4 research outputs found

    Research on the Bank Institution Evolution of China

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    党的十一届三中全会开启了我国改革开放的大幕,经过近四十年的改革开放,我国经济发展水平和人民生活水平均不断提高,可以说取得了举世瞩目的成就,而这其中就有银行部门立下的“汗马功劳”,为国民经济的飞速发展提供了强有力的金融支持。银行制度作为规范银行机构行为的规则,是银行部门有效运作的基础,但是我国银行体制改革却一直被人所诟病,特别是政府权力的过度干预使得银行制度绩效较低。在我国进一步深化经济体制改革的大背景下,银行制度在此关键时期对促进经济发展和社会稳定具有重要影响,我国银行制度应如何深化改革以确保银行部门更好地服务于经济发展,已成为我国进一步改革面临的关键问题。 我国的银行体制改革实质上是政府权...The Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee has began the process of China’s reform and open. After nearly forty years of reform and opening up, China's economic development level and people's living standards are improving, it can be said that our country gained the success that attract worldwide attention, and the bank sector has played a important role, all kinds of bank institution...学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济学院_政治经济学学号:1532012015365


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    The Institutional Evolution of Rural Land Property: From the Perspective of Rights and Power Unity

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    产权制度是权力主体博弈所形成的利益分配制度。通过对中国农地产权制度演化的历史考察,发现将产权赋予产权主体并不能使其自动获得排他性产权,而应在赋予产权主体产权的同时赋予其相应的权力,即保障产权不受侵蚀的力量。只有权力与权利统一,产权主体才真正拥有完整的排他性产权。Property rights institution is the interest's distribution institution formed by the game of power agents.Based on the analysis of our country's evolution history of the rural land property rights institution,we found that property rights give rights agents does not make the agents automatically obtain the complete property rights,and should also correspondingly give their power,which the agents have can protect their property rights from the affected by erosion's force.In addition,our conclusion is that the property rights agents truly has a complete property rights only when the power and rights unity

    National Power and Financial Institution Evolution

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    金融制度作为金融行为主体博弈的结果,决定着金融领域的利益分配。不同的利益集团总是通过各种方式寻求国家力量的支持以加强自身博弈的地位,而国家力量则通过改变利益集团间的权力结构来实现其效用目标。政府及利益集团间的权力博弈决定着金融制度演化的方向和趋势,特别是国家力量在金融制度演化中具有决定性的影响。因此,政府应在金融制度演化过程中合理运用其权力以促使金融制度演化步入兼顾效率与公平的最优路径。The financial institution is the game result of financial behaviors,which decides the interests allocation.The interest groups are always seek for national power support to strengthen their game state,and the national power change the power structure of financial behaviors to achieve its utility goal.The power game of government and interest groups decide the trend of the financial institution evolution,and the influence of national power is decisive.The government should reasonably use its power,and promote financial institution evolve into the optimal path which can get efficiency and fairness