436 research outputs found


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     本研究の目的は、TSV(バイヤー社体操-スポーツクラブ)の子どもスポーツ部門について、指導の方針や構造及び内容を明らかにすることである。2011年9月11日~15日及び2012年8月28日~8月31日の間、ドイツ、レバークーゼン市にある当該施設に赴き、専任教諭へのインタビュー、資料の収集、講座の見学を行った。その結果、指導構造が明らかになった。すなわち、①0~3歳児までには「親子体操」と呼ばれる講座が提供されており、②4~7歳児は1学年ごと、8~9歳児は2学年合同のクラスで、「基礎スポーツ」と呼ばれる陸上、ボール運動、器械体操を中心とした講座が提供されていること、③4歳児学年の終わりに『スポーツテスト』が実施され、上位1割は才能促進の目的で、下位1割はスポーツを楽しませる目的でクラス分けされ、その後の3学年は同じクラスで講座を受講すること、④4~7歳児の4学年では、毎年『子ども体操ワッペンテスト』が実施されること、⑤8~9歳学年以降に、特定のスポーツ講座に所属するようになることなどである。また『子ども体操ワッペンテスト』の内容と評価基準より各学年の指導内容や到達目標も明らかになった。加え、各講座は多様な方法で展開されており、“学び” ではなく“遊び” として取り組む子どもたちの姿が観察された。 The objective of the present study was to elucidate the principles, structure, and contents of instruction in the children’s sports department of the TSV Bayer 04 Leverkusen sports club. We visited the relevant facilitieslocated in Leverkusen, Germany on September 11-15, 2011, and August 28-31, 2012, and conducted interviews with full-time teachers, collected data, and observed classes. As a result, the following instruction system was clarified: ① a course entitled “Parent and child gymnastics” is provided for children between 0 and 3 years of age; ② a course entitled “Basic sports”, which is centered around track and field, ball exercises, and gymnastics, is provided separately for each grade from ages 4 to 7 and for two grades combining ages 8 to 9; ③ at the end of the school year at age 4, a “sports test” is conducted to classify students by ability into the top 10%, who are enrolled into a class for harnessing their talent, the bottom 10%, who are enrolled into a class for enjoying sports, and an intermediate group, with these class groupings being kept intact for the subsequent three school years; ④ a “Children’s gymnastics competition is held annually during the four grades from ages 4 to 7; and ⑤ students enroll in specific sports courses from age 8-9 or later. In addition, the instruction contents and attainment targets in each grade were elucidated from the contents and evaluation criteria of the “Children’s gymnastics competition”. Moreover, the courses were conducted using various methods, and it became apparent that the children participated in them as “play” rather than “learning”

    Traumatic Hematoma of the Corpus Callosum ? Report of two cases ?

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    Two cases with massive hematomas of the corpus callosum are presented. Massive hematomas localized in the corpus callosum are uncommon. In our clinic, the incidence was only 1.6% of 128 traumatic intracerebral hematomas which were treated after the introduction of CT scan. In the present cases, there were no skull fracture and callosal hematomas were situated mainly at the body of the corpus callosum symmetrically. Impact to the head was located in the parietal areas. The forces directed towards the skull base and the hematomas were assumed to be produced by stretching of callosal fibers due to lateral movement of the brain at the impact. Zimmerman stated that the shearing injury was frequently accompanied with the eccentric hemorrhage in the corpus callosum. However, the characteristic CT findings which were demonstrated in the shearing injury were not revealed in our cases. Clinically the neurological status of the patient with traumatic callosal injury was usually grave and the mortality was high. In our cases, Case 1 (35-year old woman)was semicomatose with left oculomotor palsy and decerebrate rigidity of her left arm by noxious steimuli on admission, but she became alert within 14 days. And Case 2 (61-year old man)was Glasgow coma scale of 8 and motor weakness was not proved. He was alert on the next morning. Both cases treated conservatively. The final examination of both cases showed no residual neurological deficit except for minimal mental retardation


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    主催 山﨑哲 (海洋研究開発機構研究員); 共催 向川均 (京都大学大学院理学研究科教授); 共催 廣岡俊彦 (九州大学大学院教授); 共催 渡部雅浩 (東京大学大気海洋研究所教授); 共催 榎本剛 (京都大学防災研究所教授