3 research outputs found

    Zooplanktonic diversity in the western Pacific

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    西太平洋区是全球海洋生物种源中心,许多类群的最高物种多样性都出现于该区域,因此,在该区开展种类多样性的研究不仅重要和必要,而且具有在跨国尺度上进行综合管理和相互合作的迫切性。本文在西太平洋的浮游动物样品鉴定分类、编目、文献资料整理和分析的基础上,记录和编入西太平洋10个浮游动物类群2,658种(含亚种),隶属于206科675属,其中水螅水母类99科251属697种,栉水母类12科22属59种,浮游软体动物14科35属86种,介形类8科89属416种,桡足类51科156属908种,糠虾类4科58属202种,磷虾类2科8属56种,十足类8科22属105种,毛颚类5科8属48种,被囊类5科26属81种。The western Pacific region has been operating as a centre for the origin of marine biodiversity: the richest diversity of many marine taxa was found in these waters.Therefore,biodiversity research and con-servation efforts in this area are necessary in order to promote the integrative and international management of this resource.The present work is a compilation of numbers of all the families,genera and species of ma-jor taxa of zooplankton known in the western Pacific Ocean(106°–150°E,0°–44°N).In all,2,658 zooplank-tonic species(including subspecies) belonging to 206 families and 675 genera have been recorded from taxonomic identifications and literature,99 families,251 genera and 697 species belong to the Medusozoa,12 families,22 genera and 59 species to the Ctenophora,14 families,35 genera and 86 species to the pelagic Molluscs(Pteropoda and Heteropoda),8 families,89 genera and 416 species to the Ostracoda,51 families,156 genera and 908 species to the Copepoda,4 families,58 genera and 202 species to the Mysidcea,2 fami-lies,8 genera and 56 species to the Euphausiacea,8 families,22 genera and 105 species to the Decapoda,5 families,8 genera and 48 species to the Chaetognatha,5 families,26 genera and 81 species to the Tunicata.908专项“中国海洋生物种类名录和图谱”(908-ZC-II-02)和908专项海洋生物样品库;科技部基础工作专项“我国和邻近西北太平洋海洋生物物种编目和分布图集编制”(2006FY220700