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    Globalization,Economic Social Development and Public Government Trust:An Empirical Analysis with Data from 48 Countries

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    李艳霞,厦门大学公共事务学院教授,政治学博士;郭夏玫,厦门大学公共政策研究院副教授,心理学博士。【中文摘要】公众对本国政府的信任水平不仅受到其个体对政府治理绩效的感知以及其文化价值观念的影响,而且也受到一国的经济社会发展水平以及全球化程度等宏观因素的制约。以世界价值观调査(WVS)、政府质量数据库、KOF全球化数据库中48个国家的数据为样本,运用多层线性回归(HLM)的分析方法进行综合分析,统计分析结果显示:国家的政治全球化程度对其公众的政府信任水平具有显著的主效应;人类发展指数与生活满意度对公众的政府信任具有明显的交互作用;经济全球化与公众对本国政府民主评价对公众的政府信任具有明显的交互作用。一国的全球化程度以及所处的社会发展阶段,在很大程度上影响了该国公众的政府信任水平以及心理发生机制,是影响公众政府信任的重要时空背景因素。 【Abstract】The level of public government trust is not only affected by the individual-level factors such as the perception of governance performance and culture values,but also bythe country-level factors such as the extent of economic social development and globalization. This article analyzed the influencing individual- and country-level factors of public government trust with the data of 48 countries from the World Value Survey and KOF globalization index using Hierarchical Linear Modeling. Results showed that the level of political globalization hada strong effect on the level of public government trust. There was a significant interaction between the index of human development and life satisfaction and public government trust. In addition,the interaction between the economic globalization as well as public evaluation on democracy of their own countryand public government trust was also significant. The current findings suggest that the level of globalization,economic and social development are important background factors affecting the level of public government trust and the associated psychological mechanism.国家社科基金一般项目“当代中国知识分子政治认同的理论与实证研究”(2017BZZ001);国家社科基金专项工程项目“党中央治国理政政策思想体系研究”(16ZZD042