226 research outputs found

    Overall budget management application based on EVA Balanced Scorecard Perspective - Application research of GW Corporation

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    企业目标就是价值最大化,但企业在持续经营过程中不仅要顾及股东的利益,同时还要顾及相关者利益,这就要求我们如何协调好这二个方面利益的平衡。而如何平衡,是经营管理的问题,更是企业战略管理的问题。 随着国内经济发展环境的变化,企业如何协调好内部与外部、财务与非财务、经营管理与战略管理等等的关系,是国有企业面临和必须解决的问题。同时,国资委对国有企业管理的日渐高要求,要求国企做好法人治理,不断提高战略管理、全面预算管理和EVA绩效管理水平,提升国有企业的核心竞争力,适应国际市场变化,确保可持续发展。这两个方面也要求国有企业要抓紧机遇,求变革求发展。 本文在这个背景下,以GW集团目前面临的问题,结合...Enterprise goal is to maximize the value of enterprises in the long rang of business must not only take into account the interests of the shareholders, but also take into account the interests of stakeholders, which requires us to coordinate these two aspects of a balance of interests. How to balance is the problem of management, more strategic management issues. With the changes in the envir...学位:会计硕士院系专业:厦门大学与厦门国家会计学院会计硕士专业学位联合教育中心(MPACC)_会计硕士(MPACC)学号:X200915714

    Study of Brand Value Improvement Strategies of Monternet

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    内容摘要 随着移动通信技术的快速发展,移动通信行业经历了从语音业务,到数据业务,再到各种增值业务的飞跃,用户对移动通信网络的需求已从解决人们的基本通话需求发展到解决生活、工作、学习、娱乐等多种需求。2000年开始,中国移动适时推出了“移动梦网”品牌作为移动数据业务的统一平台,向移动通信用户提供彩信、在线点歌、聊天交友、无线上网络等各种移动数据增值服务。“移动梦网”除了对中国移动的运营收入做出重大贡献之外,还在竞争战略上起到了“差异化”服务的作用。 但“移动梦网”在取得辉煌成绩的同时,也浮现了很多问题,用户对该品牌的投诉率居高不下,品牌美誉度较差,对中国移动的总体品牌形象造成了一定的负面...ABSTRACT With the rapid development of telecommunication, the mobile telecommunication industry of China has jumped through the sounding phrase to data processing phrase and to added-value phrase to meet with the need of working, studying, and entertainment in daily life. In 2000, China Mobile presented a new brand “Monternet” to be a uniform table for mobile data processing, and delivered vari...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:20021518

    An Analysis Of Investment Value For China Great Wall Computer Shenzhen Co., Ltd.

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    论文摘要《信息产业“十一五”规划》于日前由信息产业部与国家发改委正式联合发布,标志着在当前中国信息化与工业化融合、信息化进程加快的这样一个历史背景下,行业进入了一个发展的黄金时期。2007年电子信息行业全年实现销售收入5.6万亿元,较2006年增长8%;增加值13000亿元,增长18.2%;产业规模继续在国民经济各行业中位居领先,销售收入占全国工业的比重为12%,增加值占全国GDP的比重达5.27%。计算机应用行业在过去几年的业绩呈现加速增长的态势,并且盈利能力稳步提升。信息技术在各行各业中应用的深度和广度正在不断深入与扩大,以信息技术为核心的高新技术已成为经济社会发展的重要动力。同时国际市场...Abstract “The Eleventh Five-Year Plan for Information Technology Industry” has been issued jointly by Ministry of Information Technology and Development and Planning Commission of China. It marks a new era of development of the information technology industry ,on the basis of the current fusion of informationization and the industrialization. The sales revenue of IT industry reached 5.6 thousand...学位:会计硕士院系专业:管理学院会计系_会计硕士(MPACC)学号:X200515706


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    传统“泰勒规则”的线性设定具有一定的局限性,由于宏观经济背景和政策作用时间不同,货币政策规则可能是一种非线性系统。本文将“泰勒规则”扩展为一种具有时变通胀目标的区制转移“泰勒规则”模型,并运用该模型对中国1992—2009年的货币政策反应方式进行实证研究。结果表明,我国货币政策规则具有明显的区制转移特征,不同区制反映了利率对通胀和实际产出的不同政策反应关系;在区制2,政策规则表现为一个稳定的“泰勒规则” ,利率调整的方向与通胀和实际产出变动方向基本一致;而在区制1,利率对通货膨胀缺口和实际产出缺口不敏感,是一种不稳定的结构;结合我国货币政策操作的特点,可以将我国货币政策规则划分为“惰性”和“活性”两个区域。本文发表在《经济研究》,2010年第3期,P40-52


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    MOFs材料作为一类新型的锂离子电池电极材料而受到广泛关注和研究.作者通过溶液扩散法将Co3(HCOO)6原位负载在rGO(还原氧化石墨烯)上制备出Co3(HCOO)6@rGO复合材料.将Co3(HCOO)6@rGO作为锂离子电池负极材料,以500 mA·g-1的电流密度恒电流充放电循环100周后,仍然保持有926 mAh·g-1的比容量,亦表现出很好的倍率性能.循环伏安和X-射线光电子能谱测试表明,Co3(HCOO)6@rGO材料上的Co2+和甲酸根在充放电过程中均发生可逆的电化学反应.对比同样采用溶液扩散法合成的Co3(HCOO)6的测试结果发现,rGO起到活化甲酸根的电化学反应的作用,同时也改善了Co3(HCOO)6的倍率性能.将MOFs材料与rGO复合为优化MOFs材料的电池性能提供了一个新思路.973项目(No.2015CB251102);;国家自然科学基金项目(No.U1305246,No.21673196,No.21621091)资

    Research Progress and Prospects of Lithium Sulfur Batteries

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    Corresponding author e-mail:qfdong@ xmu. edu. cn[中文文摘]锂硫电池是一类极具发展前景的高容量储能体系。通过近10年的研究和开发,人们对这一体系的了解不断深入。虽然对其电化学过程中的复杂反应机理尚没有完整系统的理论描述,但是围绕正极材料的研究工作仍取得了很多成果,这为我们深入了解该体系的复杂性提供了诸多素材。本文回顾了过去10年间在该领域取得的成果,从锂硫电化学体系、正极材料、电解质、电极结构和基于锂硫电池反应的新体系几个方面展开,结合本实验室的研究工作,介绍了锂硫电池的研究现状,分析了该体系的缺陷和存在的问题,并展望了今后的发展方向和前景。[英文文摘]Lithium sulfur battery is a high capacity energy storage system with very bright future,and it is considered as the next generation portable energy supply device for electronic vehicle(EV) and hybrid vehicle(HEV).Through decades of research and development,people understand this system stepwisely.The electrochemistry of sulfur cathode is very complex and hard to be examined,which is the key point to develop lithium sulfur battery.Although there are many unknown mechanisms in the electrochemical process of charge/discharge of the lithium sulfur battery,some achievements have been made on the development of cathode materials which provide various sources to study. Sulfur is an insulating molecular crystal,carbon is added as the additive reagent to improve the electric conductivity in the cathode,sulfur/carbon composite is common as cathode active material in lithium sulfur battery. Ethers and polymers are employed as the components of the electrolytes to coordinate with sulfur cathode. This paper reviews the achievements on lithium sulfur battery in the past decade from the respects of lithium sulfur battery system,cathode materials,electrolytes,cathode structure and new systems based on lithium sulfur battery. The weaknesses are revealed and the future is prospected

    Preparing CNT/MnO_2 composite by direct reducing potassium permanganate

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    曾双双(1984-),女,福建人,厦门大学化学系硕士生,研究方向: 超级电容器; 郑明森(1975-),男,福建人,厦门大学化学系助理教授, 博士,研究方向:能源材料; 董全峰(1964-),男,河南人,厦门大学化学系教授, 博士, 研究方向: 能源材料, 本文联系人。[中文文摘]直接还原高锰酸钾(KMnO4)制备了碳纳米管(CNT)/MnO2复合材料。用XRD、SEM和TEM等对复合材料进行形貌和结构分析,发现MnO2均匀地包覆在CNT表面。循环伏安、恒流充放电测试表明,复合材料的比电容较高,循环性能良好,以1 A/g、20 A/g放电的比电容分别为200.3 F/g和120.8 F/g,第2 000次循环(20 A/g)时的电容保持率为94.7%。[英文文摘]Carbon nanotube(CNT)/MnO2 composite was prepared by direct reducing potassium permanganate(KMnO4).The morphology and structure of the composite were analyzed by XRD,SEM and TEM.It was found that MnO2 homogeneously dispersed on the surface of CNT.Cyclic voltammetry and galvanostatic charge-discharge tests showed that the composite had high specific capacitance and fine cycle performance.The specific capacitance was 200.3 F/g and 120.8 F/g when discharged at 1 A/g,20 A/g,respectively.The capacitance retention at the 2 000th cycle(20 A/g) was 94.7%.国家自然科学基金项目(200933005,20903077);973项目(2009CB220102);福建省科技项目(2006H0090,2008H0087

    Preparation and performance of mesoporous NiO for supercapacitor

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    [中文文摘]以十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)、尿素分别为模板和沉淀剂,在80℃下与NiCl2.6H2O反应6 h,合成了前驱体Ni(OH)2。前驱体在260℃下煅烧5 h后,得到超级电容器电极材料介孔NiO。材料的孔径约为5 nm,比表面积为305 m2/g,在0.5 A/g的电流下,比电容可达685 F/g。[英文文摘]The precursor Ni(OH)2 was synthesized by reacting 6 h at 80 ℃ with NiCl2·6H2O,sodium dodecyl sulfate(SDS) and urea were used as template and precipitating agent,respectively.Supercapacitor electrode material mesoporous NiO was prepared by calcining the precursor at 260 ℃ for 5 h.The pore size of the material was 5 nm,the specific surface area was 305 m2/g,the speci-fic capacitance could reach to 685 F/g at the current of 0.5 A/g.国防基础研究项目(XMDX2008176); 福建省重点项目(2008H0087)