493 research outputs found

    Genetic Modification of Schizochytrium sp. LU310 and The Effect Mechanism of Malic Acid on DHA Biosynthesis

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    对提高裂殖壶菌二十二碳六烯酸(Docosahexaenoicacid,DHA)发酵产量的传统研究大多集中于菌种筛选、培养基优化和发酵策略的调控上。随着基因工程技术的发展,从基因水平上调控DHA合成途径的代谢流,已受到越来越多的关注。利用基因工程技术改造裂殖壶菌的DHA合成途径,相比于传统手段,主要优势在于能够从根本上提高裂殖壶菌的DHA产量,而无需增加额外的发酵成本。然而,目前DHA的合成机制仍处于探索阶段,因此要从基因水平上调控DHA合成途径的代谢流还面临不少的挑战。 本文以裂殖壶菌LU310为研究对象,构建了裂殖壶菌基因敲除体系,并成功实现了目的基因的敲除,该体系可用于敲除DHA合成途径...Traditional methods for increasing the DHA production of Schizochytrium concentrate more on strain screening, medium optimization and control strategy of Fermentation. With the development of genetic engineering technology, regulating metabolic flux of DHA biosynthesis in genetic level has received more and more attention. Compared with the traditional methods, using genetic engineering technology...学位:工程硕士院系专业:化学化工学院_工程硕士(化学工程)学号:2062014115148

    Design and Implementation of CRM System for Bank Based on the Analysis of Transacting Behaviors

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    近年来,为了加强客户管理,突出“以客户为中心”的核心理念,ABC银行已经构建了客户关系管理(CRM)系统,并将其应用于业务人员的日常客户管理当中。但由于该系统只能提供和展现客户基本信息与资产负债情况,缺乏有效的数据分析和数据挖掘,所以不利于业务人员有效掌握客户个性化和动态特征,无法开展针对性的客户分层管理和精准营销,从而造成系统推广和使用效果不佳。随着大数据时代的来临,以及市场竞争的日益加剧和互联网金融的冲击,如何通过加强科技建设,充分发挥海量客户数据的价值,强化数据分析对精准营销的支持是目前银行急需解决的重要课题。 本文根据银行实施精准营销和精细化管理的迫切需求,在银行原有客户关系管理(C...In recent years, in order to strengthen customer management, highlighting the core idea of "take the customer as the center", the ABC bank has built a customer relationship management (CRM) system, which has been applied to the daily work of the customer management. But without strong ability of data analysis and data mining, and just providing the customer basic information and assets and liabili...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323049


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    An Empirical Study on the Interaction between International Trade and Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence for China with ASEAN——Base on Comparison before and after the Southeast Asian Financial Crisis

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    基于面板数据回归分析,实证研究东盟对华直接投资对双边贸易的影响。回归分析结果发现:1990-1997年间,东盟对华直接投资对双边贸易(总贸易额、中国对东盟的进口额和出口额)具有显著的促进作用,同时,投资额的增加对中国对东盟贸易逆差具有显著影响。1998--2007年间,东盟对华直接投资仅对贸易总额和出口具有显著的促进作用,而且fdI对贸易的贡献率比1990--1997年间要小,东盟对华投资也不是贸易逆差扩大的原因。Based on regretion analysis by using the panel data,this study explores the interaction of trade and direct investment between China and ASEAN.We found that,between 1990 and 1997,FDI from ASEAN to China strongly influences the trade between them and makes larger of trade deficit from China and ASEAN.However,for the time between 1998 and 2007,FDI from ASEAN to China only strongly influece the emport trade from China and ASEAN.The investment to China of Association of South-east Asian Nations is not the reason why the trade deficit expand

    General Characteristics,Problem and Outlook of Energy Economy in ASEAN Countries

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    东盟是世界经济最活跃的地区之一,该地区经济发展与其丰富的能源资源、工业化和城市化是分不开的。随着能源经济发展格局的改变和地区经济的新一轮发展,分析该地区能源经济运行总体特征、存在问题以及未来发展趋势是非常有意义的。本文从能源供需、能源强度与利用效率、能源安全与合作和环境等几个方面对该地区的能源经济进行全面分析。ASEAN is one of the most dynamic economic regions of the word.Its economy is linked with its diverse energy resources,urbanization,and industrialization.With the development of energy economy and regional economy,it is necessary to know the general characteristics,problems,and future trends.We’ll analyze these issues in the thesis by adopting energy supply -demand,energy intensity,energy efficiency,energy security, energy cooperation and environment.“211工程”三期厦门大学研究生国外访学计划项目资

    To study the inheritance and development of Xianyou artistic woodcarving

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    仙游木雕是我国传统四大木雕中福建龙眼木雕的一个重要组成部分,它兴于 唐宋、盛于明清,具有悠久的历史。现阶段,随着我国经济的高速发展,仙游木 雕也得到了快速的发展,特别是仙游木雕中的艺术木雕更是呈现出一片欣欣向荣 之势。但仙游木雕在蓬勃发展的同时也存在着一些问题,如对传统木雕的分析研 究和理论总结较为欠缺,木雕行业中“重术轻学”的现象较为严重,木雕艺人对 于如何传承和发展仙游木雕这一问题的认识较为盲目。本文立足这一现状,站在 艺术的立场上来研究如何更好地传承和发展仙游木雕。笔者由点到面,通过大量 的图片和实例,应用实地考察、文献研究等方法,全面总结了仙游木雕的历史沿 革、工艺特色...Xianyou woodcarvings is an important component of the Longyan woodcarvings which is one of the four traditional woodcarvings of China. It has a long history that began in the Tang-Song Dynasties and flourished in the Ming-Qing Dynasties. At present, as China's economy grows rapidly, Xianyou woodcarvings also starts a new round of rapid development. Xianyou Artistic woodcarving is thriving and ...学位:文学硕士院系专业:艺术教育学院美术系_美术学学号:1862007115289

    Research on Reformation of National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology and Its Inspiration

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    加强国家创新体系和公共科研平台建设,是新时期我国科技发展的重要战略选择,是建立创新型国家的必然要求。上世纪末以来,日本政府推动了公共科研机构一系列改革,并对公共科研机构进行了整合重组,以激发日本公共科研机构的活力和创造力。日本产业技术综合研究所(简称“产综研”)就是日本新世纪科技体制改革的产物,同时也是日本最大最具代表性的公共科研机构。前人对于产综研的组织机构、研究领域以及运作特点已经有所论述,但对于产综研的科研地位、营运绩效和对经济的贡献,以及产综研的技术是怎样转移的,并没有进行适量论述。本文即是在他们研究的基础上,对他们的研究空白试图做一个填补,而这些填补也就是本文的主要创新点。全文共分四...Strengthening the building of innovative system and public science and technology platform is an important strategic choice for our nation’s scientific and technological development in a new era as well as the inevitable requirement to establish an innovation-oriented country. Since the end of the last century, the Japanese government has promoted a series of reforms in public research institution...学位:哲学硕士院系专业:人文学院哲学系_科学技术哲学学号:1042006115019

    Empirical Study on the Relationship between Regional Logistic Capability and Economic Growth in Guangdong

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    众多的实证研究证实了物流产业对区域经济增长的促进作用。系统分析衡量物流能力的相关指标,以及以这些指标来探讨物流发展与经济增长的相互关系,并运用格兰杰因果检验方法,以广东省为例对物流能力与经济发展进行双向因果关系的分析,发现物流主体能力、物流客体能力和物流载体能力对广东经济的增长有显著的单向促进作用,而区域特色能力与经济增长却互为因果,即存在互动、共同发展的关系。Many empirical studies have made sure that the effect of logistic industry on economic growth.This paper not only comprehensively analyzes the correlative indexes which measure the logistic capability, but discuss the relationship between logistic capability and economic growth with these indexes.This paper also uses the Granger- causality test to analyze the two- way causality between logistics development and economic growth in Guangdong Province, and finds out that logistic main body capability, logistic object capability and logistic carrier capability all with one- way to accelerate economic growth in Guangdong, While there are interaction relationship between regional characteristic capability and economic growth

    Study on Mobile advertising business model: a case analysis based on QZ Mobile’s 12580

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    2012年,移动互联网市场规模达1500亿,2013年中国移动互联网产业更将进入井喷阶段。12580作为中国移动的战略型产品,随着运营的不断深入,未来将成为中国移动在移动互联网领域的明星产品。但是移动互联网有其特有的产品模式和商业模式,12580作为运营商转型的一部分,在战略、策略、运营、规划、落地等方面均需要转化与创新,如何在移动互联网时代,充分发挥中国移动作为渠道商、运营商、平台商的资源和能力,是当前12580面临的主要问题和亟需解决的课题。本文基于亚历山大•奥斯特瓦德(AlexanderOsterwalder)和伊夫•皮尼厄(YvesPigneur)提出的商业模式...Mobile internet market scale reached 150 billion Yuan in 2012; in 2013 China's mobile internet industry will enter a more blowout phase. As an important product of China Mobile, along with the deepening of operations, 12580 will be a star product of China Mobile in mobile internet field. Because of the special product and business model, it is necessary for 12580 to transform and innovate in stra...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:1792010115102

    Study on Energy Consumption, Economic Growth and Carbon Emissons of ASEAN-5

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    构建低碳经济社会的过程中,协调好能源消费、经济增长与碳排放之间的关系是关键。东盟五国是全球重要的制造业生产基地以及出口导向型新兴经济体,能源消费量与二氧化碳排放量剧增已制约其经济的发展。本文以1971-2007年东盟五国(印度尼西亚、马来西亚、菲律宾、新加坡和泰国)能源消费、经济增长与碳排放为主题,进行理论探讨和实证研究。 本文借鉴和运用经济增长理论、3E能源系统理论、可持续发展理论以及能源效率等理论与方法,以东盟五国能源经济发展的历程为主线,阐述各国经济增长、能源消费和碳排放的状况,分析各国的能源战略与政策。在此基础上,基于双模型的面板协整检验和生产型模型的时间序列分析,分别论证东盟五国总...In the course of development of Low carbon economy and society, the key point is how to coordinate the relationship among energy consumption, economic growth, and carbon emission. As the key global manufacturing base of exporting and production. the explosion of energy consumptions and carbon emissions have hindered ASEAN-5 countries’ economic growth. On the theme of energy consumption, economic g...学位:经济学博士院系专业:南洋研究院_世界经济学号:2552008015031