56 research outputs found


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    Validity of peptide composition and GC-content for classifying bacteria

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    本文研究了细菌的蛋白质多肽组分统计特征与基因组gC(guAnInE+CyTOSInE)含量的相关性,发现当多肽长度较小时多肽组分特异性与gC含量存在着很强的关联;随着多肽长度增加,上述关联发生突变,关联迅速丧失.这一结果表明,基于组分特异性确定细菌亲缘关系的方法的确给出了不同于gC含量的信息,从而能实现有效分类.In the past decades,a lot of methods have been proposed to construct Genome Tree.Among them,K-String Composition Approach which is Alignment-Free shows nonnegligible superiority.On the other hand,the species specificity of GC(Guanine+Cytosine)-content which actually is the lowest-order version of K-String Composition has been discovered for a long time,especially in bacteria.Unfortunately,its resolution is too poor to be applied to reconstruct phylogeny.Motivated by those facts,in this paper,relationship between composition vector of peptides and GC-content of corresponding DNA sequence is studied for bacteria.A strong correlation is uncovered for short peptides,and with the increase of peptide length the correlation exhibits an abrupt change,that is,tends to vanish quickly.These results indicate that the composition vector of longer peptide do contains more precise information of species specificity than that of GC-content,and therefore can effectively measure the genetic relationship of bacteria.Short peptides are obviously not competent.国家自然科学基金(批准号:11147020); 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(编号:GK201102028)资助项


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    为了解决食用油在储存过程中因发生各种变化而造成的品质下降问题,介绍了一种食用油的锁养保鲜生产工艺,包括全工段恒温灌装、充氮灌装和抗紫外瓶包装。实践证明,全工段恒温灌装有效避免了灌装油温过高产生负压造成的瓶内缩吸瘪,减少了标签不平整情况的发生;充氮灌装使食用油包装瓶内顶空残氧量低于6%,产品残氧量指标稳定;以色母为抗紫外助剂,制成的食品级食用油包装瓶可防止紫外线对食用油品质的影响。采用此生产工艺,可以有效提高食用油的品质并延长储存期。 In order to solve the problem of degradation of the quality of edible oil due to various changes that occur during the storage process, a fresh-keeping production technology of edible oil was introduced, including constant temperature filling in the whole section, nitrogen filling and UV resistant bottle packaging. The practice showed that the constant temperature filling in the whole section could effectively avoid the bottle shrinkage caused by the high filling oil temperature and negative pressure, and reduce the occurrence of uneven labels. Nitrogen filling could make the residual oxygen content in the processed edible oil bottle less than 6%, and the product residual oxygen index stable. The food grade edible oil packaging bottle made of color masterbatch as an anti-ultraviolet additive could prevent the influence of ultraviolet rays on the quality of edible oil. The use of this production process can effectively improve the quality of edible oil and extend the storage period

    ATR/Chk1 signaling induces autophagy through sumoylated RhoB-mediated lysosomal translocation of TSC2 after DNA damage

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    RhoB作为抑癌蛋白通过诱导肿瘤细胞的凋亡在抑制肿瘤的发生发展中发挥着重要作用,并且与肿瘤耐药性密切相关,但关于RhoB如何促进细胞死亡的分子机理的研究仍不清楚。在本研究中,该团队发现在DNA单链损伤情况下,ATR-Chk1信号通路的激活,会使RhoB被Chk1磷酸化,该磷酸化修饰会使RhoB从细胞质膜解离下来进入细胞质中,进而被SUMO化修饰。SUMO化修饰后的RhoB会与TSC2形成复合物,并将TSC2复合物带到溶酶体上,引起细胞自噬的发生。 该文共同第一作者为刘明冬、曾涛玲和张新,通讯作者为王洪睿教授和赵同金教授。【Abstract】DNA damage can induce autophagy; however, the underlying mechanism remains largely unknown. Here we report that DNA damage leads to autophagy through ATR/Chk1/RhoB-mediated lysosomal recruitment of TSC complex and subsequent mTORC1 inhibition. DNA damage caused by ultraviolet light (UV) or alkylating agent methyl methanesulphonate (MMS) results in phosphorylation of small GTPase RhoB by Chk1. Phosphorylation of RhoB enhances its interaction with the TSC2, and promotes its sumoylation by PIAS1, which is required for RhoB/TSC complex to translocate to lysosomes. As a result, mTORC1 is inhibited, and autophagy is activated. Knockout of RhoB severely attenuates lysosomal translocation of TSC complex and the DNA damage-induced autophagy. Reintroducing wild-type but not sumoylation-resistant RhoB into RhoB−/− cells restores the onset of autophagy. Hence, our study identifies a molecular mechanism for translocation of TSC complex to lysosomes in response to DNA damage, which depends on ATR/Chk1-mediated RhoB phosphorylation and sumoylation.This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (U1605222, 81472459, 31671223), the National Key Research and Development Project of China (2016YFC1302400, 2016YFA0502003), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (20720140550, 20720160070), the National Science Foundation for Fostering Talents in Basic Research of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (J1310027), the Project 111 sponsored by the State Bureau of Foreign Experts and Ministry of Education (B12001), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31601132) to T.Z., the National Natural Science Foundation of China (81402290) to Q.L., and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (U1405223) to X.D


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    Parameterization of Regional Soil Erosion Model

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    分布式水文模型相对与集总式水文模型,以其具有明确物理意义的参数结构和对空间分异性的全面反映,能更好地模拟真实的降水径流形成等水文过程。将区域尺度上的土壤水力侵蚀过程视为水文循环的一部分,基于对水土流失过程分析,考虑尺度问题的影响,对其中部分环节进行概化,借鉴前人对区域土壤侵蚀问题因子研究的成果,分析总结了建立基于G IS的区域尺度上分布式水蚀过程模型需要的参数,并讨论了参数的入选原则及其在模型中的应用方式


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    目的研究扩张床吸附技术直接从牛血中快速分离血浆蛋白。方法用葡萄糖等张液与牛血按4∶1混合,混合液的渗透压在2 80~30 0mOsmo范围内,与血浆的总渗透压相近;pH值降至6 .8,黏度从全血4 .7mPa·s降至1.0mPa·s以下,再用扩张床StreamlineDEAE对血浆蛋白进行吸附洗脱。结果扩张床洗脱液中单体牛血清白蛋白(BSA)的纯度接近70 % ,全血进料时血浆蛋白吸附容量为纯BSA进料的2 1.4 4 %。结论扩张床技术直接从未经固液分离的牛血血浆中分离BSA ,只经一步操作,实现了BSA的有效快速分