103 research outputs found

    Research on Aftermarket Marketing Strategy of Fujian AC Company

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    福建AC公司是通用工业通用设备空气压缩机在福建省的销售服务提供商。随着该公司销售的产品在市场上的保有量越来越多,如何做好售后市场的营销,从而在做好售后服务,提高顾客满意度的同时,公司从中创造更多的利润,成为AC公司管理层考虑的一个十分重要的问题。本文在对工业设备产品售后服务认知和思考基础上,提出了售后市场的概念,并结合自己在AC公司的实践经验,在收集公司相关数据基础上,通过研究公司所在行业的售后市场结构与自身内部的优劣势,从而确定市场的机遇与挑战,提出利用核心竞争力来获取竞争优势,并具体研究了保证战略实现的市场营销策略。全文共分四个部分:第一部分:导论。该部分将介绍AC公司售后现状及存在的问题...Fujian AC company is one of air compressor sales & service provider in Fujian area. With more and more product in the marketing, it is a very important problem for management to get more profit from aftermarket by improving service and customer loyalty . This dissertation define the aftermarket concept based on the author’s perceiving and thinking. Collecting some materials from AC company...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:20011509

    Experimental Determination and Thermodynamic Calculation of Phase Equilibria in Fe-based Alloys of some grain oriented silicon steel Systems

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    取向硅钢具有优异的软磁性能,饱和磁化强度高,电阻率较高,矫顽力低和铁损小,广泛用于制造软磁材料,在电力工业和电讯工业领域得到了广泛的应用。相图是材料设计的重要理论基础,在金属材料成分设计中有重要应用,因此,有必要掌握取向硅钢的相图和热力学信息。本论文通过实验测定和热力学计算两种途径,对取向硅钢部分铁基相平衡进行了实验测定和热力学计算,主要研究工作如下: (1)首次实验测定了Fe-Nb-Ti三元系在1000℃、1100℃和1200℃时全成分范围的等温截面相图。重新优化计算了Fe-Ti二元系相图,基于Fe-Nb和Nb-Ti两个子二元系的优化结果,利用CALPHAD技术,在本研究的实验结果基础上,...The oriented silicon steel are widely used as soft magnetic materials in the filed of electric power and telecommunication industry due to their good soft magnetism, high saturation manetization and resistivity, small coercive force and iron loss. Phase diagram has been recognized as an important tool in the design of metal materials. Thus, it is necessary to know information of the phase diagram ...学位:工学硕士院系专业:材料学院材料科学与工程系_材料物理与化学学号:2072008115059


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    Relationship between mannose-binding protein polymorphism and patients with liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma

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    目的探讨甘露糖结合蛋白(MbP)基因突变与肝硬化及肝癌的关系。方法采用聚合酶链式反应-限制性片段长度多态性(PCr-rflP)方法和实时荧光定量PCr(fQ-PCr)技术针对代偿性肝硬化(CC)患者73例、失代偿性肝硬化(dC)患者78例、肝细胞癌(HCC)患者35例和对照组88例健康者的MbP基因第54位密码子多态性进行检测。结果 HCC组的MbP基因ggC/gAC基因型频率和gAC等位基因频率与对照组比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。CC组、dC组MbP基因ggC/gAC基因型频率和gAC等位基因频率均显著高于HCC组和对照组(P 0.05).GAC allele frequency was also highest prevalence (36.5%) in DC group than that in CC group and HCC group (P < 0.05).Conclusions The MBP codon 54 polymorphism is associated with the progression of liver cirrhosis and might not play an important role in the development of hepatocellular carcinoma.福建省漳州市科技计划资助项目(Z2010085

    C–X(X = Cl, Br, I) bond dissociation energy as a descriptor for the redispersion of sintered Au/AC catalysts

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    负载型Au基催化剂在工业过程中具有非常广泛的潜在应用,如催化加氢/脱氢过程、精细化学品合成、能源催化转化及环境保护等过程,表现出很高的催化活性和选择性.Au基催化剂活性物种或活性中心基本由纳米粒子或化合物构成,但在应用过程中因Ostwald熟化效应或粒子迁移作用,尤其是高温高压等苛刻反应条件下,均随应用时间延长从小尺寸粒子逐渐长为大粒子,造成活性降低或完全失活,这也是负载型催化剂失活的最主要原因之一.其中因成本、稀缺等特性,负载型Au催化剂的烧结问题是影响和制约其应用的主要因素.除可通过载体改性、助剂和官能团配位稳定等方法来延缓其失活过程外,对已烧结催化剂的高效、快捷和绿色的再分散/再生过程也具有基础和应用研究的重要意义.活性炭载Au催化剂(Au/AC)广泛应用于乙炔氢氯化反应中,以期替代高毒性的汞基催化剂,但在反应过程中因高活性的Au~(3+)物种易被还原而形成Au~0物种进而烧结导致失活;如新鲜Au/AC催化剂表面的Au粒子尺寸为1-2 nm,经乙炔氢氯化反应后变为33 nm左右;随之在453 K、0.1 MPa、乙炔体积空速(GHSV)为600 h~(-1)、氯化氢与乙炔摩尔比为1.1的反应条件下,乙炔转化率从81.8%降至11.2%.如何有效对大粒子Au再分散/再生可为其应用提供有力支撑.有研究表明,气相CHI_3在甲醇羰基化反应过程中明显改变Au/AC表面的Au粒子尺寸;或采用浓盐酸或王水也可将烧结的Au/AC催化剂进行再分散/再生.但已有的Au基催化剂再分散/再生过程均伴随着强酸、强氧化或高毒性在分散剂的应用,对环境的影响及后续处理有明显的局限性,且再分散机理尚不明确.在前期工作基础上,本文采用系列卤代烃(碘代烃、溴代烃和氯代烃)对烧结的Au/AC进行再分散/再生研究.结果表明,在室温常压条件下CHI_3可以快捷高效地对烧结Au/AC催化剂进行再分散/再生,具有最优的再分散性能;通过对系列碘代烃C-I键的解离能分析,发现C-I解离能越低越有利于大粒子Au的再分散.同时,溴代烃和氯代烃对烧结的Au/AC催化剂也具有再分散能力,但比碘代烃的再分散效率低.C-X键的解离能与再分散效率有高相关性,即C-X键的解离能越低越有利于Au的再分散.总体上,三类卤代烃再分散效率高低顺序为C-I>C-Br>C-Cl.进而,通过不同分散过程中Au粒子分散状态推测了卤代烃对Au粒子的再分散机理,即卤代烃先在Au粒子表面化学吸附,然后C-X键解离,形成Au-X物种,小粒子Au在AC表面聚集并稳定,最后形成高分散Au粒子(粒径<1 nm)催化剂.以乙炔氢氯化反应考察了再生Au/AC催化剂性能,结果表明,该催化剂上乙炔转化率可达79.4%,基本恢复至初始水平,且该方法可对失活催化剂进行多次高效再生.Disintegration or redispersion of supported sintered gold nanoparticles(Au NPs) in the presence of alkyl halide can give catalyst regeneration or redispersion of sintered Au catalysts. The selectivity of alkyl halides, temperature and size distributions were investigated to elucidate the redispersion of Au NPs during halide-induced decomposition. This study proved that the alkyl halide induced the redispersion of sintered Au NPs which depended on the R–X(X = I, Br, Cl) bond dissociation energy(BDE) and thus provided a simple descriptor for the regeneration of inactive supported Au cata-lysts. A correlation between the BDE of R–X and dispersion efficiency was established. The tendency for disintegration and redispersion followed the R–X BDE of the alkyl halide. Compared to alkyl chlorides and bromides, iodides were more efficient for redispersing sintered Au NPs. As a descriptor, the BDE of R–I played a crucial role in particle redispersion. These findings provided insights into the mechanism of organic halide-induced Au NP disintegration and the effect of the halide type on the redispersion of sintered catalysts.国家自然科学基金(21403178,21473145,21503173,91545115);; 教育部创新团队发展计划(IRT_14R31);; 福建省青年教师教学科研基金(JA15003

    Biological nitrogen fixation in the upper water column in the south Taiwan Strait during summer 2011

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    2011年6—7月,利用15n2示踪法实测了台湾海峡南部海域的生物固氮速率,结合温度、盐度、天然颗粒物氮同位素组成的分布,分析并讨论了影响研究海域生物固氮速率的环境因素。结果表明,夏季台湾海峡南部海域的生物固氮速率介于168—1080 nMOl M-3d-1之间,平均为537 nMOl M-3d-1,较高的生物固氮速率大多出现在次表层水体中。研究站位的积分固氮速率变化范围为11—40μMOl M-2d-1,平均为23μMOl M-2d-1。积分固氮速率的空间变化与不同水团的影响有关,在受黑潮水影响的海域,生物固氮速率较高,而在上升流和受河流冲淡水影响的海域,生物固氮速率较低,说明较低的水温及较高的无机氮营养盐可能会抑制研究海域的生物固氮作用。研究海域天然颗粒物δ15n与生物固氮速率之间呈现良好的负相关关系,表明天然颗粒物氮同位素组成可定性指征研究海域生物固氮作用的强弱。Biological N2fixation in marine environments is a major component in the ocean nitrogen budget and plays an important role in global carbon cycles through the sequestration of atmospheric carbon dioxide and production of marine organic matter.N2fixation could be regulated by the abundance and chemical speciation of nutrients and many trace elements in seawater.Recent studies have revealed that N2fixation is much more widespread in marine environments than previously thought.However,little is known about the N2fixation in the Taiwan Strait,especially on N2fixation rates,and their relationship with environmental parameters.The major objectives of this study were to determine the N2fixation rates and their spatial distributions and to explore major physicochemical controlling factors in the south Taiwan Strait.During June and July 2011,seawater samples were collected from ten stations at two transects in the south Taiwan Strait for the measurements of N2fixation rate using the15N2tracer assay.Particulate nitrogen and its isotopic composition were measured with an elemental analyzer(Carlo Erba NC 2500) coupled with a Finnigan MAT DeltaplusXP isotope ratio mass spectrometer.Reproducibility of nitrogen isotope measurements(in terms of δ15N) was within 0.2‰.Our results showed that N2fixation rates in the south Taiwan Strait ranged from 168—1080 nmol m-3d-1with an average of 537 nmol m-3d-1.Most of the high rates were observed at subsurface layers.The depth-integrated N2fixation rates were 11—40 μmol m-2d-1with an average of(23±10) μmol m-2d-1.The distribution of the N2fixation rates showed regional variations with influence from water masses with distinctive temperature and salinity.Higher N2fixation rates were mostly observed in the regions influenced by the Kuroshio,with an average of 31 μmol m-2d-1,while lower rates occurred in the upwelling and river plume regions with an average of 15 μmol m-2d-1.This spatial distribution pattern indicated that biological N2fixation was largely impeded by the low temperature and the high concentration of dissolved inorganic nitrogen in the south Taiwan Strait.The contribution of N2fixation in the study area could be further quantified based on the δ15N signatures of suspended particles which could be significantly depleted during N2fixation.Indeed,a negative correlation between the δ15N signatures of suspended particles and N2fixation rates was observed regardless of using all data points or depth-averaged values within the water column.This indicated that15N-depleted particles were largely derived from the enhanced N2fixation,supporting the use of nitrogen isotopic composition(δ15N) of suspended particles as a potential indicator of N2fixation in the south Taiwan Strait.Further studies are needed to better elucidate the relationship between N2fixation rates and limiting elements and their chemical speciation,and thus the physical and biogeochemical controls on N2fixation in the south Taiwan Strait.国家自然科学基金资助项目(41125020;41076043;41206062); 国际海域资源调查与开发“十二五”项目(DY125-13-E-01


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    目的研究慢性乙型肝炎(CHb)合并非酒精性脂肪性肝病(nAfld)患者体质量指数(bMI)和血脂与其发病的关系。方法选取经临床和病理确诊的CHb并nAfld患者80例为病例组,另选取同期住院的47例CHb患者为对照组;测量身高、体质量,同时检测两组患者的总胆固醇(TC)、甘油三酯(Tg),采用病例对照研究的方法,lOgISTIC回归分析bMI、TC、Tg与CHb并nAfld的相关性。结果两组患者的bMI、TC、Tg水平的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);bMI、TC及Tg均为CHb并nAfld的危险因素(P<0.05);经lOgISTIC回归分析,bMI、Tg与CHb并nAfld有相关性(P<0.01)。结论 TC对CHb并nAfld的发病无明显影响,bMI和Tg均为CHb并nAfld的独立影响因子;Tg在预测CHb并nAfld的发生上比bMI更具有优势。福建省漳州市科技计划资助项目(Z04094);09军区面上B类(09MB131

    Keeping the Ball Rolling: Fullerene-like Molecular Clusters

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    通讯作者地址: Long, LS (通讯作者), Xiamen Univ, Coll Chem & Chem Engn, State Key Lab Phys Chem Solid Surface, Xiamen 361005, Peoples R China 地址: 1. Xiamen Univ, Coll Chem & Chem Engn, State Key Lab Phys Chem Solid Surface, Xiamen 361005, Peoples R China 2. Xiamen Univ, Coll Chem & Chem Engn, Dept Chem, Xiamen 361005, Peoples R China 3. Univ Arizona, Dept Chem, Tucson, AZ 85721 USA 电子邮件地址: [email protected], [email protected] discovery of fullerenes in 1985 opened a new chapter in the chemistry of highly symmetric molecules. Fullerene-like metal dusters, characterized by (multi)shell-like structures, are one rapidly developing class of molecules that share this shape. In addition to creating aesthetically pleasing molecular Structures, the ordered arrangement of metal atoms within such frameworks provides the opportunity to develop materials with properties not readily achieved in corresponding mononuclear or lower-nuclearity complexes. In this Account, we survey the great variety of fullerene-like metal-containing clusters with an emphasis on their synthetic and structural chemistry, a first step in the discussion of this fascinating field of cluster chemistry. We group the compounds of interest into three categories based on the atomic composition of the cluster core: those with formal metal-metal bonding, those characterized by ligand participation, and those supported by polyoxometalate building blocks. The number of clusters in the first group, containing metal-metal bonds, is relatively small. However, because of the unique and complex bonding scenarios observed for some of these species, these metalloid clusters present a number of research questions with significant ramifications. Because these cores contain molecular clusters of precious metals at the nanoscale, they offer an opportunity to study chemical properties at size ranges from the molecular to nanoscale and to gain insights into the electronic structures and properties of nanomaterials of similar chemical compositions. Clusters of the second type, whose core structures are facilitated by ligand participation, could aid in the development of functional materials. Of particular interest are the magnetic clusters containing both transition and lanthanide elements. A series of such heterometallic clusters that we prepared demonstrates diverse magnetic properties including antiferromagnetism, ferrimagnetism, and ferromagnetism. Considering the diversity of their composition, their distinct electronic structures, and the disparate coordination behaviors of the different metal elements, these materials suggest abundant opportunities for designing multifunctional materials with varied structures. The third type of dusters that we discuss are based on polyoxometalates, in particular those containing pentagonal units. However, unlike in fullerene chemistry, which does not allow the use of discrete pentagonal building blocks, the metal oxide-based pentagonal units can be used as fundamental building blocks for constructing various Keplerate structures. These structures also have a variety of functions, including intriguing magnetic properties in some cases. Coupled with different linking groups, such pentagonal units can be used for the assembly of a large number of spherical molecules whose properties can be tuned and optimized. Although this Account focuses on the topological aspects of fullerene-like metal clusters, we hope that this topical review will stimulate more efforts in the exploratory synthesis of new fullerene-like clusters. More importantly, we hope that further study of the bonding interactions and properties of these molecules will lead to the development of new functional materials.NNSFC 20825103 20531050 20721001 MSTC 2007CB875304 U.S. NSF CHE-023879

    Comparative study on the adhesive capabilities of sodium alginate and guar gum as bone adhesives

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    目的比较研究海藻酸钠和瓜儿胶作为骨骼黏合材料的黏合性能。方法通过测定两种胶体的动力黏度、固化时间和对钙离子的作用,探讨相应的黏合性能。结果瓜儿胶的黏度较高,能适应多种形式的补钙剂,但其固化性能还有待改进;海藻酸钠固化性能优越,能在瞬间完成固化,但其黏度比瓜儿胶低,只能适应非离子钙型的补钙剂。结论海藻酸钠和瓜儿胶都是较有潜力的天然骨骼黏合剂。 【英文摘要】 Objective To comparatively investigate the adhesive capabilities of sodium alginate and guar gum as bone adhesives.Methods The adhesive capabilities were analysed and discussed by measuring their kinetic viscosities,solidification time and the reaction with calcium ions.Results Guar gum had higher kinetic viscosity and could fit to the supply of both ion calcium and non-ion calcium for the bone cure,but its capability of solidification need to be improved.Sodium alginate had higher solubility and its solidi...卫生部科学研究基金-福建省卫生教育联合攻关计划项目(No.WKJ2005-2-018

    A four-shell, 136-metal 3d-4f heterometallic cluster approximating a rectangular parallelepiped

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    通讯作者地址: Long, LS (通讯作者), Xiamen Univ, State Key Lab Phys Chem Solid Surface, Xiamen 361005, Peoples R China 地址: 1. Xiamen Univ, State Key Lab Phys Chem Solid Surface, Xiamen 361005, Peoples R China 2. Xiamen Univ, Dept Chem, Coll Chem & Chem Engn, Xiamen 361005, Peoples R China 3. Univ Arizona, Dept Chem, Tucson, AZ 85721 USA 4. Univ Calif Berkeley, Dept Chem, Berkeley, CA 94720 USA 电子邮件地址: [email protected], [email protected] nanosized heterometallic cluster containing 60 La(III) and 76 Ni(II) ions, which are arranged into a four-shell, nest-like framework structure, was obtained by the hydrolytic reaction of the mixed La(NO3)(3)-Ni(NO3)(2) system using iminodiacetate as an ancillary ligand to control the hydrolysis.NSF CAREER CHE-0238790 NNSFC 20531050,20721001 MSTC 2007CB81530