23 research outputs found


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    介绍了一种采用宽禁带半导体二氧化钛纳米管阵列薄膜材料制备β伏特效应同位素电池的方法.通过对金属钛片的电化学阳极氧化制备了垂直定向、有序排列的二氧化钛纳米管阵列薄膜,研究了退火条件对二氧化钛纳米管阵列薄膜半导体光电性能的影响.通过与镍-63辐射源的集成封装,形成三明治结构镍-63/二氧化钛纳米管阵列薄膜/钛片的β伏特同位素电池.实验结果表明,基于氩气氛围下450?C退火的黑色二氧化钛纳米管阵列薄膜具有高的氧空位缺陷浓度和宽的可见-紫外吸收光谱.在使用β辐射总能量为10 m Ci的镍-63辐射源时,同位素电池的开路电压为1.02 V,短路电流75.52 n A,最大有效转换效率为22.48%.国家自然科学基金(批准号:61574117);;深圳市科技计划项目(批准号:JCYJ20170306141006600)资助的课题~

    Growth and Properties of Ultra Thin GeO_2 by Rapid Thermal Oxidation

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    超薄氧化锗对钝化gE MOSfET器件中高介电常数栅介质与gE界面具有重要的意义。通过研究400~550℃下快速热氧化锗制备氧化锗的过程及其性质,发现在一定温度下较短的氧化时间内,氧化锗的厚度随氧化时间的增加呈明显的两段线性关系。在开始阶段,氧化锗具有高的生长速率;当氧化锗厚度达到一定值(与温度相关)时,氧化速率变慢,与dEAl-grOVE氧化模型中的线性生长速率基本一致。X射线光电子能谱(XPS)测试结果表明氧化锗中存在不同价态的gE,且随着氧化时间的增加,氧化锗的氧化程度逐渐提高。在550℃下氧化180 S形成的氧化锗用于gE-MOS结构,C-V特性表明在禁带中央处获得了较小的界面态密度,达到1.7x1012 CM-2EV-1。It was demonstrated that the ultra thin germanium oxide was effective to passivate the high-k dielectric/Ge interface for fabrication of high performance germanium MOSFET.The properties of the ultra thin germanium oxide formed by rapid thermal oxidation were investigated which were in temperature range from 400 ℃ to 550 ℃.The two distinct linear relationships between germanium oxide thickness and oxidation time are observed during the initial oxidation of Ge.At the very beginning,the oxidation rate is very high,which is reduced significantly when the oxide thickness reaches a certain value(depending on oxidation temperature).The slower oxidation rate on the later stage is in fair agreement with the prediction of Deal-Grove model.The X-ray photoelectron spectra from the germanium oxide reveals that the various of chemical states of Ge exist in the oxide and the degree of oxidation of Ge increases with oxidation time.The capacitance-voltage characteristics of the Ge MOS structure with germanium oxide fabricated at 550 ℃ for 180 s shows small hysteresis and relatively lower interface state density of 1.7×1012 cm-2eV-1 at midgap.国家重大研究计划项目(2012CB933503);国家自然基金(61036003;61176092;60837001);中央高校基础业务费项目(2010121056


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    Diatom diet selectivity by early post-larval abalone Haliotis diversicolor supertexta under hatchery conditions

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    Benthic diatoms constitute the primary diet of abalone during their early stages of development.To evaluate the dietary preferences of early post-larval abalone,Haliotis diversicolor supertexta,we analyzed the gut contents of post-larvae that settled on diatom films.We compared the abundance and species diversity of diatom assemblages in the gut to those of the epiphytic diatom assemblages on the attachment films,and identified 40 benthic diatom species in the gut contents of post-larvae 12 to 24 d after settlement.The most abundant taxa in the gut contents were Navicula spp.,Amphora copulate,and Amphora coffeaeformis.Navicula spp.accounted for 64.0% of the cell density.In the attachment films,we identified 110 diatom species belonging to 38 genera.Pennate diatoms were the dominant members including the species Amphiprora alata,Cocconeis placentula var.euglypta,Cylindrotheca closterium,Navicula sp.2,and A.coffeaeformis.Nano-diatoms(<20 μm in length) accounted for a considerable proportion of the total species..


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    Starch constitutes a major carbon sink for CO2 fixation during the process of photosynthesis of microalgae. Some microalgae, primarily green algae, have been proved to accumulate large amount of intracellular starch under stress conditions. It is strikingly valuable and important for production of algal-derived starch in large scale to meet the demand for renewable and clean energy (bioethanol, bio-hydrogen, etc.). A marine green microalga Tetraselmis subcordiformis was investigated its growth as well as intracellular starch accumulation in a 10L flat airlift photobioreactor (420×80×500 mm) with inside channel under continuous illumination (120~250 μ mol E &#8226; m-2 &#8226; s-1) at 30℃. 3% CO2- rich air was compressed into the photobioreactor to reach the aeration of 0.125 VVM. The results showed that under nitrogen limiting condition (1.18 mmol/L initial NO3-), T. subcordiformis was able to accumulate starch from initially 20% (dry weight based) to more than 50% within five days. The decline of chlorophyll florescence dynamics parameters might be attributed to the starch accumulation under the photosynthetic stressed condition

    Sensitized Lanthanide Luminescence in AOT Reversed Micelles——Purine Compounds as Energy Donor

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    研究了反相胶束体系中敏化Tb--(3+)的离子荧光.在AOT/C_6H_(12)/H_2O反相胶束溶液中[AOT:琥珀酸二(2-乙基己基)酯磺酸钠]发生了非常有效的从茶碱的三重态到Tb--(3+)的4f能层的能量转移,并敏化稀土离子Tb--(3+)产生离子荧光.而在阳离子表面活性剂CTAb形成的反相胶束体系中,只能观察到较弱的Tb--(3+)的离子荧光.表明在AOT反相胶束中Tb--(3+)是键合在碘酸头基上,有利于能量转移过程,显著增强Tb--(3+)的离子荧光.通过发光光谱和寿命测量,详细讨论了AOT浓度和水泡大小(W值)等对敏化离子荧光的影响,表明与Tb--(3+)离子水合的水分子的高频OH振动猝灭Tb--(3+)的离子发光,该猝灭过程属静态猝灭.在较低的AOT浓度和较小的W值下,可观察到较强的Tb--(3+)离子荧光,并建立了AOT反相胶束中五种嘌呤类化合物的分析方法,检出限在8.0x10--(-9)~8.0x10--(-7)MOl·dM--(-3)之间.Sensitized lanthanide luminescence by purine compounds in AOT reversed micelles has been studied.A signiFicant enhancement of sensitized room temperature luminescence has been observed using lanthanide Tb3+ as energy acceptor in AOT reversed micelles at low AOT concentration and W value, and weak Tb3+ emission has been observed in CTAB reversed micelles.The results indicate that Tb3 + ions are strongly bound to the sulFonate group of the AOT surFactant.Parameters including the concentration of AOT,solubilized water as well as acceptor concentration that may inFluence the sensitized lanthanide luminescence have been examined.The characteristics of luminescence and liFetimes of Tb3+ were used to elucidate the Factors that aFFected sensitized luminescence.The results show that Tb3+ emission is quenched by the high Frequency OH vibrations of the surrounding water molecules, the loss of Tb3 + emission in high AOT concentration and W value suggests that the Tb3+ cation retains water in its coordination sites.The quenching process is static quenching.The low AOT concentration and W value should be reconmmended For obtaining high sensitivity in analytical application.The detection limits For purine and its deriviations are between 8.0×10-9-8.0×10-7mol·dm-3


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