79 research outputs found

    Legal Status of Sunken Warships and Other State Vessels as Underwater Cultural Heritage

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    依照国际法规则,军舰和其他国家船舶享有主权豁免,只受船旗国管辖。问题是,如果它们在水下沉睡多年、成为宝贵的水下文化遗产并极有可能遭受商业性打捞的破坏时,是否应当重新审视它们的法律地位。2001年联合国教科文组织通过的《保护水下文化遗产公约》是国际社会为保护水下文化遗产所作的重要努力,其有关沉没军舰和其他国家船舶的规定也值得赞赏。Warships and other State vessels enjoy State immunity and are subject to flag State jurisdiction.Once such vessels become UCH,should they be treated differently from other UCH? Such vessels 2001 Convention on the Protection of UCH passed by UNESCO includes in its preservation regimes and special provisions are provided,which is commendable

    Study on the UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage

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    内容摘要随着科学技术的发展进步,特别是自携式水下呼吸器(SCUBA)广泛运用以来,人们可以开始较为自由地探索海底世界,发现并获取几百年来沉睡在海床上的文化遗产,比如沉船、沉物、陷落水下的人类居住遗址等。这些文化遗产见证了人类文明的发展,如果能善加保护,由考古学家们依照严格的标准提取、研究、破解其中所蕴含的考古和文化信息,无疑能使我们更深刻地了解人类文明的发展历程,了解自己的历史。但由于相关法律,特别是国际法,极不完善,使得一些捞宝公司以“海上救助”为名,在全球范围的水域内,恣意捞取它们认为有较高商业价值的物品,而置其他物品于不顾,不仅对这些物品造成了严重破坏,还往往造成其中的考古和文化信息永远...ABSTRACT With the rapid development of technologies, especially since the popularization of Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus (SCUBA), people have much more freedom in exploring the seabed, and have access to the cultural heritage which has been lying on the seabed for hundreds of years. Such cultural heritage may include shipwrecks, artifacts and submerged human settlements an...学位:法学博士院系专业:法学院法律系_国际法学(含国际公法、国际私法、国际经济法)学号:B20020801


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    On the Legal Basis of the UCH Protection on the Two Sides of Taiwan Strait

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    赵亚娟,法学博士,华南理工大学法学院副教授。本文系2010年国家社科基金重大课题《南海地区国家核心利益的维护策略研究》(项目批准号:10zd&013)的阶段性成果。电子邮箱:[email protected]。[文摘]联合国教科文组织通过的《水下文化遗产保护公约》已经于2009年生效。作为文明古国之一,中国的水域内有非常丰富的水下文化遗产资源,但是这些资源正面临严重威胁甚至已经受到严重破坏,因此加强水下文化遗产保护已经非常必要。本文通过对大陆现行立法和台湾立法草案之间的比较研究,为两岸水下文化遗产提供了若干思路。[Abstract]The UNESCO Convention on the Underwater Cultural Heritage Protection has entered into force since 2009.As one of the major ancient civilized countries,China is very rich in the underwater cultural heritage within its waters.However,those cultural resources are under severe threat of being damaged or even extinct now,which makes it urgently necessary to strengthen the UCH protection.The present paper provides some suggestion to both sides of the Taiwan Strait in this regard by conducting a comparative study on the current laws of Mainland China and the draft of Taiwan


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