15 research outputs found

    Comparative study on elderly mirror-image dextrocardia patients and the normal elderly

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    目的研究对比静息状态下镜像右位心老年人与正常老年人的心功能指标的差异,为相应老年人镜像右位心患者心功能退化和心衰的发生发展提供参考。方法回顾性分析厦门大学附属东南医院2006年2月至2016年7月经超声心动图及胸片诊断为镜像右位心且不合并其他异常畸形的老年患者12例(其中男7例,女5例)临床资料,与12例老年正常心志愿者对比分析左心室射血分数(EF)、左心室缩短分数(FS)、心率(HR)、每搏输出量(SV)、每分输出量(CO)等心功能指标,比较两者间是否存在明显差异。结果镜像右位心老年患者的心率、左室射血分数、左心室缩短分数、每搏输出量、每分输出量分别为(83±12.79)次/min、(0.61±0.58)、(0.32±0.40)、(57.82±11.90)mL和(4.84±1.42)L/min,正常老年人分别为(71.71±11.92)次/min、(0.61±0.57)、(0.32±0.46)、(58.71±11.78)mL和(4.22±1.22)L/min。2组人群比较,心率差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论镜像右位心老年患者的心率比正常老年人心率快,而其他心功能指标则无明显区别。ObjectiveBy comparing the differences of heart function between the mirror-image dextrocardia elderly and the normal elderly in the resting state,to provide a reference for the development of heart failure and heart failure in the elderly mirror-image dextrocardia patients MethodsWe collect separately12diagnosed with mirror-image dextrocardia elderly(including7males and5females)by echocardiography and chest radiographs and12normal elderly in the southeast hospital of Xiamen University from February2006to July2016,compared and analyzed cardiac function indicators as follows:Left ventricular ejection fraction(EF),left ventricular shortening score(FS),heart rate(HR),stroke volume(SV),and output per minute(CO),and to determine whether there is a difference between the two elderly.ResultsThe right heart rate,left ventricular ejection fraction,left ventricular shortening score,stroke volume,and per minute output of the mirror-image dextrocardia elderly are(83±12.79)t/min,(0.61±0.58),(0.32±0.40),(57.82±11.90)mL,and(4.84±1.42)L/min,respectively.And the normal elderly are(71.71±11.92)t/min,(0.61±0.57),(0.32±0.46),(58.71±11.78)mL,and(4.22±1.22)L/min,respectively.There are significant differences in heart function between the two groups(P<0.05),but there are no significant difference between the left ventricular ejection fraction,the left ventricular shortening score and the stroke volume per stroke(P>0.05).ConclusionThe heart rate of the elderly patients with mirror-image dextrocardia is faster than the normal elderly,and the cardiac function index of the left ventricular ejection fraction,left ventricular shortening score,stroke volume are no obvious difference.国家自然科学基金(81671667);中国博士后科学基金(2015M570436


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    介绍了一台能量 2 5MeV、流强 4 0mA、功率 10 0kW的电子辐照加速器系统的屏蔽设计。实际测量结果表明 :屏蔽外的辐射水平低于国家标准规定的限值 ,设计是合理的


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    利用在SC程序基础上的改进程序对一种工业用大功率电子加速器的光学系统性能进行了研究 .经过优化计算并给出了计算结果


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    综述了电子束脱硫脱氮的原理、特点和发展.中国成都电厂的电子束脱硫脱氮装置的运行,标志着我国工业应用阶段的开始Removal SO 2 and NO x by electron beam is reviewed. Its basic procedure is described. The electron beam method has many advantages compared to chemical one. The first industrial facility in China has been built in Chengdu Electric Power Plant and it is ruming successfully

    Study on the Estimation Algorithm of the Temperature Based on Mid-Wave Infrared Remote Sensing

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    高于绝对零度的物体满足Plank定律,因此红外辐射在一定程度上反映温度。红外辐射测温具有响应速度快,分辨率高,能较好的实现对微小、高速移动等不可接触测量目标的温度测量。用一种先进的双波段红外遥感光谱系统采集不同温度金属的红外发射光谱,分析和研究这些不同温度的光谱数据所具有的不同特征。在此基础上,对样本提取重心位置、波峰位置、波长λ1的值、波长λ2的值四种光谱特征,寻找温度与其之间的函数关系;并建立多元线性回归模型,通过光谱反推温度值。实验结果表明,该方法可以有效的分辨有明显温差的高温物体,在实验所测温度范围内的测温绝对误差小于30℃,在测量误差小于20℃的置信区间内有98%正确率,优于一般系统需要保证目标发射率、大气透射率、环境等效辐射温度等复杂参数高精度的情况下2%的测温精度。该方法可以简单有效的对远距离目标测温,从而进一步拓展红外光谱遥测温度的应用领域。Since objects above absolute zero agree with the Plank law,the objects' temperature is reflected by the infrared radiation.With fast response and high resolution,temperature estimation based on mid-wave infrared remote sensing could realize the temperature measurement for small,high-speed and touch-free objects.A new optical system for infrared(IR)image-spectrum integration remote sensing was used to acquire infrared emission spectra from different temperatures of metal.With this basis,we extracted four appropriate spectral features which were the center of gravity position,peak position,the value of wavelengthλ1and the value of wavelengthλ2from the training samples.The relationship between temperature and these features was studied.A multiple linear regression model was established to estimate the temperatures from the spectra.The experimental results showed that,the method could distinguish hot objects with obvious temperature differences.The absolute error was less than 30℃in the experimental temperature range.The accuracy was 98%in the range that the measurement error was less than 20 ℃,which was better than the 2% precision of the general system with the complex strict emissivity,atmospheric transmittance,environmental equivalent radiation temperature and some other parameters.This method could measure the temperature of the remote objects in a simple and effective way,and so could expand the application field of temperature estimation based on infrared remote sensing.中央高校基本科研业务专项资金项目(XMU2013121018);; 国家自然科学基金项目(61404112,61571381);; 福建省自然科学基金项目(2012J01413)资

    Effect of heating treatment on microstructure and property of NL202 SiC fiber

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    考察了nICAlOn nl202SIC纤维经热空气环境脱胶之后,在惰性气氛下进行高温热处理前后,包括热失重、元素组成、物相组织、表面形貌、力学性能及电阻率等结构与性能所发生的变化。研究表明,热处理温度为1 200℃时,主要是因高电阻率的连续相无定型态SICXOy的分解,纤维电阻率大幅降低,介电损耗能力提升,有望用于吸波材料。而热处理温度超过1 200℃时,剧烈的热分解,导致纤维结构的缺陷;且快速的晶化,导致纤维拉伸断裂模式由非晶态脆性断裂转变为多晶态沿晶断裂。所有这些,都导致纤维强度的显著下降。The commercial Nicalon 202 SiC fiber was exposed in thermal air to degum and heat treated in argon gas from 1 100 to 1 400℃.Change of the chemical,structural and electrical properties of the resultant fibers as a function of thermal treatment temperature were studied.The results showed that the SiCxOy phase decomposed evidently above 1 200℃,which led to the formation and crystallization of SiC.With the raise of the heating temperature,the tensile strength of fiber decreased,the specific conductivity and dielectric loss of the fiber increased.Moreover,after heating at 1 400 ℃ the fracture behavior of the fiber turned to intergranular mode from amorphous brittleness mode.国家自然科学基金面上资助项目(51072169);国家自然科学基金青年基金资助项目(51302234); 深圳市科创委知识创新计划资助项目(JCYJ20130329150151152

    Study on the microwave absorption properties of SiC_f/epoxy composite

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    采用真空袋工艺制备了纤维体积分数为10%~40%的单向碳化硅纤维/环氧树脂复合材料,研究其力学性能和介电性能,计算其吸波性能和反射率。结果表明,在10%~25%范围内,随着碳化硅纤维体积分数的提高,复合材料的介电损耗实部、虚部及损耗角正切值均增大,反射率减少,即吸波能力增大;而在高于25%之后,就吸波能力而言,存在着最优纤维体积分数值;在纤维体积分数固定之后,就吸波能力而言,也存在着最佳的材料厚度;当复合材料的SiC纤维体积分数为25%、厚度为3 mm时,其在X波段内的反射率均低于-5dB,最低为-9.9dB,平均值为-7.8dB。The SiCf/resin composites with different fiber content(10%-40%)are prepared to study the dielectric and microwave absorption properties.The results show that with the addition of SiC fibers,both the permittivity and tangent loss of the composites are increased when the fiber content ranges from 10%-25%.When the content of fiber was 25%,and the sample thickness was 3 mm,the average reflection loss in X band was-7.81 dB which was an appropriate value for dielectric medium to absorb microwaves.国家自然科学基金面上资助项目(51072169);国家自然科学基金青年基金资助项目(51302234);; 深圳市科创委知识创新计划资助项目(JCYJ20130329150151152

    Effect of iron doping and heat treating on specific resistivity of SiC fibre

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    利用氧化交联技术制备了含铁量分别为0,1%,2%(质量分数)的3种碳化硅纤维,并将其置于氩气环境进行了不同温度、不同时间的热处理。研究了fE掺杂及热处理对于SIC纤维微观结构及电阻特性的影响规律。结果表明,在fE掺杂和热处理的协同作用下,该碳化硅纤维电阻率可由13 847Ω·CM连续降低至6Ω·CM。利用统计理论“相关分析“算法研究纤维微观结构与电阻率关系的结果表明,在实验条件下,β-SIC的晶粒尺寸对纤维电阻率的影响最为显著。根据实验结果,提出了该含铁SIC纤维微结构演化的模型。Silicon carbide fibers doped with iron of 0-2wt% were prepared from iron-containing polycarbosilane by using oxygen-curing method.The as-prepared fibers were heated in high purity argon from 700to 1 100℃up to 100h.With the change of treating parameters,the specific resistivity of the fibers decreased from 13 847to 6Ω ·cm while the content and crystallinity of the multi-phases in fibers varied non-monotonically.Linear relationship between microstructure with electrical property was evaluated using pearson coefficients.Among the tested factors,grain size ofβ-SiC was the most relevant to specific resistivity,effect of iron content was subordinate.Mechanism on microstructure evolution of the iron-doped fiber was proposed.国家自然科学基金面上资助项目(51072169);国家自然科学基金青年基金资助项目(51302234); 深圳市科创委科技知识创新计划资助项目(JCYJ20130329150151152

    Studies on fabrication of continuous freestanding SiC films from polycarbosilane precursor

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    以聚碳硅烷(PCS)为先驱体,通过自行设计的喷膜板熔融纺出连续PCS自由薄膜,并对其进行氧化交联与高温裂解烧结可制得连续SiC自由薄膜。用扫描电镜分析薄膜表面和横断面的形貌,通过红外光谱(FTIR)分析氧化交联后薄膜的结构,通过拉曼光谱(Raman spectroscopy)、X射线衍射(XRD)与场发射高分辨透射电子显微镜(HRTEM)对薄膜进行微观分析。结果表明,熔融纺膜与聚碳硅烷先驱体法相结合可制得均匀、致密的连续-βSiC自由薄膜,其厚度可通过调节喷膜板的喷膜口尺寸大小和纺膜速度进行控制,薄膜的厚度大约在10~30μm。Under the technique of the melt spinning of precursor,the uniform and dense continuous freestanding SiC films were successfully fabricated.A special spinneret was designed and manufactured for melt spinning.Polycarbosilane(PCS) was melt spun,cured and pyrolysis treated in the inert gas at high temperature,the initial amorphous PCS green films transformed to polycrystalline β-SiC.The continuous freestanding SiC films were studied for the first time.The microscopic surface and cross-section of resulting freestanding SiC films were investigated by SEM(scanning electron microscope),and their composition and microstructure were characterized by Raman spectrometer,FTIR(fourier transform infrared spectrometer),HRTEM(high resolution transmission electron microscope) and XRD(X-ray diffractometer).The results showed that continuous freestanding SiC films contained amorphous SiOxCy,β-SiC nano-crystals and free carbon.And they could be obtained at thickness from 10-30μm through adjusting the spout size of spinneret and spinning speed.国家自然科学基金重点资助项目(50532010);; 总装预研基金资助项目(91040A12040107QT87