70 research outputs found

    Taiwan as an example for “Source to Sink” processes of particulate organic matter in high mountainous river and surrounding marginal seas

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    陆海交互界面“源到汇”沉积体系由高山环境延伸,横跨大陆边缘,最后汇入深海,是侵蚀和沉积过程发生的主要位置,构成地球沉积循环的主要组成部分,同时,也是连接地球系统长时间尺度碳循环的枢纽。在轨道时间尺度上,大气二氧化碳的含量主要取决于化石碳的氧化以及光合作用所固定碳的埋藏这二者之间的平衡。而陆海交互界面是这两个过程发生的主要场所,因此理清陆海交互界面碳的迁移转化过程对定量全球碳收支至关重要。高山岛屿(high-standingislands)的河流流域面积占地球面积不到3%,每年向海洋输入的有机碳却占全球入海通量的17-35%,是研究碳源汇过程理想的天然实验场。因此本文以台湾高山流域的土壤、水库悬...The sedimentary “source to sink” system in land-to-ocean boundary is extended from the high mountain, across the continental margin, and eventually dumps into the deep sea. It is the primary locations for the erosion and deposition processes take place, which constitutes the sedimentary cycle of the earth and is also connected to the earth system for a long-term carbon cycle. At geological time sc...学位:理学博士院系专业:海洋与地球学院_海洋化学学号:2232013015377

    A Review on the Younger Dryas Event

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    发生在12.9~11.6 kA bP的一次北半球气候快速变冷——新仙女木(yd)事件在过去30年来一直是古气候研究的热点。当下由于人类活动引起全球变暖,研究类似的快速气候变化事件及其触发机制对于预测未来气候变化具有重要意义。然而时至今日,科学界对yd事件的发生时间、气候效应、触发机制及其全球性意义依然存在很大争议。对比多个高分辨率记录探讨了yd事件的发生时间及其年代学意义,详细总结了南、北半球中高纬地区及低纬地区近年来新发现的yd事件的记录及其气候效应,重点讨论了yd事件触发机制假说的发展与争议,并结合yd事件的研究现状提出了未来研究热点和重要方向。The Younger Dryas(YD) event which lasted from 12.9 ~ 11.6 ka BP is a rapid return to near-glacial conditions with a major impact on global climate that punctuated last glacial-Holocene transition period.The YD event was firstly found in records of mid-high latitude Northern Europe and North Atlantic vicinities and later identified broadly in North Pacific Oceans,Asia,North America,tropics and even in South Hemisphere.The mechanism of YD event is not clear although tremendous efforts have been paid over the past 30 years.Even the precise timing,duration and global impact remain ambiguous.The understanding of the magnitude of YD-like event in temporal and spatial scales andits forcing mechanism may help us to forecast the possible environmental and ecological impacts in global scale due to anthropogenic forcing.This article reviewed the progress of studies on the YD event,including the most recent dating of the onset and geographic pattern of climatic impacts,and particularly the triggering mechanisms proposed in recent years.The disparities of precise dates among records for the YD onset may result from counting mistakes,regional environmental responses and rapid fluctuation of atmospheric14 C.Globally,the YD event was characterized by abrupt climate change with increasing anomalies in magnitude toward the poles and opposite signs between Hemispheres,which modulated by bipolar seesaw mechanism.It is generally accepted that the YD event is caused by a slowdown Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation(AMOC).However,the triggering mechanism of this slowdown is debatable.Besides the earliest hypothesis of Lake Agassiz outburst,alternative mechanisms such as meltwater discharge into Arctic Ocean,extraterrestrial impact or atmospheric circulation forcing have been proposed under various supportive evidences.Tropical processwas suggested to play an additional role in abrupt climate change,of which high latitude was thought to be the modulator.The newest hypothesis suggested that YD event was an integral part of natural climate oscillation rather than a freak excursion.Finally,future directionstohave a complete understanding of the mechanisms of YD event are provided.国家自然科学基金项目重大研究计划“南海水体硝酸盐动力学与水团示踪”(编号:91328207);国家自然科学基金面上项目“中国边缘海沉积物氮同位素时空变化与控制因子”(编号:41176059)资


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    美国页岩气革命使得美国实现了能源自给,带动了全球油气工业的发展,改变了世界能源供应格局。但随着美国页岩气的不断开发,各种风险也逐渐凸显,同时,在相关预算收紧的情况下,管理能力正在下降或变得不完整。在这种背景下,为全面认识与页岩气开发相关的风险及其管理中的一系列社会问题和决策问题,美国国家研究理事会(NRC)成立的指导委员会在2013年的5月和8月分别组织相关专家召开了研讨会,对页岩气开发面临的风险及风险治理问题进行了深入分析。 《页岩气开发风险及风险治理》一书是美国国家研究理事会项目主任保罗&middot;C&middot;斯特恩基于两次专题研讨会上的主题报告人和评论专家等的发言整理而成。该书分为&ldquo;非常规页岩气开发风险&rdquo;和&ldquo;页岩气开发风险治理&rdquo;两大部分、共20章,对页岩气开发风险的讨论主要从公众对页岩气开发风险的态度以及页岩气开发面临的运营风险、水资源风险、空气风险、生态风险、公共健康风险、对气候变化的影响、对开发区的影响、各种风险间相互作用等方面来展开,而对风险治理讨论则涉及管理内容、政府职责、政府能力、管理技术、设立试点区、公众和利益相关者参与、安全文化等方面。这些讨论与认识,对美国和其他页岩气开发国以及计划开发页岩气的国家认识页岩气开发的风险及对其实施有效管理将具有重要的参考意义。</p


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    2018年9月10日,我国新时代第一次全国教育大会的召开,吹响了向教育现代化全面进军的号角。全国各省市也纷纷行动起来,谋划区域教育现代化建设问题。2019年3月22日,浙江省召开全省教育大会,提...2017年国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于指数分析的高校县域办学决策模型研究”(71774090);; 2017年山东省“泰山学者工程专项经费”资助;; 江苏高校哲学社会科学研究重点项目“江苏省民办教育..

    Investigation on the iodine status among the population in rural and urban areas of Xiamen in 2013

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    目的了解碘盐新标准实施后农村和城市人群的碘营养现况,为有效落实科学补碘防控策略提供依据。方法在农村和城市调查点各抽取1个镇的1个村,在每个村采集自来水厂出厂水和末梢水各2份;抽取30户以上居民,采集各户家庭食用盐,用3日称量法测算各户居民人均食盐摄入量;抽取18-45岁成人50名以上,采集尿样。在抽中的镇随机选择8-10岁儿童(男女各半)、孕妇和哺乳期妇女各50名以上,采集尿样。测定盐碘、尿碘和水碘含量。结果农村和城市自来水末梢水水碘含量均值分别为4.5μg/L和6.0μg/L;居民人均每日食用盐摄入量中位数分别为7.0和5.6g;8~10岁儿童尿碘中位数分别为152.0和181.2μg/L;哺乳妇尿碘中位数分别为108.3和107.7μg/L;18-45岁成人尿碘中位数分别为121.1和147.4μg/L;孕妇尿碘中位数分别为116.0和112.2μg/L,尿碘含量低于150μg/L的比例分别达67.9%和64%;除农村人均每日食用盐摄入量高于城市,农村18-45岁成人尿碘水平低于城市外,其他指标农村和城市间差异无显著性。结论厦门市仍是缺碘地区,在现有碘盐标准下,8-10岁儿童、18-45岁成人、哺乳期妇女的碘营养处于适宜水平,但孕妇的碘营养不足,要开展针对孕期人群的碘营养监测和指导,杜绝碘缺乏所造成的危害。Objective To gain knowledge of the iodine status among the population in rural and urban areas after the implement of new standard for edible salt and to provide scientific evidence for the initiative of the iodine supplement strategy. Method 1 village / community was selected randomly from rural and urban area as research site respectively. 2 samples of treated water and tap water were collected respectively in both sites, 30 + houses were enrolled randomly and edible salt samples were collected. 3days weighed record was employed to estimate average salt daily intake. Urine sample was collected from 50 + adults aged from 18 to 45. Identical sample was also collected from 50 + children aged from 8 to 10( same amount of subjects in both genders),pregnant women, and lactating women respectively. Iodine level of water, salt, and urine was determined by laboratory assay.Results The iodine concentration of tap water in rural and urban areas was 4. 5 μg / L and 6. 0 μg / L,respectively. The median of average iodine intake in rural and urban areas was 7. 0 g and 5. 6 g, respectively. The median in urine iodine was 152. 0 μg / L and 181. 2 μg / L,respectively. This measurement in lactating women was 108. 3 μg / L and 107. 7 μg / L,respectively. And it was121. 1 μg / L and 147. 4 μg / L in adults aged 18 to 45, respectively. As for the pregnant women, the iodine level reached 116. 0μg /L and 112. 2 μg /L,respectively. The proportion of subjects has urine iodine level less than 150 μg /L reached 67. 9 % and 64 %, respectively. The average salt intake in rural area was higher than urban significantly, and the urine iodine level in adults aged 18 to 45 from rural area was significantly lower than urban. No significance was found in other comparison. Conclusion Through our investigation,Xiamen is still an iodine deficiency area. Under the implement of new edible salt standard, the iodine status in children aged 8 to 10, adults aged 18 to 45 and lactating women was adequate, however, we found that pregnant women enrolled in our study have iodine deficiency in some degrees. Therefore the iodine surveillance and dietary guidance should be performed among pregnant women to eliminate the harm caused by iodine deficiency

    Glow discharge synthesis and molecular structures of perchlorofluoranthene and other perchlorinated fragments of buckminsterfullerene

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    Huang, RB (通讯作者), Xiamen Univ, Dept Chem, State Key Lab Phys Chem Solid Surfaces, Xiamen 361005, Peoples R ChinaA series of perchlorinated fragments of buckminsterfullerene were prepared by glow discharge using chloroform vapor; their structural features are of significance in understanding the formation mechanism of fullerenes