32 research outputs found


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    目的 调查广东省平远县棘隙吸虫及其他鱼源性吸虫混合感染情况。方法 对鱼类宿主取鱼鳃和鱼肉等组织 ,镜检囊蚴 ;用水洗过筛沉淀法粪检虫卵 ,部分虫卵阳性动物解剖检查。采用DNA -RAPD技术 ,比较福建棘隙吸虫广东株与福建株。结果 查出华支睾吸虫 (Clonorchissinensis)、东方次睾吸虫 (Metorchisorientalis)、福建棘隙吸虫 (Echinochasmusfujianensis)、日本棘隙吸虫 (E japonicus)、抱茎棘隙吸虫 (E perfoliatus)和钩棘单睾吸虫 (Haplorchispumilio) 6种。第二中间宿主为麦穗鱼等 11种 ,感染率 48 3% (182 / 377) ,有 92 4%的阳性鱼混合感染 2种以上吸虫囊蚴。保虫宿主狗、猫感染率 79 2 % (19/ 2 4) ,每只阳性动物均有 2种以上吸虫混合感染。 15个引物在福建棘隙吸虫广东株与福建株两者共获DNA片段 185个 ,共享度 (F) =0 984,遗传距离 (D) =0 0 16。结论 当地为人兽共患的多种鱼源性吸虫混合感染区。形态学观察和分子生物学检测结果相印证 ,福建棘隙吸虫广东株与福建棘隙吸虫福建株为同一虫种。Aim To seek the possible existence of mixed infections of Echinochasmus fujianensis and other fish-borne tremtodes in Pinyuan county,Guangdong.Methods Metacercariae of trematodes were detected from gills,muscles and some other tissues of freshwater fish and examintd under microscopy Sedimentation pocedures were used to observe parasite ova in stool Adult worms were obtained from definitive animal hosts upon dissection Experimental animal infection were performed from metacercariae of E fujianensis strains in Fujian and Guangdong,and it's DNA analysis Random amplified Polymorphic DNA(RAPD).Results Six species of trematodes were found,including Clonorchis sinensis,Metorchis orientalis,E fujanensis, E japonicus,E perfoliatus and Haplorchis pumilio Eleven species of freshwater fish comprising Pseudorasbora parve were identified as the second intermediate hosts,with an average positive rate of 48 33%(182/377) The overall mixed infection animal were contracted with 2 or more species Dogs and cats were detected to be reservoir hosts,the total infection rate being 79 2%(19/24).92 4% of infecded fish were contracted with 2 or 6 speies of the metacercariae of trematodes 185 DNA fragments were obtained by 15 primers,F=0 894 and D=0 016 between E fujianensis Guandong and Fujian strain Conclusion There are six species of fish-borne trematodes which may cause infections in human and animal in the regions E fujianensis Guangdong stain and Fujian strain are the same species福建省科技计划基金!资助项目 (No 98-Z - 1 56);; 福建省“百千万人才”人选培养资

    Managerial Ownership and Corporate Performance : The Model Explanatory Power Endogeneity and the Industry Competition ,

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    本文以2001 ~ 2005 年深沪两市上市公司为研究样本, 以委托代理理论、团队生产理论等为基础, 通过构建混合横截面数据分析管理层持股与公司业绩之间的非线性关系, 验证“利益趋同假说” 和“防御假说” , 并对线性模型和非线性模型的解释力进行比较。在此基础上, 本文讨论管理层持股与公司业绩之间的内生性, 探讨在我国目前特殊的制度背景下到底管理层持股决定公司业绩, 还是公司业绩决定管理层持股, 抑或是管理层持股和公司业绩两者相互决定, 并对管理层持股和企业业绩之间的内生性采取三阶段回归模型(3SLS) 进行处理, 再次审视剔除内生性之后两者之间的相关性。最后, 本文 还分析不同行业的竞争程度对管理层持股与公司业绩之间关系的影响。本文的研究发现: ① 管理层持股与公司业绩之间呈二次非线性关系, 但线性模型和非线性模型在目前我国管理层持股总体水平偏低的情况下, 具有相似的解释和预测能力。② 通过建立单一方程和联立方程来分析两者的相互影响性, 发现管理层持股与公司业绩之间具有内生性。③ 行业竞争程度与管理层持股激励效果相关, 公司所处的行业竞争程度越高, 管理层持股的激励效果更好; 而越是垄断性的行业, 管理层持股的激励效果越差。The paper investigates the companies listed in Shenghai and Shenzhen securities exchanges over the 2001 ~ 2005 period Using mixed cross sectional data , we analyze the nonlinear relation between managerial ownership and corporate performance and examine the the convergence of interest hypothesis and the entrenchment hypothesis We also compare the explanatory power between linear and nonlinear models Furthermore , the paper discusses the causes and consequences between managerial ownership and corporate performance to decide whether managerial ownership dominate corporate performance or corporate performance dominate managerial ownership or managerial ownership and corporate performance interactive underlying Chinese capital markets , and the paper adopts 3 SLS to deal with endogenous relation between managerial ownership and corporate performance Our results show that : firstly , there is a twosquare nonlinear relation between managerial ownership and corporate performance , but the explanatory power between linear and nonlinear model is similar Secondly , the paper adopts single and Simultaneous Equation to analysis cause and consequences and finds that managerial ownership and corporate performance have endogenous relation . Final ly , industry competition characteristic affects the incentive effects of managerial ownership , and more competitive industry have better incentive effects , monopoly industry have worse or little incentive effects作者单位:厦门大学会计系\ 厦门大学会计发展研究中心,光大证券股份有限公


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    通过对7种国产贝母属(Fritillaria)植物的染色体核型进行观察和研究,报道了小白花贝母(F. albidoflora Duan&Zheng)、川贝母(F. cirrhosa Don)、伊贝母(F. pallidiflora Schrenk ex Fischer&Meyer)、华西贝母(F. sichuanica Chen)、托里贝母(F. tortifolia Duan&Zheng)、新疆贝母(F. walujewii Regel)、裕民贝母(F. yuminensis Duan)等7种植物的染色体数目及核型,其中3种为首次报道。结果显示,7种国产贝母属植物的核型均具有高度不对称性。此外,小白花贝母与已报道的黄花贝母(F. verticillata Willdenow)的核型存在明显差异,提示Flora of China将小白花贝母归并入黄花贝母的分类处理可能并不恰当,二者的关系需进一步研究


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    利用神舟3号飞船(SZ-3)上的多样品空间晶体炉制备出GaMnSb材料.所设计的石英安瓿使用氧化铝棉毡和特殊设计制造的氮化硼坩锅进行减震,经受住了严峻的力学环境的考验,完成了材料的空间生长实验,达到了空间生长材料的初步要求.对空间生长的GaMnSb 晶体进行了X射线能谱分析和X射线衍射分析,发现空间生长的GaMnSb是多晶结构.对未获得GaMnSb单晶的原因进行了分析,发现空间晶体炉温度的波动和提供能量的不足是导致生成GaMnSb多晶结构的主要原因.由于在晶体生长的初始阶段晶体炉提供的能量不足,使GaSb单晶部分未能熔化,从而导致GaMnSb材料的生长在没有籽晶的情况下进行


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    Study of the damage-induced anisotropy of quasi-brittle materials using the component assembling model

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    Damage-induced anisotropy of quasi-brittle materials is investigated using component assembling model in this study. Damage-induced anisotropy is one significant character of quasi-brittle materials coupled with nonlinearity and strain softening. Formulation of such complicated phenomena is a difficult problem till now. The present model is based on the component assembling concept, where constitutive equations of materials are formed by means of assembling two kinds of components' response functions. These two kinds of components, orientational and volumetric ones, are abstracted based on pair-functional potentials and the Cauchy - Born rule. Moreover, macroscopic damage of quasi-brittle materials can be reflected by stiffness changing of orientational components, which represent grouped atomic bonds along discrete directions. Simultaneously, anisotropic characters are captured by the naturally directional property of the orientational component. Initial damage surface in the axial-shear stress space is calculated and analyzed. Furthermore, the anisotropic quasi-brittle damage behaviors of concrete under uniaxial, proportional, and nonproportional combined loading are analyzed to elucidate the utility and limitations of the present damage model. The numerical results show good agreement with the experimental data and predicted results of the classical anisotropic damage models