59 research outputs found

    Kinematic analysis of a wire-driven parallel manipulator with 1R2T type on upright position

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    设计了立面1R2T三自由度绳牵引并联机构的模型.在竖直平面上对末端执行器模型进行了速度、加速度运动学分析,包括速度、加速度运动学逆解.用力矩平衡法确定其质心位置,对位姿运动学模型进行了一阶、二阶求导,得出了运动学速度、加速度逆解模型.根据封闭矢量三角形法则,求出了速度运动学逆解模型,给出了运动学速度逆解Jacobian矩阵.在规划的椭圆轨迹下,采用Simulink仿真软件进行了末端执行器质心的速度、加速度和绳速度变化规律的仿真,并搭建了控制系统的硬件设备.研究表明,在所规划椭圆轨迹下,所有绳速度、加速度的变化是连续的且求解速度、加速度逆解的算法正确、通用.A kind of 3-DOF wire-driven parallel manipulator with 1R2T type is designed.The kinematical analysis on the velocity and acceleration of its end effector is given on the upright position according to the manipulator.The centroid position of the effector is determined by moment balance principle.The inverse solution of both velocity and acceleration kinematics has got through first and second derivative of the position kinematics.The principle of closed vector triangle is applied when deriving the inverse solution of velocity kinematics.In the meantime,Jacobian Matrix of inverse solution of velocity kinematics is set up.In the ellipse trace designed for the effector,the simulation results including both velocity and acceleration of end effector's centroid and the velocity varying of cables have showed.The equipment of control system is constructed.The results indicate that the velocity and acceleration of cables are continuous and the method presented is available and universal.国家自然笠学基金资助项目(50475099

    System simulation of vertical 3-DOF cord-drawn parallel mechanism

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    给出所设计的立面一个转动两个平动(1R2T)三自由度绳牵引并联机构的模型.针对此机构模型,建立了运动学逆解模型;接着提出两种计算绳拉力的算法,并具体分析了其中一种算法.以末端执行器实现椭圆型的运动轨迹为目标,进行轨迹规划,研究绳的运动特性.采用Simlink仿真软件对该系统进行了一系列的仿真,包括:绳长变化、绳的速度、加速度变化以及绳的拉力变化.仿真结果表明:在所规划椭圆轨迹下,所有绳速度、加速度的变化是连续的;一些绳拉力的变化比较大,另一些绳拉力的变化比较小.提出的运动轨迹规划方法,具有通用性.A model of the vertical 1R2T 3-DOF cord-drawn parallel mechanism is presented in this study.Afterwards,a reverse kinematical model is established.The cord tension is subsequently obtained via two different calculations,one of which is analyzed in details.Accordingly,a generic track planning is conducted based on the motion tracking of end manipulator.Consequently,the cord motion characteristics,including variations of cord length,velocity,acceleration and tension,are simulated using Simulink TM.It is indicted that the variation of cord velocity and acceleration is consecutive,whereas the variation of cord tension is not tendentious.国家自然科学基金资助项目(50475099

    Design of pH Control System for Electrodialysis Water Treatment

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    电渗析技术以其独特优势,在水处理、食品和化工等领域有着广泛的应用。针对电渗析水处理系统出水酸碱度可调的应用需求,利用STM32F407RET6单片机开发了一套基于PID算法的pH值控制系统,运用PWM方式完成了电渗析电源电压的快速控制,实现电渗析水处理系统出水pH值的快速调节,调节时间小于30s。所述酸碱度控制系统的开发,有助于提升水处理系统的响应速度,提高水质监控水平。To meet the requirement of adjustable water pH for electrodialysis water treatment system,a pH value control system based on PID algorithm is developed using STM32F407RET6 microcontraller.Then to realize rapid water pH adjust- ment of the electrodialysis water treatment system,the PWM method is utilized for fast control of the electrodialysis power supply voltage,which makes the adjusting time less than 30s.The development of pH value control system contributes to im- proving the response speed of the water treatment system.国家自然科学基金(51405408); 厦门南方海洋研究中心项目(15GHS019HJ03); 厦门市科技计划项目(3502Z20163005); 福建省中青年教师教育科研项目(JAT160002


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    Relationship between mannose-binding protein polymorphism and patients with liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma

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    目的探讨甘露糖结合蛋白(MbP)基因突变与肝硬化及肝癌的关系。方法采用聚合酶链式反应-限制性片段长度多态性(PCr-rflP)方法和实时荧光定量PCr(fQ-PCr)技术针对代偿性肝硬化(CC)患者73例、失代偿性肝硬化(dC)患者78例、肝细胞癌(HCC)患者35例和对照组88例健康者的MbP基因第54位密码子多态性进行检测。结果 HCC组的MbP基因ggC/gAC基因型频率和gAC等位基因频率与对照组比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。CC组、dC组MbP基因ggC/gAC基因型频率和gAC等位基因频率均显著高于HCC组和对照组(P 0.05).GAC allele frequency was also highest prevalence (36.5%) in DC group than that in CC group and HCC group (P < 0.05).Conclusions The MBP codon 54 polymorphism is associated with the progression of liver cirrhosis and might not play an important role in the development of hepatocellular carcinoma.福建省漳州市科技计划资助项目(Z2010085


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    根据2006~2007年间采自福建省4个主要港口12艘外轮(包括8条集装箱船和4条散货船)的压舱水样品,研究压舱水生物的分布特点,结果表明进入该水域的外来船舶压舱水生物物种丰富度和个体丰度高,共发现浮游植物7门86属240种(包括60种赤潮生物)和浮游动物5门30属52种;经3种网目(20,77,和160μm)筛网收集的不同粒径生物的平均丰度分别为:动物38858.3 ind./m3(粒径77~160μm)和782.3 ind./m3(粒径>160μm);植物3625.0 cells./dm3(粒径20~77μm)和134.1 cells./dm3(粒径77~160μm)。压舱水生物的分布及生存状态与水样的盐度及水龄相关。初步评估外来压舱水生物排放对福建沿海的潜在入侵风险


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    Trisomy 21-induced Dysregulation of Microglial Homeostasis in Alzheimer’s Brains is Mediated by USP25

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    阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer’s disease, AD)是一种最为常见的与记忆、认知能力退化相关的渐进性神经退行性疾病。唐氏综合征(Down’s syndrome, DS)是早发型阿尔茨海默病的一个重要风险因素,作为最常见的智力障碍遗传疾病,厦门大学医学院神经科学研究所王鑫教授团队揭示了治疗阿尔茨海默病和唐氏综合征新的治疗靶点,并且在小鼠模型上利用USP25小分子抑制剂成功地改善了阿尔茨海默病小鼠的认知功能,缓解了神经退行性病变的病理进程。该研究工作由王鑫教授指导完成,厦门大学医学院助理教授郑秋阳和博士生李桂林完成主要实验工作,王世华、朱琳、高月、邓青芳、张洪峰、张丽珊、吴美玲、狄安洁参与了部分研究工作。厦门大学医学院许华曦、赵颖俊和孙灏教授在研究过程中给予大力帮助和支持,清华大学董晨教授提供了Usp25基因敲除小鼠,厦门大学附属妇女儿童医院周裕林教授和郑良楷博士帮助收集了脑组织样品。Down syndrome (DS), caused by trisomy of chromosome 21, is the most significant risk factor for early-onset Alzheimer’s disease (AD); however, underlying mechanisms linking DS and AD remain unclear. Here, we show that triplication of homologous chromosome 21 genes aggravates neuroinflammation in combined murine DS-AD models. Overexpression of USP25, a deubiquitinating enzyme encoded by chromosome 21, results in microglial activation and induces synaptic and cognitive deficits, whereas genetic ablation of Usp25 reduces neuroinflammation and rescues synaptic and cognitive function in 5×FAD mice. Mechanistically, USP25 deficiency attenuates microglia-mediated proinflammatory cytokine overproduction and synapse elimination. Inhibition of USP25 reestablishes homeostatic microglial signatures and restores synaptic and cognitive function in 5×FAD mice. In summary, we demonstrate an unprecedented role for trisomy 21 and pathogenic effects associated with microgliosis as a result of the increased USP25 dosage, implicating USP25 as a therapeutic target for neuroinflammation in DS and AD.This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31871077, 81822014, and 81571176 to X.W.; 81701130 to Q.Z.), the National Key R&D Program of China (2016YFC1305900 to X.W.), the Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province of China (2017J06021 to X.W.), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Chinese Central Universities (20720150061 to X.W.), and the BrightFocus Foundation (A2018214F to Yingjun Zhao). 该研究工作得到国家重点研发计划项目、国家自然科学基金、福建省自然科学基金、厦门大学校长基金的资助和支持

    Retrieving the Most Prevalent Small Fullerene C(56)

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    通讯作者地址: Xie, SY (通讯作者),Xiamen Univ, State Key Lab Phys Chem Solid Surfaces, Coll Chem & Chem Engn, Xiamen 361005, Peoples R China 地址: 1. Xiamen Univ, State Key Lab Phys Chem Solid Surfaces, Coll Chem & Chem Engn, Xiamen 361005, Peoples R China 2. Xiamen Univ, Dept Chem, Coll Chem & Chem Engn, Xiamen 361005, Peoples R China 电子邮件地址: [email protected] of China,20721001 ,21031004 973 Program 2007CB815301 2011CB93590