59 research outputs found

    Research and Design of Automatic Piano Accompaniment System Based on Figure Database

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    算法作曲是人工智能领域中一个研究方向,而为旋律配伴奏是其中一个十分具有挑战性和现实意义的研究分支。本文把旋律配和声看作是类似机器学习的一项任务,通过对于一系列样本的训练,构建了一个钢琴伴奏音型元结构数据库。随后,建立两个HMM模型来尝试着模拟作曲家为旋律配伴奏的思维过程,最终利用Viterbi算法为新的旋律乐段配钢琴伴奏。 文中,提出了“钢琴伴奏元结构”的概念,钢琴伴奏元结构由钢琴原始伴奏音型转换而来,元结构中每个音符的音高信息是一个变量,它随着应用环境的变化而不同,并且元结构中包含了能够表征一个和声状态的单拍子独立音群结构或单小节音群结构,以及涵盖1~3小节音乐片段中的模仿,模进创作技巧。...Algorithmic Composition is a research area of Artificial Intelligence, and Harmonizing Melody is one of its branches. Here we regard melody harmonization with piano accompaniment as a machine learning task. After a series of existing samples consisting of melody with piano accompaniment are inputted for training, we construct a database collecting the meta-structures of piano accompaniment figures...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院计算机科学系_计算机应用技术学号:2302006115245

    Design and Implementation of Logistics Intelligent Distribution Scheduling System

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    现代物流是货物流、信息流、资金流的高度统一。在现代物流条件下商品运输由单一的传统运输方式变成多种运输方式的最佳组合,提高了运输效率,缩短了中间储存的中转时间,加速了商品流动,大大降低了运输成本,加快了商品使用价值的实现。 目前配送中心到送货站点,物流配送线路优化、车辆装载调度和监控等方面缺乏先进技术支持,使得配送优化效果差、成本偏高,服务水平难以提高。通过GIS、GPS、GPRS、路径优化算法等技术,以现代电子网络为平台的信息流,极大地加快了物流信息的传递速度,为客户赢得宝贵的时间,使货物运输环节、方式科学化和最佳化,并取得了初步的效果。 本文基于厦门某物流公司业务管理需求,以物流配送环节...Modern logistics is a high degree of unity of goods flow, information flow and cash flow. Under the condition of modern logistics, transportation of goods become a best combination of different kinds mode of transportation from a single traditional model, improving the transportation efficiency, shortening the intermediate storage transit time, accelerating the flow of goods, and greatly reducing...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201123046

    The Halo Effect Based on the Charm of Faces and Names - A Study among Juniors and Seniors of an University

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    本研究以著名的戴恩(Dion,1972)实验为基础,聚焦脸孔和人名这两个人们初识客体的重要维度,研究不同魅力水平的脸孔和人名在大学生评价客体过程中引发的“晕轮效应”。实验一以戴恩实验为蓝本,探讨脸孔、人名魅力在人际交往中是否可能引发晕轮效应;通过实验二探讨脸孔、人名的魅力是否对大学生评价客体有显著影响;实验三进而讨论脸孔和人名的魅力在这一过程中的交互影响;最后实验四研究加入时间变量后脸孔和人名呈现时间不一致情况下实验结果是否存在显著差异。结论如下: 1.不同魅力水平的脸孔在大学生评价客体时能引发“晕轮效应”; 2.不同魅力水平的人名在大学生评价客体时能引发“晕轮效应”; 3.在大学生评价...In this study based on the famous Dion experiments model, we focused on faces and names,which are two important dimensions of unfamiliar people noticed when they first meet each other.We tried to find out whether different charm levels of faces and names could cause "halo effect " when college students judging people. In the 1st experiment,we imitated the Dion Experiment to explore whether diffe...学位:教育学硕士院系专业:教育研究院_发展与教育心理学学号:2572008115184


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    沿海地区海绵城市建设的思考 ——以厦门马銮湾为例

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    Quantitative Analysis Model for Fiber-Optic Chemical Sensors Based on Fluorescence Quenching for Analytes and Its Application

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    根据光纤化学传感器的结构与信号传输特征 ,推导并建立了适合于定量描述基于荧光猝灭原理的光纤化学传感器对待测物响应的非线性数学模型 .以此为基础 ,为更加简捷、直观地反映响应信号与待测物浓度的函数关系 ,建立可线性化的回归方程 ,准确预报待测物的浓度 ,提出了多模型回归技术建立此类光纤化学传感器定量分析模型的方法 .为验证定量分析模型的适用性 ,将该法应用于芘丁酸光纤化学传感器对甲硝唑、呋喃妥因和氧氟沙星等待测物响应的最佳数学模型的选择之中 .结果表明 ,所选的数学模型对各待测物在一定范围内的浓度都能进行准确的预报Because the fiber-optic chemical sensors based on the fluorescence quenching has an adjustable short distance from the membrane to the end of fiber optics, forming a space of microcell, a diminution of fluorescence is induced by inner filter effects, involving absorption of both excited light from the light source and emitted light from the membrane. If the absorption spectra of analytes overlap the fluorescence excitation and/or emission spectra of the fluoroprobe in the membrane, the quenching signal of the fiber-optic chemical sensors would be produced by the resonance energy transfer. In addition, dynamic quenching happens to some haloid, heavy metal compounds and aromatic nitro organic compounds. According to the structural characterization of the fiber-optic chemical sensors based on fluorescence quenching and the mechanism of fluorescence multiple quenching, a non-linear mathematical model was deduced and described for the quantitative analysis model for the fiber-optic chemical sensors. A multiple model regression technique for the quantitative analysis model was reported to provide rapidly and directly the relations between the response signal and the concentration of analytes and establish linear regression equation for predicting the concentration of analytes. The technique was applied to fit best mathematical model from the control samples of the therapeutic drugs based on the response of fiber-optic chemical sensors, such as metronidazole, nitrofurantoin and ofloxacin. The pyrenebutyric acid was chosen as a fluoroprobe for constructing the fiber-optic chemical sensor to response the samples. The experimental results showed that these models had some good characteristics and gave an alternative method for establishing quantitative analysis models for the fiber-optic chemical sensors.国家自然科学基金 ( 2 9775 0 2 2 )资助项


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    Quantitative analysis model for fiber-optic chemical sensors based on fluorescence quenching for analytes and its application

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    Because the fiber - optic chemical sensors based on the fluorescence quenching has an adjustable short distance from the membrane to the end of fiber optics, forming a space of microcell, a diminution of fluorescence is induced by inner filter effects, involving absorption of both excited light from the light source and emitted light from the membrane. If the absorption spectra of analytes overlap the fluorescence excitation and/or emission spectra of the fluoroprobe in the membrane, the quenching signal of the fiber - optic chemical sensors would be produced by the resonance energy transfer. In addition, dynamic quenching happens to some haloid, heavy metal compounds and aromatic nitro organic compounds. According to the structural characterization of the filer - optic chemical sensors based on fluorescence quenching and the mechanism of fluorescence multiple quenching, a non - linear mathematical model was. deduced and described for the quantitative analysis model for the fiber - optic chemical sensors. A multiple model regression technique for the quantitative analysis model was reported to provide rapidly and directly the relations between the response signal and the concentration of analytes and establish linear regression equation for predicting the concentration of analytes. The technique was applied to fit best mathematical model from the control samples of the therapeutic drugs based on the response of fiber - optic chemical sensors, such as metronidazole, nitrofurantoin and ofloxacin. The pyrenebutyric acid was chosen as a fluoroprobe for constructing the filer - optic chemical sensor to response the samples. The experimental results showed that these models had some good characteristics and gave an alternative method for establishing quantitative analysis models for the filer - optic chemical sensors