導者無法提供給學員適合的訓練模 式與變化性,往往會讓學員因無法達成運動效果,而喪失了參與動機(黃永任,2006)。基此, 本文針對墊上核心訓練與體適能訓練的課程原則與內容,做兩者間的相關性探討,增加訓練的 選擇變化,希冀能作為體育教師與運動教練在指導實務上之參考


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    隨著近年來電信自由化全球化及標準化之潮流,各國爭相構建完善的電信基礎建設,而電信基礎建設係最早由電話線路之鋪設,其後由於電腦的發明,以電話線傳輸數位化資料,構成了網際網路的興起,架設起傳輸語音、數據及多媒體的完整電信建設網路,而一國經濟發展的過程中,電信基礎建設扮演的角色為何是本文探討的重心。在理論的文獻方面,一般咸認知基礎建設對經濟成長的重要性。至於電信基礎建設和經濟發展的實證文獻則早於1960年代即展開,然而,實證文獻就跨國分析的研究年代已較為久遠,而且電信基礎建設於十多年來新興科技(如網際網路等)出現後扮演何種角色則未有人重行評估;此外,雖然Cronin et al. (1991, 1993)曾研究電信建設和電信投資對生產力和GNP的因果分析,惟其均以美國為研究對象,而亞洲國家的情形如何卻鮮少人分析;再者,電信建設相對於其他基礎建設如能源、道路及教育,對亞洲國家經濟發展的重要性,雖為眾所關心之議題,文獻卻付之闕如,因此本文將以台灣、日本、韓國、新加坡、香港及中國大陸為主要的研究對象。電信網路架構大致分為骨幹網路、區幹網路及接取網路三部份,本文將以電話用戶的固定電話線路(接取網路)代表電信基礎建設之發展情形,以每人GDP代表經濟發展,分為兩個實證模型:Granger causality因果分析及結合跨區的時間序列迴歸分析。在Granger causality因果分析上,針對日本、亞洲四小龍及中國大陸等六個區域研究電信建設帶動經濟發展或是經濟發展帶動電信建設,結果發現由於電信建設本身的特性、國家對電信政策推動的態度、各國發展的程度、經濟的結構及自由化的進程不同,以致於此六個區域獲致不同的結論;而在將各區域的時間序列資料整合的結果上,不論從每人或整體取得的電信資源去分析,均和經濟發展有顯著的關係,且利用落後一期的資料證明跨區的電信建設可帶動經濟發展。Telecommunication infrastructure has been an important public construction since the telephone was invented in 1874. Every country now is constructing telecommunication network with expedition especially after the popularization of the Internet. Therefore, we would like to discuss the role of telecommunication infrastructure in the process of a country's economic development.In general, it is proved theoretically that public capital accumulation such as infrastructure can contribute to a country's economic growth. As to telecommunication infrastructure, an empirical paper was first presented in 1960s. Although there were some cross-nation empirical papers afterwards, few were discussed after the Internet began to popularize. In addition, for those empirical models introduced recently, they limit the focus on the western countries. Hence, we study the relationship between telecommunication infrastructure and economic development specifically in these Asian regions: Japan, the four Asian Dragons, and the Mainland China.We use fixed telephone lines and GDP per capita to stand for telecommunication infrastructure and economic development, respectively. And two empirical models are adopted: the Granger causality test and the pooling cross-section and time series data. In the former model, we study a two-way causal relationship between telecommunication infrastructure and economic development in each region(Japan, the four Asian Dragons, and the Mainland China). And we find the conclusion is inconclusive: in some regions, telecommunication infrastructure at any point in time is a reliable predictor (cause) of economic development at a later point in time; while in other regions, economic development at any point in time is a reliable predictor (cause) of telecommunication infrastructure at a later point in time. In the latter model, we use fixed telephone lines, energy consumption, road density and central government education expenditure to stand for different kinds of infrastructures. After pooling the cross- ectional and time series data (Japan and the four Asian Dragons, 1987 to 1998), we find that in all the cases, telecommunication infrastructure has positive influence on economic development. Even in the one lag interval case, telecommunication infrastructure can still make contribution to economic development, which is consistent with the former Granger Causality model in some regions


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    植物專利新法對於種苗產業的衝擊 -- 試論植物育種家權利範圍及其限制。

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    [[alternative]]The relationship of American fast-food industry, lifestyle with dietary habit and obesity

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    碩士[[abstract]]1960年以後,美國速食產業改變了美國人的生活型態和飲食習慣;同時肥胖危機卻也圍繞著美國人的生活。近十年來,學者專家和美國社會開始對速食是否造成美國人普遍肥胖產生爭議。速食產業因應汽車量產和加工食品產業的相得益彰,改變美國的飲食習慣。速食飲食減少備餐時間且便宜廣為忙碌的現代美國人所喜愛。速食產業得以規模化經濟除了量產和媒體行銷外,也在學校教育下功夫並且影響政府施政。雖然速食產業幫助美國各公私立學校教育活動,但是營養午餐速食化卻也影響學生飲食習慣的養成。當速食產業推出「超大尺碼」行銷策略讓美國人增加了飲食份量,卻也逐漸延伸到和身體有關的尺寸如衣服、鞋子、家具等等。最重要的,肥胖不再只是基因問題更是與環境息息相關的問題。本論文除了探討速食產業的崛起和對美國生活飲食習慣的影響外,並檢視美國人肥胖的情形和肥胖所延伸的疾病。最後針對速食造成的肥胖爭議作研究討論,期許國內外都能正視國人健康攸關一個的國家的競爭力,唯有健康概念的建立才能在速食產業和消費者間追求雙贏。[[abstract]]During 1960-1970, American fast-food industry comes out and influences American lifestyle and dietary habit; meanwhile, obese crisis occurs on their surrounding. Recent decade, experts and people in America think about this controversial issue of obesity and fast food related. Automobile industry and food-processing industry provide a well-endowed environment for new fast-food industry. Fast food regarded as the prepared food shortens the time of meal preparing and is so popular in the United States. Thanks for technology, large scale economy development of fast food industry is resulted from media marketing and mass production. Besides, fast-food industry sponsors school education programs, and impacts decision making of government with lobbying. Although fast-food industry offers financial donations for private and public schools in the United States, it influences more children dietary habit by lunch contracting and vending machine. “Supersize” is a well-known marketing strategy in fast-food restaurants that you buy more and save more. Thus, American people get used to eating a large portion. The supersize of body extends from their clothes, shoes, furniture to everywhere. Most importantly, obesity is not only caused by genetic determinism but worked out according to social surrounding. After discussing the history of fast-food industry, American lifestyle and dietary habit, we are going to realize the correlation between obesity and disease and looking over the circumstance of American weights (Their Body Mass Index). The thesis also mentions that who should take responsibility for American obesity. Finally, the thesis is looking forward seeing people in any countries have good health condition and then pursuing win-win situation for consumers and producers.[[tableofcontents]]目 次 圖 次 IV 表 次 VI 第一章 緒論 - 1 - 第一節 前言 - 1 - 第二節 研究動機 - 2 - 第三節 研究目的與問題 - 3 - 第四節 研究方法與限制 - 4 - 第五節 研究流程 - 5 - 第六節 章節安排 - 6 - 第二章 文獻探討 - 7 - 第一節 速食產業的崛起與興盛 - 7 - 第二節 速食文化與美國飲食文化的相關探討 - 10 - 第三節 肥胖之地-美國人如何變成世界最胖的人 - 12 - 第四節 種族、貧窮、疾病與肥胖的關係 - 20 - 第三章 美國速食產業的發展 - 24 - 第一節 速食的定義 - 24 - 第二節 速食產業的發展概況 - 27 - 第三節 速食的成功之道-以麥當勞為例 - 31 - 第四節 美國人吃了什麼樣的速食? - 34 - 第四章 60年代後美國與速食 - 43 - 第一節 家庭結構與生活轉型 - 43 - 第二節 速食消費與媒體傳播 - 50 - 第三節 美國人的超大尺碼 - 55 - 第四節 兒童飲食習慣的養成 - 60 - 第五節 學校與速食 - 64 - 第五章 速食引發肥胖的探究與爭議 - 69 - 第一節 肥胖的定義與美國人肥胖情形 - 69 - 第二節 家庭收入、種族與肥胖的關係及其速食消費 -74 - 第三節 肥胖與疾病 - 83 - 第四節 肥胖的責任歸咎 - 86 - 第六章 結論 - 92 - 參考文獻 - 97 - 中文部分 - 97 - 英文部分 - 97 - 網路部分 - 104 - 圖 次 圖1‧ 研究流程圖..................................... - 5 - 圖2‧ 紐約人對牛舌與波菜、漢堡的偏好投票〈1925〉..... - 11 - 圖3‧ 美國各區1991-2000 肥胖比例情況................ - 17 - 圖4‧ 美國兒童肥胖折線圖............................ - 19 - 圖5‧ 美國青少年肥胖折線圖.......................... - 19 - 圖6‧ 美國人在飲食與建身上的消費趨勢................. - 20 - 圖7‧ 美國大學生肥胖程度............................ - 22 - 圖8‧ 美國大學飲食攝取表............................ - 22 - 圖9‧1940 年到1975 年美國境內速食店經銷權狀況........ - 26 - 圖10‧1940 年到1975 年美國境內各食品與服務經銷權狀況. - 26 - 圖11‧ 美國1994-1996 馬鈴薯消耗情形................. - 36 - 圖12‧1977 年至1995 年美國人外食情況................. - 46 - 圖13‧1999 年食品公司廣告費用........................ - 53 - 圖14‧USDA 調查美國人70 年代與90 年代飲料消耗變化.... - 54 - 圖15‧麥當勞薯條份量................................ - 57 - 圖16‧兒童肥胖生態學模型............................ - 63 - 圖 17‧1976-2002 年美國成年人(20-74 歲)肥胖情形....... - 70 - 圖18‧已開發國家肥胖(BMI 超過30)排名................ - 70 - 圖19‧1991-2000 年 美國各州BMI 體重標準、過重以及肥胖報告- 75 - 圖20‧2006 年美國人體重與種族、性別、教育程度和收入的情形- 81 - 圖21‧2006 年美國速食大城排名........................ - 82 - 圖22‧1993-2006 年美國人消費變化(以飲食與健身消費為主)- 90 - 圖23‧速食產業、飲食習慣與肥胖問題之關係............ - 92 - 表 次 表 1‧MONSTER THICKBURGER 的營養表....................... - 13 - 表2‧以BMI 指數超過30 為基準,全美國各州成人病態型肥胖的比例- 15 - 表3‧美國速食產業簡表............................... - 29 - 表4‧麥當勞餐點中含有HFCS ........................... - 38 - 表5‧2000 年美國連鎖餐飲業分類排名中前兩名........... - 50 - 表6‧美國食品品牌與其產品名稱....................... - 56 - 表7‧1996 年兒童零用錢購買報告....................... - 62 - 表8‧1990 年初期參與CHANNEL ONE 廣告贊助的食品公司.... - 65 - 表9‧GIBSON CITY-MELVIN-SIBLEY UNIT#5 HIGH SCHOOL 2004 年10 月份營養午餐... - 67 - 表10‧2006 年 美國各州BMI 體重標準、過重以及肥胖報告. - 71 - 表11‧2006 年美國東南區與西南區各州人口種族結構...... - 75 - 表12‧2006 年美國新英格蘭區各州人口種族結構.......... - 77 - 表13‧美國所得州排名暨肥胖程度對照.................. - 79 - 表14‧2006 年 圖21 州肥胖比例表...................... - 82[[note]]學號: 695250109, 學年度: 9

    Distributions and Characteristics of Ambient Fungal Spores and Their Effects on Asthma Attack

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    研究背景和目的:世界上許多國家,包括台灣在內,哮喘的盛行率還在不斷增加。真菌過敏對於嚴重的哮喘發生是一個重要的危險因素,同時在哮喘的季節性變化趨勢也占有很重要的角色。相較於真菌界的豐富多樣性,目前對黴菌過敏的了解是非常有限的。真菌提取物標準品的品質不一致,造成目前臨床上在皮膚和特異性免疫球蛋白E測試的障礙,造成了臨床上對於真菌過敏的嚴重低估。真菌孢子的量測是目前最常用於流行病學研究中的方法。本研究擬達成之研究目的為調查大氣中真菌孢子濃度變化及季節分佈之特性,探討其與環境因子及哮喘急診及住院入院率之相關性變化趨勢。 方法:本研究從2013年4月至2013年12月在台北市古亭國小的環保署空氣污染測站旁,進行真菌孢子採樣。利用Burkard七天連續性孢子採樣器,長期監測大氣中真菌孢子濃度,以瞭解其成分和濃度之分佈特性,並評估可能的健康危害。採樣所得的樣本,利用10% Mowiol固定於玻片並使用Glycerin-jelly染色後,以800倍率的光學顯微鏡進行真菌孢子鑑定。鑑定方法採用縱軸鑑定,計算所得的孢子數利用公式換算成每日的平均孢子濃度(孢子數/立方公尺)。其後與中央氣象局台北測站的氣象資料、環保署古亭測站的空污資料及台大醫院的哮喘急診率,進行統計分析。利用描述性統計呈現真菌孢子濃度的分佈、組成及季節變化。利用主成分分析將真菌種類歸類成三個族群,並與氣象因子及空氣污染物進行相關性分析。利用簡單線性迴歸分析,將與真菌濃度有顯著相關的大氣因子及空氣污染物,納入複迴歸分析模式中,以評估真菌孢子濃度與環境因子之間的相關性。利用時間配對病例交叉研究設計,以條件式邏輯斯迴歸模式,探討氣喘急診就診率及大氣中真菌孢子濃度之相關性。 結果:此研究總共完成分析275個真菌孢子樣本。統計結果顯示,出現頻率超過70%的真菌孢子種類為ascospores, basidiospores, Aspergillus/Penicillium, Cladosporium, smuts, Periconia, Fusarium及Arthrinium。而許多真菌孢子大致上呈現季節變化的趨勢。藉由複迴歸分析,發現大部分的真菌孢子濃度變化與溫度呈正相關,與平均風速呈負相關。平均每日因為氣喘而至台大醫院急診的病患為1.8人次。利用條件式邏輯斯迴歸模式並校正相關危險因子,5歲至15歲的孩童其因哮喘發作急診就診率與ascospores有顯著的正相關 (危險比為1.45,95%信賴區間為1.15至4.57,每一四分位差增加1223 孢子數/立方公尺)。 結論:台北地區最占優勢之真菌孢子總類為Ascospores, Basidiospores, Aspergillus/Penicillium和Cladosporium。氣象因子與空氣污染物會影響大氣中真菌孢子的濃度。大氣中,高濃度的真菌孢子環境可能與小孩的氣喘急診率有關。Background and Objective:The prevalence of asthma is increasing in many countries worldwide, including Taiwan. Fungal sensitization is an important risk factor for severe asthma, and also plays an important role in asthma seasonality. Comparing to the enor-mous diversity of the Fungal Kingdom, current knowledge on fungal allergy is very limited. Inadequate standardization of fungal extract used in skin and specific immuno-globulin E test further hamper the clinical awareness of fungal sensitization and lead to a severe underestimation of the prevalence of mold allergy. Fungal spores are the most common component being evaluated in epidemiological study. The study aimed to in-vestigate distributions and characteristics of ambient fungal spores, the relationships between ambient fungal levels and environmental factors and the correlation of temporal trends between fungal spore concentrations and emergency room visits for asthma. Method:We have completed documenting ambient fungal spores from April to De-cember 2013 on the roof of Gutting Elementary School near an EPA air pollution moni-toring station. By using the Burkard seven-day volumetric spore trap to monitor the lev-els of ambient fungal spores, we investigated characteristics of ambient fungal spores and the health effects to human. Melinex tape was mounted on microscope slide with 10% Mowiol and stained with glycerin jelly. Samples were identified under microscope at a 800x magnification using the longitudinal traverse method to obtain average daily concentrations (spores m-3). Complete daily meteorological data were retrieved from Central Weather Bureau-Taipei station. Daily air pollutants were retrieved from Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration monitoring station-Gutting station. Emergency room visits for asthma were retrieved from National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH). We used descriptive statistics to present composition, distributions and tem-poral variation of ambient fungi. Fungal categories were grouped into three groups by principal component analysis. After using simple linear regression to get the variables significantly associated with fungal concentrations, put them into multiple regression to examine the relationships between ambient fungal spores and environmental factors. A time-stratified approach for the case-crossover technique and a conditional logistic re-gression were used to evaluate the associations between asthma-related emergency room visits and the levels of airborne fungal spores. Result:A total of 275 samples was examined in this study. The most prevalent fungi were ascospores, basidiospores, Aspergillus/Penicillium, Cladosporium, smuts, Periconia, Fusarium and Arthrinium, which were present in more than 70% of the samples. In general, many fungal spores showed seasonal patterns during the study period. By multiple regression analysis, we found that most of fungal species were significantly positively associated with temperature and negatively associated with wind speed. Daily emergency room visits for asthma attack in National Taiwan University Hospital were 1.8 cases/day. After adjusting some confounders, asthma-related emergency visits in children aged from 5 to 15 years old were positively related to ascospores by conditional logistic regression (OR = 1.45; 95% CI = 1.15 to 4.57, for per IQR increment of 1223 spores/m3). Conclusion:The most prevalent fungal spores in Taipei were ascospores, basidiospores, Aspergillus/Penicillium, Cladosporium. Meteorological factors and air pollutants ap-peared to affect ambient levels of fungal spores. High ambient levels of fungal spores might be related to emergency room visits due to asthma in children.口試委員會審定書 i 誌謝 ii 中文摘要 iii Abstract v Table of contents viii List of Tables x List of Figures xi Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Objectives 2 Chapter 2 Literature Review 3 2.1 Ambient fungal spores 3 2.2 Ambient fungal spores and meteorological parameters/air pollutants 3 2.3 Ambient fungal spores and asthma attack 4 Chapter 3 Materials and Methods 6 3.1 Study design 6 3.2 Ambient fungal spores 6 3.3 Air pollutant and meteorological data 8 3.4 Health data 9 3.5 Statistic analysis 9 Chapter 4 Results 11 4.1 Distributions and temporal trends of ambient fungal spores 11 4.2 Determinants of ambient fungal spores 12 4.3 Effects of ambient fungal spores on asthma attacks 14 Chapter 5 Discussion 16 5.1 Distributions and temporal trends of ambient fungal spores 16 5.2 Determinants of ambient fungal spores 18 5.3 Effects of ambient fungal spores on asthma attacks 19 5.4 Advantages and limitations 20 Chapter 6 Conclusion 22 Reference 23 Appendix 4

    The Dawn of Tea Culture in Taiwan before 1895: Tea as an“Industry”

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    The first record of Taiwanese indigenous tea tree is from 1645, during the Dutch Formosa period. However, it is not until the era of Qing rule (1683-1895) that we see in archives for the first time records of Taiwanese tea being consumed, initially “for medicinal purposes”. Otherwise, from the Dutch Formosa period to the era of Kingdom of Tungning (1661-1683), no record is found of indigenous tea consumed for non-medical purposes, or about the cultivation of introduced varieties of tea. Beginning with the second half of the Qing period we start to see bigger changes to the development of Taiwanese tea. With increasing immigration from Mainland China begins the cultivation of introduced varieties of tea. Furthermore, the exploitative actions taken by Western trading companies brought attention to the potential of tea as cash crop. As a result, the government took measures to increase the economic value of tea, and the tea trade became big business in Taiwan. As pilot work for a bigger research project to clarify the transition process of Taiwanese tea from “industry” to “culture”, this paper aims to, firstly, trace the history of Mainland Chinese tea being transplanted and introduced to Taiwan, and secondly, to examine the process by which “Formosa Tea” gradually became an important export. This paper mainly uses policy documents from 1645 to 1895 to examine Taiwanese tea as an industry.査読研究論文Refereed Paper

    Application of opto-piezoelectric material in valveless micropump

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    本論文嘗試以光學場調制力學場能力的複合材料作為致動器,應用在壓電式無閥門微幫浦(Valveless micropump)上,目的為以使用光學場調控力學場的方式,達到改變空間中的動態流率(Dynamic flow rate)。該複合材料是透過感光導電材料TiOPc (Titanyl Phthalocyanine)/copolymer薄膜以及蜂鳴片壓電材料PZT (Lead Zirconate Titanate)來製作。本文針對感光導電材料TiOPc薄膜做了詳細的電學阻抗分析實驗,以精密阻抗分析儀(Agilent 4294A)進行量測探討其照光前後阻抗之變化及電學特性。文中探討改變操作電壓、頻率及擴散器開口角度(2θ)的參數,比較光調控無閥式微幫浦照光前後之淨流量差異。 我們所製作出的無閥式微幫浦在驅動電壓為100V、頻率為600Hz,開口角度θ為10°時能產生的最大體積流率為95.33μL/min,在此條件下進行光調控無閥式微幫浦空間中動態流率及淨流量的探討。而光調控無閥式微幫浦在驅動電壓為100V、頻率為600Hz,開口角度θ為10°時照光前後產生的最大體積流率從6.09μL/min增加到19.62μL/min。在本研究中,我們發現可以透過不同照光區域,改變光調控無閥式微幫浦在空間中的動態流率,輔以其他規劃中的研究,或可運用前述光壓電材料的特性與其在類同於無閥門微幫浦的初步應用架構來抑制微幫浦的回流。In this work, we intended to change the dynamic flow rate of valveless micropump by developing a new smart composite material which is able to construct an actuator that can spatially modulated by optical means. The smart opto-piezo composite material is composed of photoconductive material TiOPc and piezoelectric material PZT. Spatial optical modulation in an opto-piezo composite mentioned above means modulating a force field of the actuator by changing the light field instead of changing the spatial distribution of the electrical field. To enhance the effect of modulating a force field by using the light field, the electrical impedance of TiOPc/copolymer thin film was measured by Agilent 4294A Precision Impedance Analyzer to investigate the impedance and electrical characteristics change before and after the external light illumination. We analyzed the relationship between the parameters of driving bias, frequency and diffuser angle so as to compare the flow rate difference of valveless micropump after illumination. According to the experimental results of flow rate of valveless micropump, the maximum flow rate was 95.33μL/min under the condition of driving bias 100V, frequency 600Hz and diffuser angle 10°. Furthermore, the maximum flow rate of optical-modulated valveless micropump increased from 6.09μL/min to 19.62μL/min, and the ability of spatial dynamic flow rate modulation was confirmed by illuminated different area of valveless micropump. Coupling these preliminary results with some future works, return flow typically associated with the valveless micropump can potentially be further reduced in the future.口試委員會審定書 # 致謝 i 中文摘要 ii ABSTRACT iii 目錄 iv 圖目錄 vii 表目錄 xii Chapter 1 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景及動機 1 1.2 文獻回顧 1 1.2.1 微幫浦之介紹 1 1.2.2 無動件閥之介紹 5 1.2.3 無閥式微幫浦工作原理 8 1.3 論文架構 9 Chapter 2 理論基礎 10 2.1 壓電簡介 10 2.1.1 壓電材料特性 10 2.1.2 壓電本構方程式 12 2.2 TiOPc有機感光材料 18 2.2.1 TiOPc感光導電特性 19 2.2.2 TiOPc薄膜電學阻抗量測原理及實驗架構 24 2.2.3 TiOPc等效電路分析 28 2.3 流量理論分析 30 2.3.1 流場統御方程式 34 2.3.2 無活動元件閥流場重要參數 34 2.3.3 流量有限元素模擬與分析 36 Chapter 3 光調控無閥門式微幫浦製作及實驗設備 40 3.1 無閥門式微幫浦之設計 40 3.1.1 噴嘴與擴散器之設計 40 3.1.2 壓電致動器之設計 42 3.2 微幫浦相關製程介紹 44 3.2.1 矽晶圓微流道模組製作 45 3.2.2 微流道之製作 51 3.2.3 微流道之封裝接合製程 52 3.3 實驗儀器與設備架設 55 3.3.1 壓電片振動位移量測實驗架設 58 3.3.2 無閥式微幫浦空間動態流率量測系統 61 3.3.3 無閥式微幫浦流率量測系統 62 Chapter 4 實驗結果與討論 65 4.1 壓電蜂鳴片塗佈TiOPc薄膜阻抗量測結果 65 4.1.1 TiOPc薄膜阻抗量測結果 71 4.2 壓電片振動量測結果 76 4.3 微幫浦空間動態流率量測結果 82 4.4 微幫浦淨流量量測結果 85 Chapter 5 結論與未來展望 93 5.1 結論 93 5.2 未來展望 94 REFERENCE 9