158 research outputs found


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    Thoughts on the communication of theatre arts - the digitization of NT Live during the COVID-19 Pandemic as example

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    On the Perfection of System of Progressive Selection of Junior Judges ——From the perspective of practice from courts’ selection in recent years

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    司法的公平公正需要一支高素质过硬的法院队伍,改革和完善法官逐级遴选制度是近年来法院人事制度改革的重要内容之一,也是建设正规化、专业化、职业化的法院法官队伍的重要保障。一直以来,学界与实务界对于初任法官条件之设定研究深入、著述颇丰,但对如何遴选更高级别法官却涉猎甚少。1999年《人民法院五年改革纲要(1999-2003)》首次提出要逐步建立上级人民法院的法官从下级人民法院的优秀法官中选任,但从十多年的实施情况来看,法官逐级遴选效果并不理想,留下诸如制度不明、程序僵化、对象模糊、保障缺失等问题。2014年,党的十八届四中全会通过了《中共中央关于全面推进依法治国若干重大问题的决定》,其中一大特色亮点...It is impossible to realize the judicial justice without high quality judge the troop. The reform and enhancement of the judges selection system then become critical part for the reform of personnel system in court, as well as significant guarantee for the cultivation of high quality and professional judges the troop. There are always abundant researches on the setting of conditions for junior jud...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院_法律硕士学号:X201212009

    Trusted Computing Module Design and SoC Developmentfor Cloud Storage Management

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    云计算的安全问题,特别是存储安全性,是限制其推广应用的一个关键技术问题,它一直是近年来研究热点。本文针对云存储的实际应用,希望能设计出一款可适用于云计算用户数据安全存储的可信计算模块芯片,并开发出相应芯片应用的软硬件集成演示终端原型。 本文首先介绍了云计算中安全存储的基本功能要求及所需可信计算模块的基本架构;接下来就核心模块中AES加密算法和散列算法等关键功能模块进行了优化设计,并集成椭圆曲线ECC算法和USB接口模块,之后进行了相关的软硬件协同设计,开发出可实现用户身份认证的云计算存储应用原型,通过了FPGA开发板的现场验证。论文的主要工作成果体现在: 1、给出了一种可支持密钥长度128...Cloud computing security issues, especially its storage security is the key technical problem which obstructs its application. It has been a hot topic of research areas in recent years. For the practical application of cloud storage. This paper aims to design a trusted computing module SoC for the Cloud Security Storage and develope hardware and software co-verification terminal prototype demonstr...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院电子工程系_微电子学与固体电子学学号:2312010115298

    An Analysis on the Business Model of Trade Financing of China Export & Insurance Corporation

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    出口信用保险是一国政府以国家信用作为支持,通过提供风险管理、收汇保障和融资便利等功能,支持本国企业出口的一项政策性措施,是实施国家外交、外贸及产业政策的有力工具。其作为一个政策性的职能,不以赢利为目的,但基于其商业化运行,保本为基础的商业运营模式,也需要不断提升和完善自身的运营机制,以更好地推动本国出口贸易发展,达到支持中国企业“走出去”的政策使命。 本文基于商业模式的理论基础,对短期出口信用保险项下的商业模式创新--贸易融资进行了详细的介绍,包括该项业务的起源、功能介绍、业务的内容、运作流程等,归纳了该项业务对中国出口信用保险公司、银行、出口企业三方的作用,阐述了中国信保自2003年开展该...With the national credit for support, Export Credit Insurance is an export-promotion policy established by a government in order to guarantee the remittance collection of export enterprises, and provide financing facilitation and risk management for export enterprises. It is a powerful instrument to realize national policy of diplomacy、foreign trade and industry. As a policy-oriented organization,...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心(MBA中心)_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:X200715512

    A Research on Risk Management of S Guaranty Company

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    市场经济是信息经济,担保公司的诞生有效地解决了由信息不对称所产生的信用链条缺陷问题,帮助广大的中小微企业实现融资并发展壮大。民间投资、市场化运作的非政策性专业担保公司从2000年起开始繁荣发展,逐步取代政策性担保公司成为担保行业的主力军,诚然担保公司为解决中小微企业融资难问题作出了不可抹灭的贡献,但随着2008年中国最大的民营担保公司中国中科智担保集团股份有限公司因违规骗贷而倒下,到2011年河南、温州等地不断爆出担保公司“高息揽储、违规放贷”事件,再到2012年北京中担、广州华鼎和创富三家公司“长期违规操作”陷入资金流动性危机等担保业丑闻的发生与曝光,揭示了这个行业存在较为严重的风险,这不仅...Market economy highlights the importance of information. Guarantee companies solve the problem of credit chain deficiency due to asymmetric information, helping small and medium size companies to finance and develop. Before 2000, policy-oriented guarantee companies is the main force in guarantee industry, afterwards specialized guarantee companies have gradually prevailed. Guarantee companies have...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:1792011115095


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    采用美国国家可再生能源实验室(NREL)方法定量大米草原料中纤维素、半纤维素及木质素。72%浓硫酸水解1 h、4%稀硫酸水解1 h可将大米草的纤维素、半纤维素降解为可用HPLC定量的单糖,适宜的样品添加量为0.3 g。同时,NREL法测定大米草纤维素、半纤维素及木质素的含量分别为32.92%、27.65%和24.2%。这三个组分的含量是评价大米草预处理、酶解及发酵工艺条件的重要依据。Cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin of Spartina anglica were quantified by National Renewable Energy Lab(NREL) method. It was showed that the cellulose and semicellulose of S. anglica could be degraded to mono-sugars which could be quantified by HPLC after it was hydrolyzed with 72% concentrated sulphuric acid for 1 h and 4% dilute sulphuric acid for 1h with the appropriate additive amount of 0.3 g sample. Meanwhile, the contents of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin of S. anglica determined by NREL method were 32.92%, 27.65%and 24.2% respectively. The contents of these three fractions are important basis for the evaluation of the pre-processing, enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation conditions of S. anglica.闽海高新[2014]25号“滩涂大米草高值化综合利用关键技术与示范”项目;; 福建省生物医药产业中试与检测技术公共服务平台;; 海洋生物制品福建省高校应用技术工程中

    Efficacy of ulinastatin combined with gamma globulin in treating patients with acute purulent peritonitis

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    目的观察研究乌司他丁联合丙种球蛋白治疗急性化脓性腹膜炎的疗效分析。方法选取厦门大学附属第一医院杏林分院普外科2013年3月~2015年3月收治的确诊为急性化脓性腹膜炎的患者共70例,按随机数字表法分为观察组和对照组,每组各35例,对照组给予常规保守治疗,观察组给予乌司他丁联合丙种球蛋白治疗,治疗结束后,随访并记录2组患者相关指标的变化等情况。结果观察组患者治疗后内毒素含量为(626.9±130.5)pg/mL,低于对照组(867.4±124.2)pg/mL(P<0.05)。观察组患者治疗后有效率高于对照组(97.14%vs.77.14%;χ~2=7.467,P<0.05)。结论乌司他丁联合丙种球蛋白治疗急性化脓性腹膜炎的临床治疗效果确切,整体治疗效果优于常规治疗。Objective To observe the efficacy of ulinastatin combined with gamma globulin in treating patients with acute purulent peritonitis.Methods 70 cases diagnosed with acute purulent peritonitis from March 2013 to March 2015 were randomly divided into observation group and control group,35 cases in each group. The control group received conventional treatment and observation group received ulinastatin combined with gamma globulin treatment. The related indicators were followed up and recorded in two groups post-treatment. Results The endotoxin content post-treatment in observation group was lower than control group[( 626. 9 ± 130. 5) vs.( 867. 4 ± 124. 2) pg / mL,P < 0. 05]. The effective rate in observation group was higher than control group( 97. 14% vs. 77. 14%; χ~2= 7. 467,P < 0. 05). Conclusion Ulinastatin combined with gamma globulin has the exact efficacy in treating patients with acute purulent peritonitis whose efficacy is better than conventional treatment.福建省科技计划项目(2011Y0051

    Research on disparity of minorities' access to higher education with different strata background

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    从家庭所处社会阶层、父母受教育程度、家庭收入三方面对少数民族高等教育入学机会差异的实证研究表明:不同社会阶层少数民族接受高等教育的机会及学校的层次、类型有显著差异;在一般公办本科院校中,少数民族的社会阶层差异最小;在公办高职高专院校中,学生父母受教育程度的差异最小;家庭收入高低对于少数民族是否进入民办院校就读有一定影响。From the perspectives of social strata,parental educational level and family income,the research explores the influence of family background on minorities' access to higher education.The empirical results indicate that there exists a significant disparity on quantity,level and type of access to higher education among minority college students with different family background.In ordinary public four-year institutions,there is a smallest gap among different minorities' social strata;in public vocational colleges,the disparity of parental educational level is the smallest;family income plays a certain role for minority students to enroll private colleges or not


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