84 research outputs found


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    Stratified Communities and Diversity of Methanogen in Sediments of Jiulong River Estuary

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    作者简介许可(1983-),男,江西上饶人,博士研究生,研究方向:生物,E-mail:xuke1983amze@ 163. com。[中文文摘]目的]针对河口环境的甲烷产生相关微生物展开调查,了解其多样性及群落结构组成、变化。[方法]采用克隆文库技术,分析九龙江河口沉积物样品,调查甲烷产生相关微生物的多样性及分布情况。[结果]九龙江沉积物含有清晰的甲烷硫酸盐过渡区。克隆文库分析结果显示主要是Methanosaeta,Methanomicrobiales和Methanomsarcinales/ANME。Methanomsarcinales/ANME是主要类群(41%),且以甲烷氧化菌ANME-2a为主。Methanosaeta和Methanomicrobiales分别占27%和28%。[结论]在九龙江河口沉积物中,乙酸利用型和氢气利用型甲烷产生是主要的甲烷产生途径。[英文文摘][Objective] To investigate the diversity and distribution of methanogen in the sediments of Jiulong River estuary.[Method] Based on clone library analysis,the diversity and distribution of methanogen communities in sediments of Jiulong River estuary were investigated.[Result] The majority of obtained sequences in clone library were assigned mainly to Methanosaeta,Methanomicrobiales and Methanomsarcinales/ANME.The sequences of Methanomsarcinales/ANME were the most dominant group(41% of total sequences) and composed largely of ANME-2a. In ad¬dition,Methanosaeta and Methanomicrobiales accounted for 27% and 28%of all sequences.[Conclusion] Acetoclastic and hydrogenotrophicmethanogenesis were the main methanogenic pathway in Jiulong River estuary sediments.国家自然科学基金项目(51168046


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    目的探讨学校流感暴发疫情的最佳控制方式,为制定停课标准提供参考。方法通过SEIAR模型对流感暴发疫情隔离和停课效果进行分析。结果本起流感暴发疫情基本再生数R0为7.6180,无干预措施下疫情会持续20天,1 169名学生和教职工(99.74%)会感染流感。第5~10天开始隔离措施,疫情持续时间介于35~44天,第10天开始隔离感染人数是第5天开始隔离的6.9倍。与单独采取隔离措施相比,停课1天、3天、5天、7天可以减少4.51%~10.92%、13.41%~29.31%、19.46%~45.40%和24.82%~57.47%的感染人数,持续时间并没有太大变化;停课14天疫情持续时间都会明显下降,感染人数下降33.43%~65.52%。结论隔离措施越早实施对疫情控制效果越好,显性感染人数达到20%以上时可以停课,出现重症或死亡病例时要将停课时间延长

    Proteomic Analysis of Rice Cultivar Jiafuzhan in the Responses to Xanthomonas campestris pv.oryzicola Infection

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    作者简介: 陈芳育(1978-) , 男, 讲师。E-mail : cfy307@ sohu. com * 通讯作者(Corresponding author) : 陈亮( 1963-) , 男, 教授, 博士生导师, 研究方向: 细胞与分子生物学。E-mail: chenlg@ xmu. edu. cn[中文文摘]运用双向电泳分析高抗水稻品种“佳辐占”受强毒力细菌性条斑病病原菌侵染2d后的叶片蛋白质组变化,共发现38个蛋白质发生差异表达,其中32个上调,5个下调,1个新增。用MALDI-TOF-MS分析和数据库检索鉴定出其中的33个差异表达蛋白质,并将它们分为4个功能类群,即信号转导相关蛋白、防卫相关蛋白、代谢相关蛋白和蛋白质稳定相关蛋白。这些蛋白分别参与了信号识别、信号传递、抗氧化、糖代谢、细胞壁加固、植保素合成等抗病生理反应。研究表明,水稻对细菌性条斑病病原菌的侵染存在着一个复杂的抗病信号应答和代谢调控网络,其作用机理可以通过差异表达的蛋白质(酶)反映出来,其中差异表达的8个R蛋白和3个PR蛋白可能与水稻对细菌性条斑病的抗病性密切相关。本研究为进一步揭示水稻对细菌性条斑病的抗性机理及相关抗病基因的功能克隆提供了依据。[英文文摘]Rice bacterial leaf streak( BLS) caused by the pathogen Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola ( Xooc) is one of the major rice diseases in South China. Here we focus on proteomics as a tool for the discovery of differentially expressed proteins closely related to the disease resistance. The leaves of rice cultivar Jiafuzhan (Oryzae sativa L. ) highly resistant to the disease, were infected by"89773-1- 1" strain of the Xooc with strong pathogenicity. Total proteins were extracted from the leaves sampled at two days after inoculation, and separated by two- dimensional electrophoresis. It was found that there were thirty- eight proteins expressed differentially, of which thirty-two were up-regulated, five down-regulated and one was "new". Of the thirty- eight responsive proteins, thirty-three were identified by MALD-I TOF-MS and database searching.Based on the predicted function, we grouped them into four clusters: signal transduction, defensive responses, substance metabolism and protein stabilization, which were involved in many resistant physiological react ions, including signal recognition and transduction, antioxidant react ion, carbonhydrate metabolism, cel-l wall reinforcement and phytoalexin biosythesis. In turn a complex signal transduct ion and metabolic regulative network in the resistant responses to the infection of Xooc was outlined in this work, and the molecular mechanism was revealed by differentially expressed protein/enzyme patterns during Xooc infection. In this study, eight R proteins and three pathogenesis- related(PR) proteins which might relate closely to the disease-resistance were found. This result provides us the basic information to further reveal the resistant mechanism and conduct functional cloning of the resistan-t related genes in rice to BLS.生物农药与化学生物学教育部重点实验室( 福建农林大学) 开放课题基金项目( KF0411


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    Geographic patterns of endemic seed plant genera diversity in China

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    通讯作者 Author for correspondence. E-mail: [email protected][中文文摘]生物特有现象的地理格局及其形成机制是生物地理学的重要研究内容。本文通过整合173个地区的中国种子植物特有属编目资料、环境和空间因子数据,运用多元回归和方差分解的方法,探索了中国种子植物特有属丰富度及其占全部种子植物属丰富度的比例(特有属比例)与环境(生境异质性和气候)和空间因子的关系。结果表明:(1)特有属丰富度及特有属比例具有很强的空间变异性,在华中地区最高,而靠近国界和大陆边缘的地区较低;相比而言,种子植物属丰富度的空间变异性较弱,且表现出显著的纬度梯度性;(2)特有属丰富度及特有属比例主要由空间因子和生境异质性(地形的复杂性)决定,即在大的空间尺度上,地理位置决定一个地区特有属比例的理论值,生境异质性和气候因子对其进行微调;而种子植物属丰富度的地理格局主要受气候和生境异质性的影响。(3)中国种子植物特有属是主观性非常强的概念,特有属比例所反映的植物区系系统发育信息可能会很低;空间因子所解释的方差中到底有多少是系统发育因素,还需要进一步的研究。本文最后讨论了当前特有属定义和判定的不足之处。虽然理论上认为特有属的判定不应以行政边界为标准,但是目前几乎所有的中国特有属划分方法均以国界为准,这在一定程度上降低了中国种子植物特有属概念的科学内涵和在实践中的作用。因此,我们建议在理论和实践中对中国种子植物特有属概念采取审慎的态度。[英文文摘]Endemism describes the phenomenon that the distribution of individual species/taxa is critically restricted to a specific region.Seed plant genera endemic to China(endemic genera) are those with their main geographic distribution range within the borders of China.The geographic patterns of endemic genera can not only guide conservation planning,but these organisms are also important biological resources.We gathered data of 173 localities on environmental and spatial factors,and regional seed plant genera richness(GRN),endemic genera richness(EGRN) and endemic genera ratio(EGR),which was calculated by dividing EGRN by GRN.Multiple regression and variance partitioning were used to examine how environmental and spatial variables affect GRN,EGRN,and EGR.Our results showed that:(1) EGRN and EGR had stronger spatial variability than GRN,with highest values(richness and ratio) in central China and lower near national borders and continental edges.GRN exhibited an evident latitudinal gradient.(2) EGRN and EGR were mainly determined by habitat heterogeneity and spatial factors.Regional theoretical EGR was constrained by its geographical location,and was further adjusted by habitat heterogeneity(topographical complexity) and climatic factors.Geographical patterns of GRN,on the other hand,were mainly determined by climatic conditions and habitat heterogeneity rather than spatial factors.(3) Seed plant genera endemic to China could be rather difficult to define,and probably reflected inadequate information on phylogenetic evolution of local flora.Further studies are needed to examine the variance explained by spatial factors through a phylogenetic lense.Finally,flaws in the definition and classification of seed plant genera endemic to China were discussed.Theoretically,genera endemic to China should not be defined according to the political borders.But,in practice,nearly all the lists of seed plant genera endemic to China proposed by several authors were based on the relationship between the geographic distribution of specific genus and national borders.Thus,we recommend that,the concept of seed plant genera endemic to China should be used carefully in both theoretical research and biodiversity conservation practices.国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)项目(2009CB421105);国家科技支撑计划项目(2006BAC08B04

    adaptive photon tracing based progressive photon mapping

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    通过对渐进式光子映射算法进行扩展,提出了一种基于自适应光子发射的渐进式光子映射算法。渐进式光子映射是一个多遍的全局光照算法,通过不断发射光子并渐 进更新场景各点的光能估计能使其最终能收敛到无偏差的结果。由于渐进式光子映射完全使用密度估计来计算各点的光能,因此其收敛速度受光子分布影响较大。利 用渐进式光子映射算法中固有的场景统计信息以及其多遍的特点,设计了一个自适应的光子发射策略,使得发射的光子能更多的分布在对最终绘制有效的区域,提高 了原算法的绘制效率。A simple extension of progressive photon mapping for tracing photon is presented adaptively,which make the algorithm converge to the right result more quickly.Progressive photon mapping is a multi-pass global illumination algorithm.The algorithm can compute the correct radiance value at a point in the limit by tracing photons pass by pass which update the points radiance progressively.Progressive photon mapping totally uses density estimation to compute radiance,so its convergence rate is affected by photon distribution.According to progressive photon mappings inherent statistical information and its multi-pass feature,an adaptive photon tracing strategy is designed,which make a better photon distribution each pass and improve the rendering efficiency of the original algorithm

    Non-reaction-occurring Condition for Measuring Effective Diffusivity of a Species in Immobilized Cell Matrix

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    [中文文摘]在无反应发生条件下进行组分在固定化细胞内有效扩散系数测定时 ,常常要使细胞失去活性 .通过显微镜形态观察及重量变化测定 ,分析了常用的几种失活细胞的方法对细胞本身的影响 .测定了由各种不同方式得到的无活性固定化细胞内葡萄糖与乙醇的有效扩散系数 ,并与有活性固定化细胞内组分的有效扩散系数进行了比较 .提出了一种方便于使用 ,既可保护底物不被消耗 ,又可以测得更接近实际值的有效扩散系数的无反应发生条件 :苯甲酸处理法。[英文文摘]There exist different methods of inactivating cells which give a non- reaction- occurring condition under which the effective diffusivity of a substrate in the immobilized cell matrix is often measured.Based on micrographic observation of size and shape of the cell and determination of weight change of cells,the effect of the various inactivating methods on the cell itself was examined.The effective diffusivities of glucose and ethanol in the inactivated yeast cell- occupided polyacrylamide gels ob tained f rom the variou s m ethods, w ere determ ined and compared w ith the diffu sivity in the act ive immob ilized cell. So, the method called as " benzoic acid-treating method" has been proposed, which is convienient to work and provides a non-substrate-consuming condition aswell as gives a more reasonab levalue of diffusivity than other methods


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