21 research outputs found

    Research on Humming Recognition and Music Retrieval System

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    现代科技高速发展,人们处于一个信息爆炸的时代。通过互联网,人们可以接触到无穷无尽的信息。这些信息也包括一门古老的艺术——音乐。为了找寻需要的歌曲,人们需要一项专注于音乐信息的检索技术。检索需要用户提供检索关键字。显然,哼唱是最容易推广的音乐检索关键字的输入方法。 哼唱旋律识别技术是将哼唱文件通过一定的算法识别成音符的音高和时值序列的技术。音乐检索系统是用户通过一定的方式,将音乐的节奏、旋律、音色等信息输入计算机,计算机通过这些信息从音乐数据库中检索出与这些信息匹配的目标歌曲的系统。将这两者结合可以称为基于哼唱旋律识别技术的音乐检索系统。本文为实现哼唱旋律识别检索系统,分别针对哼唱旋律识别技术...With the rapid development of modern science and technology, people are in an era of information explosion. Through the Internet, people have access to enormous information, which also includes an ancient art - music. In order to find songs people want, they need a retrieval technology focused on music information. Such a retrieval requires users to provide keywords. Obviously, humming is the best...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院计算机科学系_计算机应用技术学号:2302007115131

    Study of Humming Divide Technology According to Note

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    哼唱音乐一般是一种波形文件,这样的格式并不利于检索和查找。在使用哼唱音乐检索音乐内容时,需要将哼唱文件转换为音高和时值的形式,作为检索关键字。这些步骤都建立在哼唱已经被按音符切分的基础上。论文采用一种基于振幅能量的多层次音符切分方法,实现对哼唱文件的快速切分。基于能量的划分方法具有简便快速的特点。分层次的划分方法能够针对各种不同音符情况,采用最合适的方法切分。论文还讨论了一种基于音高识别技术的音符划分方法。Humming music is commonly a wave file,whose format is not conducive to be searched and found.When retrieving musical content by Humming music,humming documents need to be transformed to the format of pitch and time value,as the search keyword.These steps are built on that the singing has been cut by note basis points.This paper presents a multi-level note segmentation methods based on the amplitude of the energy,achieving rapid humming file segmentation.Energy-based partition method is characterized for simplicity and rapidity.Hierarchical classification approach can adopt the most appropriate method of segmentation due to the situation for a variety of different notes.This paper also discusses a note division method based on pitch recognition technology


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    A Study on JinJiang Men's clothing enterprise with the Specialty retailer of Private label Apparel Business Models

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    今天,中国已成为世界上最大的男装消费市场之一,中国的男装消费者构成了一个容量不容忽视的市场。作为三大男装产业集群之一的晋江男装企业,面临自身产业的升级转型的阶段。建立自有品牌,改变销售渠道,服装业从原料供应商到终端客户的供应链运营非常复杂。未来的企业竞争更多依赖于商业模式的选择。因此,企业只有根据自身特点合理设计自己的商务模式,才能使企业在激烈的竞争中立于不败之地。 研究表明,服装业自有品牌零售商模式SPA(SpecialityretailerofPrivatelabelApparel)是当前服装品牌通过将生产与零售直接连接,使产品直接面对顾客,节约时间与成本,把握商机与确保利润的新型商业模...Today, China has become the one of the world's largest men’s clothing market . The male consumers formed a capacity of the market of China can not be ignored. As the one of three men’s industrial clusters, JinJiang now is on the industry upgrade stage. Established its own brand, changing the sales channels, the garment industry from raw material suppliers to end customers is very complex. The comp...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心(MBA中心)_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:1792008115123

    The Microwave Cavity Sensor's Application Lies in the Production of Industry and Agriculture.

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    本文主要介绍微波腔体传感器用于工农业生产过程中对物质的湿度、温度、厚度和材料的电磁参数测量的基本原理,综述半个世纪以来,微波测量湿度、温度、厚度以及材料电磁特性等的应用概况.This paper expounds the basic principle of measurements of the moisture, the temperature, the thickness and the material electromagnetic parameters about the microwave cavity sensor's application lies in the production of the industry and the agriculture.Summarizes of the microwave measurements the moisture, the temperature, the thickness and the material electromagnitic properties expounds application in the guasi century


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    Determination of Humidity of Particulate Materials by the Method of Coaxial Cavity Perturbation

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    导出开路端外导体加长的λ/4同轴腔受颗粒状介质微扰的频偏近似计算公式,并在实验上测出不同湿度不同颗粒大小黄豆的频偏值.理论计算及实验均表明,如用上述腔体的过极限圆波导段做容器,由于过极限圆波导中电磁场沿纵向按指数率衰减,当选择合适的衰减系数α,在通常的黄豆等粮食颗粒的线度变化范围内,填充一层颗粒状介质所产生的频偏值随颗粒半径r的变化不大.应用此种腔体测量颗粒状介质湿度,可以在一定范围内消除粒度大小和形状的影响.The approximate Formula For calculating Frequency shiFt by the perturbation method of coaxial cavity ,which has a extended outer conductor,is deduced ,and the experimental results For Frequency shiFt measurement of soybeans with diFFerent radii under with diFFerent levels of humidity are presented.IF the section of cut ofF circular waveguide above mentioned is used as a vessel,the electromagnetic Field in it would attenuate exponentially along the longitudinal direction.When the attenuation constant is selected suitably ,the Frequency shiFt caused by Filling a layer of particulate material in it has little to do with the measured object′s radius R iF soybeans,peanuts and so on were used as sample.For this reason,such a cavity can be used For measuring humidity of some particulate material ,which can eliminate the inFluence of its size and shape to some extent.福建省自然科学基

    Growth Characteristics of Bred Marsupenaeusjaponicus in Polyculture Pond Mixed with Bostrychus sinensis

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    对与中华乌塘鳢(bOSTryCHuS SInEnSIS)混养模式下的日本囊对虾(MArSuPEnAEuS JAPOnICuS)选育新品系的体长、体质量等生长特性进行了100d的跟踪测量分析,结果表明:经过100d的养殖,虾鱼混养模式下日本囊对虾选育新品系平均体长和体质量分别由8MM和0.006g增加至112.73MM和18.35g,其生长分为快速生长期(30~50日龄)、稳定生长期(50~70日龄)和缓慢生长期(70日龄以后),在30~50日龄间,体长的生长速度较快,随着日龄的增加,体长生长速度变缓,体质量的生长拐点出现在55d左右;体质量和体长呈幂函数关系,关系式为W=1.0x10-5 l3.053,l的指数接近3,呈等速生长;混养模式下日本囊对虾选育新品系体长和体质量的VOn bErTAllAnffy生长方程为:l=127.45x(1-E-0.024T+0.212),W=26.77x(1-E-0.024T+0.212)3.053.研究结果为探索日本囊对虾适宜的养殖模式和选育新品系的选育效果提供了基础资料.The growth characteristics of bred Marsupenaeus japonicus in M.japonicus-Bostrychus sinensis polyculture ponds were studied according to the measurement of body length and body weight.Results showed that the average body length and body weight of bred M.japonicus were 112.73 mm and 18.35 g for 100-day cultivation respectively.The growth period of shrimps was devided into three stages:fast growth stage(30-50days),steady growth stage(50-70days),and aging growth stage(after 70days).The body length increased fast in 30-50 days,then slowed down gradually with age.The inflection of body weight growth was found in about 55days;the relationship between body length and body weight was described by apower function:W =1.0×10-5 L3.053,where the index of Lwas close to 3,indicating an isometric growth.The von Bertallanffy equations were expressed as follows:L=127.45×(1-e-0.024t+0.212),W =26.77×(1-e-0.024t+0.212)3.053.In sum,this study provides fundamental information to help explore appropriate aquaculture mode and bred effect of M.japonicus.国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)(2011AA10A409); 国家“虾产业体系”项目(CARS-47); 厦门市南方海洋中心项目(14CZY033HJ07

    Applications of Microwave Cavity in Industrial Measurements

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    本文阐明微波腔体用于工业检测湿度、温度、厚度、速度、材料电磁参数等的基本原理.综述近年来在测量湿度、速度、材料电磁特性及半导体材料电阻率、非平衡载流子寿命等的应用.OThe basic principle of moisture, temperature, thickness, speed and material parameter measurements using the microwave cavity is explained in this paper.Moisture, speed, material electromagnetic property, semiconductor material resistivity measurements in recent industrial applications are also summarized