24 research outputs found

    Wise Mother and Good Wife:Family Education in Women Time.

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    本論文旨在研究晚清民初發行量最大商辦女報《婦女時報》及其家庭教育討論。透過對《婦女時報》刊物宗旨、主編、編輯、發行、版面、內容、讀者群、作者群等資訊,釐清《婦女時報》刊物定位及其家庭教育目標:「家有良母,室有賢妻」,以初步彌補對《婦女時報》的研究空缺。 《婦女時報》辦刊目的為啟蒙女界智識。在《時報》老闆狄楚青所設之有正書局金援,資本、發行、人力三合一的出版規劃下,的確打響《婦女時報》名號。初期發展相當順利,最大發行量達六七千。精美印刷、新穎編排、多元化選文及譯文、設置「編輯室」專欄,皆為其特色。然而《婦女時報》拖刊狀況屢見不鮮,18期後廣告量大減,有正書局資金不足。又逢商務印書館《婦女雜誌》崛起,質量上均有超越《婦女時報》之勢。21期後,《婦女時報》嘎然中止,原因不明。 啟蒙女子以推動家庭教育為執行核心。透過中西合璧的知識體系鼓勵受教育婦女或未婚女學生朝「改造新家庭」方向邁進。執行手法主要為育兒知識及家政改良。從產育至小兒初生,母體保養、飲食有節、屋宇通風、衣料輕暖、慎用乳母、適宜運動、餵食牛乳等皆為該刊所強調。女性育兒經驗談也讓讀者明瞭,母親養育小兒的艱辛歷程,但既為人母,便責無旁貸。這種中西傳統兼具的育兒方式成為《婦女時報》提倡的方向。家政改良上,主要以財政收支表、理家經驗談及家庭生活細部規劃為主。惲代英的作品顯示男性參與家政改造的活力。顯見讀者透過《婦女時報》習得新知,應用家庭生活改造的努力。其中男性作為夫妻生活及家政改良指導者,女性則多為執行者。符合「男外女內」、「科學治家」,最終達成「家有良母,室有賢妻」方為理想家庭


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    [[alternative]]Licensing Strategy in Existing of Free Entry Intermediate Goods Market

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    [[abstract]]本文建立一個垂直相關市場的理論模型,於存在可自由進出的中間財市場下,分別討論最終財廠商創新為非劇烈與劇烈下的授權問題。當廠商創新為非劇烈時,不同的授權方式並不會影響中間財的價格。值得注意的是,當存在可自由進出的中間財市場時,在劇烈創新下,不管最終財創新廠商以因定權利金或單位權利金授權,授權均會降低中間財價格進而提高授權廠商的利潤。此一結論打破了過去授權文獻認為劇烈創新下,創新廠商一定不會授權的結論。[[abstract]]This paper establishes a vertical-related model to discuss the licensing issue under two situations: the innovation of the final good firm is non-drastic or drastic. Under the model which considers both the intermediate goods and the final goods, we find that the choice of royalty versus fixed fees licensing will not affect the intermediate goods' price if the final good's firm is non-drastic innovation firm. However, when the final good's firm is a drastic innovation firm, the equilibrium intermediate goods’ price under licensing would be higher than that under non-licensing. We also note that, when the final good's firm processes a drastic innovation, licensing could still occur under the vertical-related model. The above result is different from the past licensing literatures' conclusion: when the final good's firm has drastic innovation, licensing never occurs.[[journaltype]]國內[[incitationindex]]TSSCI[[booktype]]紙本[[countrycodes]]TW


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    Injection molding processes is controlled with temperature, injection speed, injection pressure and holding pressure to approach the high quality. The function of the assembling of the injection molding screw head is very important for pressure control during operations. The research effort on the injection molding screw head is guaranteed to improve forming mold accuracy with minimal cost. In this research, Taguchi method is used in designing the typical injection modeling named ring-type check valve. The possible geometric parameters that could influence part accuracy are discussed. With empirical studies by using Taguchi experimental method, the optimal condition is decided that provides the relative information for manufacturing. The experimental results reveal that the optimal design for the ring type check valve has superior performance over the conventional design.射出成型製程中,溫度、射速、射壓及保壓等條件,對成品品質具有絕對的決定性。而過膠頭組是射出成型機械重要的塑化元件,對射出成型加工中成型精度條件如射速、射壓及保壓具有決定性的影響;由於研發簡單、成本又低,而且效益宏大。故本研究利用田口式實驗計畫法,針對在過膠頭組中具代表牲的-「環式止逆閥」設計,提出影響射出量精度之幾何參數,進行實驗計量量測與分析,以所獲致相關數據做最佳化過膠頭組設計,實驗證明以此方法設計之過膠頭所生產之產品計量精度準確

    Station changing machine capable of continuously turning over and station changing method thereof

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    Effect of Flower Thinning on the Growth on Tea Plants

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    茶樹係為採摘茶菁用之多年生特用作物,而茶樹開花結實雖為正常現象,但過多時便會影響茶葉產量與品質,因此有必要從茶樹栽培與生理研究上著手,探討茶樹開花結實對茶樹生育之影響。 本試驗以台茶12號和青心烏龍為供試品種,利用39.5%益收(39.5% Ethephon)和人工去花蕾處理來探討茶樹疏花對其生育之影響。 台茶12號和青心烏龍在六月白(第二次夏茶)採收後,噴施790 ppm益收藥劑處理,則茶樹上花蕾數比對照(不噴施)明顯來得少,台茶12號疏花率達75%,青心烏龍亦達62%以上。 二供試品種在噴施益收藥劑處理後,對於秋茶茶芽生育及產量均較人工去花處理和對照為差;特別是青心烏龍無論是樹勢、茶芽生育及產量等,在每一季茶表現均為最差,至於台茶12號除了秋茶之外,其餘各季均較人工去花處理及對照來得好。 Tea (Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze), one of the perennial special crops, is cultivated for plucking leaver. The yield and quality of leaves might be decreased due to the overproduction of the flowers. The objective of this study was to find the effect of cultivation on the decrease of the quantity of florescence and fruition. The treatments consisted of thinning flowers by hands and spraying 200m1 ethylene (39.5% Ethephon) at 79Oppm one time on the varieties of TTES No.12 and ‘Chin-Shin Oolong’. On the second summer crop the flower thinning rate of the ethylene treatment was decrased to 75% on TTES No.12 and 62% on ‘Chin- Shin Oolong’ comparing to the control. In autumn crop of TTES No.12 and each harvested crops of ‘Chin-Shin Oolong’ the bud development, plant vigor and leafy yields in ethylene treatment were worse than those of the other treatments. As compared to other treatments, ethylene treated plants of cv. TTES No.12 tented to have better crop in each cropping season except that of autumn

    The Effects of Lights on the Growth and Flowering of Tea

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    (l)台茶12號和青心烏龍在三種不同光照時數(8小時、12小時及16小時)處理之下,二供試品種茶芽萌芽日數以16小時光照處理為短且快,茶芽生育及生長速率亦較佳,茶菁產量相對亦較高,至於採摘期則較8小時光照處理為短14-21天。由此可知在較短光照時數之下茶樹生長發育較為緩慢,也因此造成往後茶樹花芽分化及花蕾數目多比光照時數12小時及16小時來得慢且少很多。(2)在三種不同光強度處理之下,台茶12號和青心烏龍在較高強度下,其茶芽萌芽日數較在低光度下為短且快,換言之,在高光度下茶樹的腋芽休眠期較為短。此外在高光度下台茶12號茶芽的長度為9.5公分,芽葉數目為3.95個;在低光度下則茶芽長度為5.7公分,芽葉數目為2.85個,二者之間茶芽生育及生長速率等有明顯差異。至於青心烏龍茶芽生育及生長速率亦有相同試驗結果,並且在低光度下青心烏龍茶葉採摘期較高光度下多7-10天;至於葉月葉綠素的含量,無論是成熟葉或嫩葉則以低光度下為多,但茶樹樹勢較為弱些。(3)台茶12號和青心烏龍在三種不同光度(自然光、遮光50%及遮光75%)處理之下,台茶12號的花芽分化及花蕾數目則以在自然光19.6個/枝條為多、遮光50%為13.9個/枝條次之、遮光75%為10個/枝條為少;至於青心烏龍亦有相同反應,因此可知越是低光度則茶樹花蕾數目相對減少,此可能與茶樹體內化學成分碳水化合物與氮素含量比率有密切的關係。此外無論是台茶12號或青心烏龍成熟葉葉片葉綠素的含量則以遮光75%低光度下較自然光為多。 1) Under 3 treatments of light period (8hr, 1 2hr, and I 6hr), the bud emergence of two testing species (TTES No.12 and Chinsin Oolong) is shorter and faster under the l6hr treatment. The tea buds are better in growth and have higher growth rate, and the yield is consequently higher, the plucking period is 14 to 21 days earlier than 8hr treatment. According to these results, tea plants grow slower under shorter light period, and this also contributes to slower flower differentiation and less buds compared to the l2hr and l6hr treatments. 2) Under 3 treatments of light density, the bud emergence time of two testing species (TTES No.12 and Chinsin Oolong) is shorter under high-density treatment than the lower ones, the axillary buds also have shorter dormancy under high-density treatment. The flush of TTES No.12 under high light density is 9.5 cm long with 3.95 buds in average, while in the treatment of low light density, the flush is 5.7 cm long and the number of bud is 2.85 in average. The Chinsin Oolong has similar result, and the plucking period is 7 to 10 days later under low light density. The chlorophyll content in the 1eaf whether mature or young is higher under low light density, but the tea plants are weaker in viability. 3) Under 3 treatments of light quantity (natural light, 50% shading, 75% shading), the flower bud differentiation and bud number of TTES No.12 is the most under natural light which is 19.6 buds/shoot, the second under 50% of shading which is 13.9 buds/shoot, and the least under 75% of shading which is 10 buds/shoot. The Chinsin Oolong has similar result. According to these results, the lower the light density, the less the flower buds. The chlorophyll content in mature leaf of TTES No.12 and Chinsin Oolong is higher under 75% of shading than under natural light

    證照型實務專題 TQC企業人才技能認證~專業Linux系統管理工程師

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    [[abstract]]Linux在近年來的蓬勃發展中已經有一定的成熟度了,而Linux這一套系統較不耗資源又可以自由取得,且它的系統硬體要求較低,再加上現今有很多人因為微軟Windows作業系統的高規格硬體設備需求,而造成手邊有許多的淘汰硬體設備,但是這些被淘汰的硬體設備在Linux的作業系統裡已然可以相當順利的執行。此外,就安全性與穩定性方面而言,Linux的評價也幾乎都高於微軟的Windows,因此,Linux逐漸吸引越來越多的目光。 在資訊應用化的時代,專業證照確實是不可或缺的,而且現在高學歷的人很普遍,因此證照變成很重要。如果想要進入好公司,除了學歷外,最好也能擁有證照來證明自己的能力,這樣才有比較高的競爭力;另外,證照也是一般公司對於升遷與加薪的考量標準。 TQC專業Linux系統管理工程師認證是財團法人中華民國電腦技能基金會針對企業對Linux系統管理工程師的要求,所提出來的一項整合性認證。這項認證是經過詳細調查和分析Linux系統管理工程師的工作需求,確認從事該項職務應具備的電腦技能,而設計的一項認證考試。這項認證,不但能讓有志於從事Linux系統管理相關職務的人員掌握學習的方向,對求才企業也提供了更快速、更客觀、更簡化的人才甄選程序。而想取得TQC的專業Linux系統管理工程師,必須先取得TQC的電子商務概論與Linux系統管理這兩張證照,才能換取專業Linux系統管理工程師的證照。 在這本專題報告書中,我們將介紹如何報考與取得該證照,並且針對電子商務概論以及Linux的考試做重點整理,希望經由本專題報告書,可以讓想要考取這張證照的學弟妹們快速且簡單地了解Linux的基本原理,且找到自己的準備方法


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    [[abstract]]本文使用反應曲面法之有效率流程於 V 型彎曲過程中進行實驗設計與性能分析。 並針對其設計參數如衝頭半徑、模具寬度、模具彎角半徑與試件厚度等對回彈角度與彎曲後厚度變化等彎曲特徵之影響加以探討。反應曲面法中標準設計法稱為中央組合轉動設計法為本文實驗設計所採取用。經由變異數分析與實驗驗證後,本文所提出二階模式非常適合於解釋與分析其設計參數對彎曲特徵之影響,而其獲得預測值非常接近實驗值,且在 95%信心指數範圍內。其設計參數之最佳值設定經由反應曲面法之二階模式與連續近似最佳化法來獲得。其結果顯示為其模具寬度、模具彎角半徑與試件厚度等參數於彎曲特徵評估上是顯著性因子,也是在提升其品質上重要的參數。經由實驗證實本文所提出最佳設計參數之設定於V型彎曲過程中對於其彎曲特徵評估有很大的改善