The Halo Effect Based on the Charm of Faces and Names - A Study among Juniors and Seniors of an University


本研究以著名的戴恩(Dion,1972)实验为基础,聚焦脸孔和人名这两个人们初识客体的重要维度,研究不同魅力水平的脸孔和人名在大学生评价客体过程中引发的“晕轮效应”。实验一以戴恩实验为蓝本,探讨脸孔、人名魅力在人际交往中是否可能引发晕轮效应;通过实验二探讨脸孔、人名的魅力是否对大学生评价客体有显著影响;实验三进而讨论脸孔和人名的魅力在这一过程中的交互影响;最后实验四研究加入时间变量后脸孔和人名呈现时间不一致情况下实验结果是否存在显著差异。结论如下: 1.不同魅力水平的脸孔在大学生评价客体时能引发“晕轮效应”; 2.不同魅力水平的人名在大学生评价客体时能引发“晕轮效应”; 3.在大学生评价...In this study based on the famous Dion experiments model, we focused on faces and names,which are two important dimensions of unfamiliar people noticed when they first meet each other.We tried to find out whether different charm levels of faces and names could cause "halo effect " when college students judging people. In the 1st experiment,we imitated the Dion Experiment to explore whether diffe...学位:教育学硕士院系专业:教育研究院_发展与教育心理学学号:2572008115184

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