2 research outputs found

    An Empirical Research on the Relation between Investor Sentiment and Stock Market Bubble——Based on Chinese A-Share Market

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    随着我国股票市场的快速发展,股市在资本市场中扮演着越来越重要的角色,它的稳定健康发展关系到资本市场乃至国民经济的平稳可持续发展。虽然我国股票市场的深度和广度得到了极大拓展,但是市场仍然存在许多缺陷,股票指数起伏跌宕,经常出现宽幅震荡等现象,给整个经济系统造成了许多负面的冲击,给社会经济带来了不稳定的因素。尤其是我国股市是以中小投资者为主,“追涨杀跌”、“盲目跟风”等非理性特征非常明显,这些投资者的非理性导致股票价格偏离其基本面,滋生股市泡沫,从而会给社会经济造成很大的负面影响。因此,本文结合中国的实际情况,以中国股票市场为背景,尝试从投资者情绪角度来研究股市泡沫,探究投资者情绪与股市泡沫的关系...With the rapid development of stock market, the stock market plays an increasingly important role in the capital market, whose stable and healthy development is related with the stable sustainable development of capital market and national economy. Although the depth and breadth of our country’s stock market has been greatly expanded, the market still has many shortcomings, such as stock index ups...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院财务学系_财务学学号:1762007115178


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