430 research outputs found


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    An Analysis on Investment Value of Ningbo Bank

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    我国证券市场的改革与发展突飞猛进,机构投资者比重不断扩大,促进了证券投资逐步理性化,以上市公司投资价值分析为主的投资理念越来越被投资者所重视。 银行业作为中国经济的核心支柱,其重要性不言而喻。在中国经济保持平稳发展的背景下,“十一五”期间银行业的年均利润增幅将维持在20%左右,这是上市银行长期投资价值所在。宁波银行是我国银行业的一支重要力量,本文选择宁波银行为投资价值分析对象,以中国加入WTO后银行业全面开放为分析背景,首先通过对宏观经济的分析,揭示由于宏观经济变化对银行业产生的影响;进而通过对我国银行业的现状、影响因素、运行趋势等方面的分析,揭示我国银行业的发展前景;然后通过对宁波银行的经...As the rapid development and reform of stock market in China, the proportion of institutional investors is increasing. The investment philosophy based on the analysis of the investment value of listed companies is increasingly being valued by investors. As a central pillar of the Chinese economy, the banking sector’s importance is self-evident. During the period of “11th Five-Year Plan”, the prof...学位:会计硕士院系专业:管理学院会计系_会计硕士(MPACC)学号:X200615714

    Decentralized PID Controller Design Based on Decoupled System for TITO Processes

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    介绍一种在工业过程中两输入两输出(TITO)系统控制器的设计及调节方法,提出一种逆向解耦方法,该方法能对具有耦合对象的系统有效的解耦成对角矩阵,; 以减小各回路之间的耦合影响,解耦矩阵因其结构上较为复杂、物理上不易实现等特点,因此在不加入解耦矩阵的情况下,利用解耦后的对角矩阵对TITO系统进; 行分散PID控制器的独立设计。首先通过一阶加时滞的模型方法对对角矩阵元素降阶,并对降阶后的模型采用内模控制方法进行控制器各回路PID的参数整定,; 最后,通过仿真验证了所设计的控制器具有较好的动态性能,并将该方法用于实验室的水箱控制系统中,控制效果良好。This paper presents a decentralized PID controller design method based; on decoupled system for the two-input-two-output (TITO) interactive; process. An inverted decoupler is designed, which can decouple the; system with coupling objects into a diagonal matrix to minimize the; interactive between the loops. Because of the complexity of the; decoupling matrix, an independent PID controller is designed for TITO; system by using the decoupled diagonal matrix. First, using a model; reduction technique, the diagonal matrix is approximated to the first; order plus dead time (FOPDT) form. Then, the individual controller of; each single loop is then independently designed by applying the internal; model control (IMC)-based PID tuning approach for; single-input/single-output (SISO) systems. Finally, simulation examples; and comparison with other works demonstrate the effectiveness of this; methodology, and the methods are combined and tested in an; experimentation of the water tank.国家自然科学基金资助项目; 福建省泉州市科技计划资助项


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    情态意义的体现形式多种多样 ,主要取决于语篇的语场和语旨。每一情态表达手段在语篇中会形成数量上或质量上的突出 ,这种突出是理解语篇体裁和人际意义的关键。本文通过对《廊桥遗梦》小说和电影中人物对话在情态体现方式上的量比提出英语情态体现方式还受到语式的制约 ,并展示受语式制约的轨迹


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    研究了手术过程中穿刺针与生物组织的相互作用力,对穿刺力进行了建模,搭建了生物软组织的力觉检测系统,检测系统由软、硬件2部分组成。其中,硬件平台采用了德国生产的高精度位移平台为穿刺针提供动力,利用压阻式力传感器进行力信号检测,并通过数据采集卡实时收集力信号。软件平台利用Lab VIEW编程控制电机的运动和数据采集。利用平台进行了针穿刺实验,并利用MATLAB对实验数据进行了处理和分析,得出了穿刺力—位移曲线及其与影响因素的关系。国家自然科学基金资助项目(61403320,61403322


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    Distribution Changes of Calcium and Programmed Cell Death in the Pistil of Litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) Flower during Its Development

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    应用焦锑酸钾沉淀法研究了荔枝雌花和雄花雌蕊发育过程中钙的分布变化。在大孢子母细胞阶段,雌花近珠孔内珠被细胞和花柱细胞的钙沉淀颗粒主要分布在细胞壁和细胞间隙,少部分在液泡;雌花花柱维管细胞中含有很多的钙沉淀颗粒;在雄花的近珠孔内珠被细胞钙沉淀颗粒大多在液泡中;雄花花柱细胞和维管细胞中钙沉淀颗粒很少。大孢子母细胞减数分裂后,雌花雌蕊继续发育,雄花雌蕊败育。雌花维管中的钙沉淀颗粒数量减少,可能被转运到将要发生花粉萌发和受精的部位。雌花近珠孔内珠被细胞壁的钙沉淀颗粒分布增加,花柱细胞从上(近柱头)到下(近子房)钙沉淀颗粒量递增。雄花近珠孔内珠被细胞发生程序性死亡:液泡中的钙进入细胞核启动细胞程序性死亡,核周隙与质膜腔形成连续的通道,钙在核与细胞质之间的流动不受限制;在特定的时间段,钙沉淀颗粒出现在线粒体、过氧化物体和线型内质网的外膜上。钙在细胞中重新分布可能触发和调节细胞程序性死亡的进程。缺乏钙沉淀颗粒的雄花花柱细胞迅速解体。Potassium pyroantimonate precipitationmethod was used for investigating calcium distributionand cell ultrastructure change during development of pis-tils of litchi male and female flower. The results showedthat at the megasporocyte stage of female flowers, cal-cium precipitates was located mainly at cell wall and in-tercellular space of inner integument near the micropyleand style cells, and to a lesser extent in vacuoles. Vascu-lar tissues also contained much calcium precipitates. Ininner integument cells near the micropyle of male flowers,the vacuole contained most of the calcium precipitates.Calcium precipitates in style cell and vascular tissues ofmale flowers was sparse and seldom seen. After meiosisof megasporocyte, pistils of female flowers continued togrow and those of male flowers aborted. In femaleflowers, calcium precipitates concentration became lowerand calcium precipitates was probably transported to theplaces for future pollen bourgeoning and fertilization.Cell wall calcium precipitates concentration increasedin the inner integument cells near the micropyle. Cal-cium precipitates concentration increased from topperstyle cells to lower ones. In male flowers, inner integu-ment cells near the micropyle underwent the programmedcell death (PCD): flow of calcium from vacuoles intonucleus might had triggered the PCD process. A con-tinuous channel was formed between perinuclear spaceand cytoplasm membrane lumen, and calcium flowedfreely between nuclear membrane and plasma membrane.At certain time and locations, calcium precipitates wasnewly appeared at some organelles like endoplasimicreticulum, mitochondria and peroxisomes. This calciumredistribution in cells might trigger and regulate the pro-cess of PCD. In male flowers, style cells containing nocalcium precipitation soon began to degenerate.福建省自然科学基金项目(No.B0310013)资助。~