4 research outputs found

    Effects of domestic sewage effluents on the growth and physiological characteristics of Catharanthus roseus

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    利用不同稀释倍数的生活污水(污水∶清水,V/V,分别为1∶0;1∶1;1∶2;0∶1)浇灌长春花结果表明,与清水灌溉相比,污灌处理土壤NH4+-N含量由59.01mg/kg提高到64.22~65.89mg/kg,NO3--N含量由2.69mg/kg提高到3.03~4.54mg/kg,速效磷含量由32.29mg/kg提高到37.40~42.41mg/kg;增加了土壤酶活性,其中土壤过氧化氢酶、脲酶及蛋白酶活性分别比对照提高10.76%~23.32%、33.41%~103.69%和31.82%~131.82%;植物根系活性由170.25μg/g.h提高到177.88~471.69μg/g.h,叶绿素含量由1.78mg/dm2提高到2.68~2.98mg/dm2,植物干物质量由11.660g/盆提高到12.130~16.577g/盆。且以稀释1倍污水灌溉处理效果最佳。用原生生活污水直接灌溉虽降低污水肥效,造成土壤Cl-的积累,但对长春花生长及干物质积累无显著影响。Potted plants of Catharanthus roseus were selected for irrigation treatments with municipal domestic sewage effluents.The treatments were triplicately divided into four treatments according to effluents:tap water (V/V):Ⅰ,1∶0;Ⅱ,1∶1;Ⅲ,1∶2;control,0∶1.The results showed that compared with the control,sewage irrigation treatments increased the contents of soil NH~+_4-N from 59.01 mg/kg to 64.22~65.89 mg/kg,NO~-_3-N from 2.69mg/kg to 3.03~4.54mg/kg,available P from 32.29 mg/kg to 37.40~42.41 mg/kg.Meanwhile,sewage irrigation also enhanced the activities of soil enzymes such as catalase,urease and protease,with increases of 10.76%~23.32%,33.41%~103.69% and (31.82%~)131.82%,respectively;promoted root activities from 170.25μg/g·h to 177.88~471.69μg/g·h,increased chlorophyll contents from 1.78mg/dm~2 to 2.68~2.98mg/dm~2,and biomass from 11.660g/pot to 12.130~16.577g/pot.Of all of the treatments,treatment of effluents:tap water(V/V)1∶1 had the best effects on plant growth.Although irrigation with undiluted effluents didn't benefit for plants'utilization of nutrients from the irrigating effluents,it didn't exert significantly negative effects on the growth and biomass accumulation of C. roseus.厦门市环境保护局资助项

    Effects of Municipal Domestic Sewage Effluents on the Growth of Calendula officinalis

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    用三种稀释倍数的城市生活污水[污水∶清水(v/v)为1﹕0、1﹕0.5、1﹕1]处理金盏菊种子及盆花,结果表明,污灌处理不仅显著地降低种子的萌发率,还增加萌发后幼苗病害的发生率;未经稀释的原生污水显著抑制金盏菊幼苗的生长,而稀释后抑制作用降低,当稀释至适当浓度时,则对幼苗生长起促进作用;对于金盏菊成年植株,污灌处理(不论稀释与否)显著地增加其茎、叶和根的鲜重,分别较对照增加161.63%~215.12%、86.77%~109.23%和23.89%~34.13%。综合分析表明,原生污水经过适当稀释后用于草花污灌,可以使污水中的营养盐得到回用,提高草花的观赏性。The seeds and potted plants of Calendula officinalis were treated with municipal domestic sewage effluents. The treatments were divided into 4 groups according to effluents : tap water(v/v): I, 1 : 0; II, 1 : 0.5; III, 1 : 1; control, 0 : 1. Compared with the control, sewage irrigation treatments (I, II and III) obviously reduced the rate of seed germination and increased the disease incidence of seedlings. The undiluted raw sewage could remarkably restrain the seedling growth, and the retarding effect could be relaxed by diluting with tap water. Furthermore, the diluted sewage of proper concentration could improve the seedlings growth. Compared to the control, sewage irrigation treatments increased the fresh weight of the stem, leave and root of full-grown C. officinalis plant by 161.63 %~215.12 %, 86.77 %~109.23 % and 23.89 %~34.13 %, respectively. The results of this study showed that the diluted sewage could be reused in irrigation and the nutrient elements in the sewage effluents could increase the ornamental value of herbage flowers

    Freeze Injury Investigation of Ornamental Plants in Xiamen

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    1999年12月中旬,持续低温天气对厦门地区园林植物造成严重危害,本文对受害园林植物种类、栽植点、危害症状、危害程度等方面的调查结果进行分析,总结出危害原因,提出防治措施。Grievous freeze injury has happen in the end of 1999 in Xiamen. Investigation and expound the species of injury ornamental species, plant locality, degree of severity, symptom of freeze injury. Analyse the reason of freeze injury, suggest measure of preventing frostbite