11 research outputs found


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    Study on Payment Model of Third-party Take-back to Mobile Producer Based on EPR

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    文中从第三方回收企业——产品责任提供商的角度,通过对废旧手机的收集费用、运输费用、拆卸处理费用进行成本分析,并以此为根据使用模糊贴近度算法评判手机厂商属于何等收费标准,以便PRP制定对手机厂商的收费策略,实现自身赢利。From the perspective of third-party take-back,namely the Product Responsibility Provider(PRP),this paper analyzes the cost about wasted-mobile including collecting fee,transportation fee and demanufacturing fee.Based on the analysis and using fuzzy similarity algorithm,a payment model is established to judge the standard that a mobile producer should pay for its wasted-mobile to PRP.Therefore,the PRP can make suitable payment decision to a mobile producer and realize profits by itself.教育部社科研究一般项目( 06JA630059);; 福建省软科学研究计划资助项目( 2006R0035

    EDI System Based on Client/Server Architecture

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    通过分析ClIEnT/SErVEr体系结构的特点,提出了基于ClIEnT/SErVEr体系结构的EdI系统的信息集成解决方案.By analysis of the Features of client/server architecture,a kind of EDI system based on client/server architecture is presented as a solution For inFormation integration


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    New Business Model Based-on Mobile-Commerce

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    讨论了移动商务的概念及其技术解决方案,分析、探讨了基于移动商务的新型企业经营管理模式及其所面临的问题.The paper discusses the concept of MobileCommerce and relevant technological solutions. Furthermore, the paper analyzes new business model basedon MobileCommerce and some problems arisen from MobileCommerce

    Study on System Dynamics Model of the Third Party Take-back System for E-waste

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    本文认为,通过引入基于第三方回收体系的市场化机制,可以降低电子废弃品中有害物质的排放量,满足国家对于创建和谐社会的需求。第三方回收体系的实施是一个持续的、动态的、系统的过程,为了整个国家环境质量的提升,就必须使回收体系得到良性的、健康的发展。而回收体系的良性发展离不开体系中制造商、回收商和处理商这三大主体的支持,每个主体都必须从大局出发,避免只追求个体利益的增长而忽视对整体利益的考虑,应构建畅通无阻的信息链;与此同时,国家也必须制定相关的政策法规对回收体系所涉及的行业进行一定的引导和扶持,加强宏观监管力度,使整个社会达到市场经济与生态保护的合理平衡。In this paper, a System Dynamics model of the third party take-back system for e-waste is presented.Based on this model, the feasibility of this marketization third party take-back system is analyzed as the development of economies and the electronics industry in future.Meanwhile, the benefits of main shareholders in the system and the changing trend of the pollutant amount caused by e-waste are also discussed if this system is introduced.Finally, taking mobile phone industry as a stimulating example, the result indicates that this marketization third party take-back system will be practical, profitable and environmental-protected.教育部社会科学研究一般项目《基于延伸生产商责任的电子废旧品回收管理体系研究》(项目编号:06JA630059)的部分成

    A Decision Support System Based on Artificial Neural Network

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    运用人工神经元网络的学习优点,针对一类多级指标体系进行综合评价的决策问题构造一种支持非结构化决策问题的系统模型,并利用该系统模型建立一个企业出口潜力决策支持系统,试图对企业出口潜力进行综合评价.By taking advantage of Artificial Neural Network,a system model supporting nonstructured decision problems was built with regard to evaluation based on multistage indexes system.By using this system model, a DSS for evaluating the enterprise export potentialities was presented

    Study on Take-back Models for Extended Producer Responsibility

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    延伸厂商责任(EPR)的核心就是将厂商的责任扩展到对其使用寿命周期已到的产品进行拆卸回收等环保处理,本文对基于 EPR 的3种废弃品回收模式进行比较分析,着重探讨了与厂商签约并代表厂商承担产品回收责任的第三方回收模式的运作系统。本文认为,对于大多数复杂产品,第三方回收模式是满足 EPR思想的最有效解决方案。The principle of Extended Producer Responsibility(EPR)is to extend the responsibilities of the producer to end-of- life demanufacturing and recycling.In this paper,three take-back models based on EPR are discussed and compared.The Third-Party Take-back model,in which Product Responsibility Providers are contracted to assume responsibility for end-of-life on behalf of producers,is studied in details.For many complex product categories,the Third-Party Take-back model may be the most effective way to meet the goals of EPR principle


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    随着环保意识和可持续发展意识的增强,许多国家及企业越来越重视电子废旧品的回收处理,欧美、日本等经济发达国家较早就意识到这个问题,纷纷以立法的形式规范废旧家电的处置,其核心宗旨就是教育部社科研究一般项目(06JA630059);; 福建省软科学研究计划资助项目(2006R0035