3 research outputs found

    Study on Marine Eco-compensation of Reclaiming Land from Sea

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    填海造地是沿海城市缓解土地供需矛盾、扩大社会生存和发展空间的一种重要途径。相当长一段时间以来,决策者和开发者往往只关注眼前的经济效益,而忽略填海造地对海洋生态系统的负面影响和长远效应,使沿海地区的填海造地活动愈演愈烈,给海岸带生态系统带来了越来越大的压力。生态补偿是解决社会经济发展中资源耗竭与生态破坏的一种经济刺激手段,可在协调经济发展与生态平衡方面发挥作用。在填海造地中引入生态补偿机制,有望减少受经济利益驱动的盲目填海行为,协调经济发展与海洋生态保护之间的关系,合理配置有限的海洋资源。目前,无论在学术层面还是实际应用中,生态补偿多集中在陆域、河湖等生态系统,少有海洋生态补偿的相关报道,填海造...Reclaiming land from sea has become an important way to expand the production and living space and to make up for the shortage of land in coastal areas. For a long time, the decision-makers and developers have only paid attention to the short-term economic benefits, neglecting the adverse and long-term impacts of sea reclamation on the marine ecosystem. As a result, more and more sea is being recl...学位:理学硕士院系专业:海洋与环境学院环境科学与工程系_环境管理学号:2262008115157

    Study on Stakeholders of Marine Eco-Compensation of Reclaiming Land from Sea

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    基于海岸带生态系统服务的分类和定义,以填海造地对海岸带生态系统各类服务的负面影响分析为主线,着重探讨利益受损群体即补偿对象的确定,同时依据土地需求方获得填海的土地使用权的不同方式,确定补偿主体。认为填海造地海洋生态补偿的主体为土地需求方或地方政府,补偿对象即利益受损方涉及渔民(包括养殖户)、相关工业企业、滨海旅游业及游客、港航部门、当地居民、科研教育机构等六大类。Based on the classification and definition of costal ecosystem services,this paper focuses on identifying groups who may suffer losses while reclaiming land from sea,i.e.compensation receivers,according to the adverse impacts of sea reclamation on coastal ecosystem services.The compensators are also analyzed based on the different ways to get the use right of land reclaimed from sea.It thinks that the compensator of marine eco-compensation may be land demanders or the local government,and the compensation receivers involve diverse groups of people,i.e.fishermen(including seafood culturists),relevant industries or enterprises,coastal tourism and tourists,waterway system management department,local people,research agencies or education institutions.国家海洋局公益项目“海洋工程和海上溢油生态补偿/赔偿关键技术研究示范”(201105006);福建省海洋与渔业厅委托项目“福建省湾外围填海规划备选方案可行性研究

    Discussion on Marine Eco-compensation Standard of Land Reclamation from Sea: A Case Study of Dadeng Sea Area, Xiamen, China

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    Conference Name:1st International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection (ICEEP 2012). Conference Address: Hohhot, PEOPLES R CHINA. Time:JUN 23-24, 2012.This paper chooses a land reclamation project of Dadeng sea area, Xiamen as a case, and put emphasis on discussing how to calculate the marine eco-compensation standard of land reclamation from sea based on the losses of ecosystem services. It starts with the classification of coastal ecosystem services and the analysis of adverse impacts caused by the reclamation project, and then builds the relevant valuation models of ecosystem service losses under the above classification framework and estimates the losses of coastal ecosystem services incurred by the project. On the basis of these, the paper puts forward a method for calculating the theoretical compensation standard and applies it to the case study. The results show that, the total loss of ecosystem services caused by the land reclamation project amounts to 40.88 million yuan/a, in which the loss of space resources (i.e. mariculture space) in provisioning services is the largest, amounting to 30.71 million yuan/a, and the loss of per unit sea area is about 4.19 yuan/m(2).a. The estimated compensation standards are 209.6 yuan/m(2) with discounting rate of 2% and 93.2 yuan/m(2) with discounting rate of 4.5%, respectively. It is proposed that the compensation amount can be determined through bargaining between compensators and compensation receivers in practice, based on the theoretical compensation standard as well as the compensation receivers' willingness to accept, the economic level of land reclamation area, and the local cultures et al