8 research outputs found


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    [[alternative]]The relations among weight-related teasing, social physique anxiety , and self-esteem in female college students

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    碩士[[abstract]]本研究旨在探討女大學生體型受嘲笑經驗、社會體型焦慮與自尊相關之研究,本研究以北臺灣(包括臺北、桃園、新竹與基隆)之691位女大學生為研究對象,研究工具包括基本背景資料表、體型受嘲笑經驗量表、社會體型焦慮量表與自尊量表,所得的資料則以描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森(Pearson)積差相關等統計方法進行研究,研究結果歸納如下: 一、最常嘲笑女大學生的人是同儕、次之是兄弟姊妹、再者是母親;而影響力大小排序則是同儕、重要他人、母親,嘲笑的頻率並非與影響力大小成正比。 二、75.1%的女大學生在體型認知差距上希望自己可以更瘦,表示女大學生對自身體型大多偏向不滿意。 三、女大學生的體型受嘲笑經驗不多。 四、女大學生的社會體型焦慮呈現中等偏高。 五、女大學生的自尊在中等偏上,表示其對自我看法較正向。 六、女大學生的體型受嘲笑經驗、社會體型焦慮與自尊的關係裡,除了自尊分量表中自我能力感分量表則沒有顯著相關,其他變項皆有顯著的關係。 七、女大學生的體型受嘲笑經驗高低組在社會體型焦慮與自尊兩者達顯著的差異。 根據此結果,本研究提出對未來研究、衛生教育與諮商的相關建議。[[abstract]]The purpose of this study was to investigate the relations among weight-related teasing, social physique anxiety, and self-esteem in female college student. This study selected 691 female colleges as subjects form north Taiwan(including Taibei、Taoyuan、Hsinchu and Jilong ). The instruments of this study include weight-related teasing scale, social physique anxiety scale, and self-esteem scale. The data were analyzed by frequency distribution, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation. The major findings were as follows: 1.People who teased female college students are schoolmates, brothers and sisters, and mother;female college students were influenced most by schoolmates, important persons and mother. 2.Female college students hoped they were thinner. They were mostly unsatisfied with their physique. 3.Weight-related teasing among female college students were below the average score. 4.Social physique anxiety among female college students were above the average score. 5.Self-esteem among female college students were above the average score, it was indicated that the female college students had positive attitude about themselves. 6.Weight-related teasing, social physique anxiety and self-esteem among the female college students, they were significant relationships except the self competence. 7.Comparing female college students who have more experiences in weight-related teasing to female college students who have last experiences in weight-related teasing among north Taiwan, they were significant difference of social physique anxiety and self-esteem. According to the research results, the study provided some suggestions for future research, health education, and counseling.[[tableofcontents]]目 錄 第一章 緒論……………………………………………………………………01 第一節 研究背景與動機…………………………………………………01 第二節 研究目的…………………………………………………………06 第三節 研究問題…………………………………………………………07 第四節 名詞解釋…………………………………………………………08 第五節 研究範圍與限制…………………………………………………11 第二章 文獻探討………………………………………………………………12 第一節 體型受嘲笑經驗、社會體型焦慮與自尊之概念與相關理論…12 第二節 體型受嘲笑經驗、社會體型焦慮與自尊之文獻探討…………24 第三節 體型受嘲笑經驗、社會體型焦慮與自尊的實證研究…………41 第四節 小結………………………………………………………………44 第三章 研究方法與設計………………………………………………………47 第一節 研究架構…………………………………………………………47 第二節 研究假設…………………………………………………………48 第三節 研究方法與工具…………………………………………………50 第四節 施測程序…………………………………………………………52 第五節 資料處理…………………………………………………………55 第四章 研究結果………………………………………………………………56 第一節 受試者背景資料分佈情形………………………………………56 第二節 受試者體型受嘲笑經驗、社會體型焦慮與自尊分佈情形……61 第三節 不同背景變項之受試者在體型受嘲笑經驗、社會體型焦慮 與自尊之差異分析………………………………………………66 第四節 女大學生體型受嘲笑經驗、社會體型焦慮與自尊之相關 分析………………………………………………………………72 第五節 體型受嘲笑經驗高低組在社會體型焦慮與自尊差異之 比較分析…………………………………………………………74 第六節 綜合討論…………………………………………………………76 第五章 結論與建議……………………………………………………………84 第一節 結論………………………………………………………………84 第二節 建議………………………………………………………………87 參考文獻…………………………………………………………………………91 中文…………………………………………………………………………91 英文…………………………………………………………………………96 附錄………………………………………………………………………………105 附錄一 原量表………………………………………………………………105 附錄二 修正後量表…………………………………………………………120[[note]]學號: 695690262, 學年度: 9

    A Study of Social Networks and Organizational Innovation in Taiwan Electronics Industry

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    This paper examines how the collaborative integration, structural holes and centrality in an intra-firm network can influence the firms' innovativeness. Using the patent data from TIPO in electronics industry between 2006 and 2009, we examine the effects of the degree of integration, structural holes, and degree centrality on innovation performance and the moderating effect of knowledge diversity. Our finding shows that the collaborative integration in the intra-firm network is conducive to innovation activity, and structural holes has a negative effect on innovation. In addition, an inventor with knowledge diversity rich in structural holes tends to bring fewer novel knowledge to firm, while the degree of integration increase innovation activities. However, the explanatory power of the centrality is weak and doesn't support our prediction. These findings suggest that social network structures do influence innovative outcomes.在本篇文章中,我們檢驗企業內發明家合作網絡的網絡整合程度、結構洞以及中心性的特性是如何用以預測企業未來的創新績效。我們採用經濟部智慧財產局提供的中華民國專利資訊檢索系統檢視電子產業 2006 年至 2009 年的專利權資料作為本研究之樣本,檢視網絡的整合程度、結構洞與連接中心性對組織創新績效的影響,並加入企業的知識多樣性作為調節變數。結果顯示企業內發明家網絡之網絡整合程度越高,有助於創新活動,而結構洞則是對創新有負向的影響。此外,發明家在知識多樣化程度大的情況時,結構洞會帶來較少的創新知識,而網絡整合程度則可增加企業的創新活動。然而中心性的解釋力很弱且不支持我們的預期。由本文的研究發現社會網絡結構會對發明家在發展創新的過程以及其創新結果產生影響。第一章緒論 ............................................. 1 第一節研究背景與動機 ................... 1 第二節研究目的與問題 ..................... 1 第三節研究貢獻 ............................... 2 第二章文獻探討 ....................................... 3 第一節合作網絡的相關文獻 ................................ 3 第二節網絡整合程度的定義與衡量方法 ................................................... 5 第三節結構洞的相關文獻 .......................... 8 第四節網絡中心性的相關文獻 ................................ 12 第五節知識多樣化的相關文獻 ............................... 17 第三章研究方法 ..................................20 第一節研究架構 ............................ 20 第二節假說發展 ............................. 20 第三節變數定義與衡量方法及實證模型 ................................................. 24 第四節資料來源及樣本選取 ............................ 28 第五節資料分析方法 ....................... 30 第四章實證結果 ..................................... 31 第一節基本資料分析 ....................... 31 第二節迴歸分析結果 ....................... 34 第三節額外分析 .............................. 37 第五章研究結論、建議與限制 ............................... 40 第一節研究結論與建議 ................................ 40 第二節研究限制 ................................ 42 參考書目 ...................................... 4

    Hegel’s Thought on Punishment in Outlines of the Philosophy of Right and Related Issues

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    在傳統的討論當中,關於黑格爾的刑罰思想是不是一種應報主義,一直以來引發許多的爭議。黑格爾反對刑罰是為了達到對犯罪的威嚇或矯正等其他目的;相對於此,他透過許多方式來說明犯罪與刑罰之間存在著必然的連結關係。因此,許多學者認為黑格爾是應報主義者,然而也有一些學者反對這樣的詮釋。 然而,在此爭議之中,隱含的可能是對於概念的誤解或混淆,進而導致學者之間意見的分歧。此外,刑罰本身就其手段的特殊性,它透過剝奪人身自由、財產甚至生命的方式來表達對犯罪的譴責,這些方式被認為是強制地將痛苦或壞事加諸人的身上。若刑罰的實行缺乏合理的根據,則無異於任意地對人施加侵害。因此,對於刑罰的證成是所有刑罰理論的重要面向,而黑格爾的刑罰思想作為一種刑罰理論,也同樣必須面對這個問題。 在本論文的在第一章,將提出特殊的區分方法作為詮釋黑格爾刑罰思想的架構。第二章將以此架構闡述《法哲學原理》中關於刑罰的思想。接下來第三章進行對於爭議的處理,區分應報主義、報復和復仇的不同,並以此基礎回應學者們的不同意見。最後,第四章探討黑格爾對於刑罰的證成是否成功,並以此作為結論。In traditional discussions, the issue regarding whether Hegel is a retributivist has engendered controversy. Hegel rejects that punishment is to achieve some purpose, threat or reformation, for instance. Rather, he expounds that there is a necessary link between crime and punishment. According to this view, many scholars advocate that Hegel is a retributivist, though some doesn''t. However, this controversy may results from misunderstanding or confusion of the concept. In addition, punishment needs to be justified in so far as punishment serves as a way to inflict pain or evil on criminals, i.e. fine, imprisonment, death penalty, and for this reason, inquiry to the problem of justification of Hegel’s theory of punishment is also an important aspect in this thesis. In the first chapter of this thesis, I will start with introducing an approach to interpret Hegel’s thought of punishment, and based on this approach, in chapter two, I will expound Hegel’s thought of punishment in Elements of the Philosophy of Right. In chapter three, I will proceed to deal with the controversy through distinguishing among retributivism, retribution and revenge. In chapter four, I will discuss whether Hegel’s theory provides a justification for punishment or not.摘要 i Abstract ii 目次 iii 第一章 緒論 1 第一節:研究主題 1 第二節:研究動機與目的 3 第三節:研究的範圍界定 5 第四節:章節安排與主要內容 6 第二章 黑格爾在《法哲學原理》中的刑罰思想 7 第一節:前言 7 第二節:黑格爾對於刑罰的定義 13 一、 不法 13 (一) 無犯意的不法 16 (二) 詐欺 16 (三) 強制與犯罪 17 二、 黑格爾對刑罰的定義 19 第三節:黑格爾對於刑罰的證成 21 一、 刑罰理論為什麼需要證成 21 二、 傳統上對於刑罰的證成方式 22 三、 黑格爾對刑罰的證成: 23 (一) 刑罰作為一種對於虛無性(Nichtigkeit/nullity)的回應 23 (二) 刑罰作為一種對法的修復並使其恢復原狀的方式 25 (三) 刑罰是犯罪者所同意(consent)實行的 26 第四節:黑格爾對於刑罰量度的看法 27 第五節:小結 31 第三章 相關爭議 33 第一節:應報主義與報復、復仇的定義與區別 33 第二節:黑格爾是應報主義者嗎?─學者的不同意見 36 一、 Jean-Christophe Merle的意見 37 二、 Thom Brooks的意見 39 三、 J. Ellis Mctaggart的意見 43 四、 Allen W. Wood的意見 45 第三節:小結 47 第四章 結論 49 第一節:黑格爾對刑罰的證成是否成功? 49 第二節:黑格爾刑罰思想的價值 54 參考資料 56 一、外文專書 56 二、期刊論文 57 三、中文專書 57 四、學位論文 57 五、研討會論文 58 六、網路資源 5

    Comparative epidemiology of betel nut use versus ecstasy use among Taiwanese adolescents: Findings from a national survey

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    目的:探討與青少年使用檳榔及搖頭丸相關之社會人口特徵、使用其他精神作用性物質、行為問題是否有差異性存在。 方法:將2004年至2006年以多階段隨機群集抽樣收集的全國青少年在校樣本,依照使用檳榔及搖頭丸之經驗,區分成四組使用者:無檳榔及搖頭丸使用經驗者 (51,009人)、只使用檳榔者 (1965人)、只使用搖頭丸者 (196人)、使用過檳榔及搖頭丸者(152人)。利用自我陳報問卷來蒐集青少年的社會人口特徵、其他精神成癮性物質使用經驗,並且使用中文版青少年自陳量表 (Youth Self Report)來測量行為問題。 結果:工作經驗、較多零用錢、翹課經驗、性行為經驗、外化行為問題為檳榔及搖頭丸使用的相關因子。與使用搖頭丸者相比,檳榔使用者較傾向為男性、居住於臺灣東部地區、受家人或朋友的影響而開始使用、有較高焦慮、憂鬱、思考問題、注意力問題。相較而言,搖頭丸使用者較傾向為女性、使用其他精神作用性物質、因娛樂助興而開始使用、在娛樂場所使用居多。 結論:青少年檳榔使用者與搖頭丸使用者在社會人口特徵、使用其他精神作用性物質、行為問題上有異質性存在。對此異質性的了解,可以幫助青少年特定物質使用之防制工作。Aims: To investigate whether variation may exist in betel nut- and ecstasy-involved adolescents in terms of sociobehavioral characteristics, the experience of psychoactive substance use, and behavioral/emotional problems. Methods: Students (n = 53,528) aged 12 to 18 sampled via stratified, multistage, random cluster sampling in 2004, 2005, and 2006 throughout Taiwan were categorized into four groups: betel nut- and ecstasy-naive (n = 51,009), betel nut use only (n = 1965), ecstasy use only (n = 196), and use of both (n = 152). Participants completed a questionnaire with information on sociodemographic features, substance-use experiences, and the Chinese adaptation of the Youth Self Report. Results: Having a job, a larger weekly allowance, truancy, sexual experience, and externalizing behaviors were all in strong association with the involvement of either betel nut or ecstasy use. Compared with ecstasy-only users, betel nut-only users were more likely to be male, from the Eastern region of Taiwan, with initiation motivated by family members or friends, and having excess risks for Anxiety/Depression, Thought Problems, and Attention Problems. In contrast, ecstasy-only users were more likely to be female and involved in using other illegal drugs, with their initiation motivated by entertainment and with the drug-use taking place in such settings. Conclusions: The variation in the experience of psychoactive substance-use and behavioral problems for betel nut and ecstasy users suggests the existence of subgroups of drug-using adolescents in Taiwan. The identification of such heterogeneity may guide the efforts to reduce substance use and develop subgroup-tailored preventive programs

    Comparative Epidemiology of Betel Nut Use Versus Ecstasy Use among Taiwanese Adolescents: Findings from a National Survey

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    Aims: To investigate whether variation may exist in betel nut- and ecstasy-involved adolescents in terms of sociobehavioral characteristics, the experience of psychoactive substance use, and behavioral/emotional problems. Methods: Students (n = 53,528) aged 12-18 sampled via stratified , multistage, random cluster sampling in 2004, 2005, and 2006 throughout Taiwan were categorized into four groups: betel nut- and ecstasy-naive (n = 51,009), betel nut use only (n = 1965), ecstasy use only (n = 196), and use of both (n = 152). Participants completed a questionnaire with information on sociodemographic features, substance-use experiences, and the Chinese adaptation of the Youth Self Report. Results: Having a job, a larger weekly allowance, truancy, sexual experience, and externalizing behaviors were all in strong association with the involvement of either betel nut or ecstasy use. Compared with ecstasy-only users, betel nut-only users were more likely to be male, from the Eastern region of Taiwan, with initiation motivated by family members or friends, and having excess risks for Anxiety/Depression, Thought Problems, and Attention Problems . In contrast, ecstasy-only users were more likely to be female and involved in using other illegal drugs, with their initiation motivated by entertainment and with the drug use taking place in such settings. Conclusions: The variation in the experience of psychoactive substance use and behavioral problems for betel nut and ecstasy users suggests the existence of subgroups of drug-using adolescents in Taiwan. The identification of such heterogeneity may guide the efforts to reduce substance use and develop subgroup- tailored preventive programs

    2018 苗栗客家桐花祭服務建議書

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    [[abstract]]近年來苗栗縣的節慶發展以推廣美食及文化產品為主軸,從美食開始,較著名的苗栗大湖鄉草莓季,吸引了大群的草莓愛好者陸續到本地享受採集草莓的樂趣,同時也可到周邊的草莓文化館享受踩踏之樂趣;文化展品方面,苗栗三義舊山線鐵道文化、南庄櫻花季,以及四五月油桐花逐漸盛開的桐花祭。 油桐花在桃竹苗一帶的山區內隨處可見,曾是客家人重要的資產,隨著時代的變遷,每當油桐花盛開時,到此停留的遊客逐漸變多,隨著觀光人數的增加,滿山的桐花樹以及客家人所堅持保留下的文化慢慢成了苗栗縣重要的文化資產。 從美食延伸到文化,再從文化延續至經濟發展。白天漫步於山區小徑,夜晚螢火蟲飛舞,徜徉其間,人生樂事。 除了邀請群眾賞花,期間的活動也讓民眾能夠樂在其中,帶給所有人美好的回憶,此系列的活動除了帶給人們一段視覺上及心靈上的美好外,還帶動周邊產業經濟,促進地方的發展與繁