6 research outputs found

    Research of Image Denoising and Its Implementation on FPGA

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    图像系统在获取与传输图像时,因为外部现场环境和系统本身噪声源的干扰,往往会对后续的图像分割,识别,跟踪等造成严重的影响。为了提高图像的质量,必须先对图像进行去噪处理。图像去噪主要可以从空间域和小波域来进行。常用的空间域图像去噪滤波器主要有线性滤波器和非线性滤波器。线性滤波器常用的有均值滤波、加权滤波、倒数加权滤波。非线性的滤波器常用的有中值滤波。线性滤波器主要适合于高斯噪声的去除,而中值滤波则适合于脉冲噪声。小波域内的图像去噪处理已经成为一个热点。Donoho在1995提出了软门限的去噪法[1],由于其简单的特性,很快得到了广泛的应用。但是Donoho全局软门限具有“过扼杀”(过多地置小波系数...Images will be polluted by noise because of external environment and image system itself, when the image systems are making or transferring images. Denoising is necessary for improving the quality of the images. The method of image denoising can be classified as denoising in space domain and denoising in wavelet domain. The filter in space domain can be described as linear filter and non-lin...学位:工学硕士院系专业:计算机与信息工程学院电子工程系_电路与系统学号:20023001

    VLSI Design And Implementation of A Real-Time Video Resolution Improvement Algorithm

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    提出了一 种适合硬件 实现的实时视 频分辨率提 升算法并给 出该算法的 VLSI硬件 实现结构。本 文根据图像空域内邻近 像素多个方 向的内容相关 性并结合改 进的中值滤 波方法,得到 一种基 于图 像最大 相关 性的自 适应 优化插值算法,有效改 善了视频分 辨率提升过 程中所出现 的图像细节 模糊和边缘锯 齿化等问题 。算法已经在Xilinx FPGA 平台上通过验 证,实现了对视 频信号的实 时分辨率提 升,结果表明该 算法能有效 提高图像清 晰度和视觉 效果。A real-time video resolution improvement algorithm and its hardware structure on VLSI is presented in this paper. We put forward an adaptive interpolation algorithm based on the max-relativity of the image by taking account into the temporal image content relativity of multi directions and an improved median filter. The algorithm is efficient in eliminating staircase and detail smoothing of image during interpolation. Our algorithm has been validated in XILINX FPGA platform. The results show that the proposed algorithm might be very suitable for definition and visual quality improvement of video.国家自然科学基金资助(60371012);; 福建省重点科技项目(2002Y021

    A Local Adaptive Denoising Filter With Keeping Color Images Detail

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    去噪算法在现代图像处理应用中占有极其重要的地位。然而图像去噪的过程总是伴随着图像的模糊。本文提出了一种对彩色图像细节保持较好的局部自适应的去噪算法--基于个数判断噪声的前提下结合线性插值、非线性插值(这里主要指中值滤波)滤波对噪声图像进行处理,得到较理想的效果。和领域平均法、倒数梯度加权法、纯线性插值法、纯中值滤波法等相比较,其效果改善明显。Denoising is very important in image processing. Unfortunately denoising will blur the original image, founding a way to keep the details of a noisy image is necessary. We shown a new adaptive algorithm of denoising which has a better performance on keeping image's details-counting the difference of a window combining with the linear interpolation or nonlinear sort filter. We get a better result comparing with mean filter 、 reciprocal gradient filter、linear filter and median filter

    A New Motion Adaptive Deinterlace Algorithm with High Precise Motion Detection

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    传统的去隔行算法在运动判断上对噪声比较敏感,并且对高对比度、低速运动的物体容易产生运动误判。针对以上不足,本文对运动补偿去隔行算法进行了改进,提出了一种具有高精度运动检测的自适应运动补偿去隔行的新方法。在第一步运动检测得出运动状态后,利用相邻点的运动情况来重新定位当前点运动状态,提高了运动检测的抑制噪声能力。同时对高对比度、低速运动的情况,采用反向搜索方法,纠正了运动误判,更好的消除了运动锯齿。本算法场内插值采用了一种最大相关性边缘保持方法,对图像的细节有很好的保持能力。实验表明与其它几种运动补偿算法和非运动补偿算法相比,有较高的信噪比和较好的图像效果。Traditional deinterlace algorithms are more sensitive to noise and tend to make error motion estimation on the high con- trast scene with slow motion.To solve the problems,we proposes“a new motion adaptive deinterlace algorithm with high precise motion detection”to improve the traditional motion compensation deinterlace algorithm in this paper.After getting the first motion state,the al- gorithm redefines the motion state of current pixel by the neighboring pixels' states,so that it can suppress the noise.Based on this,it takes a backward search for the high contrast scene with slow motion to eliminate the motion stairs.In intra-field interpolation,it takes a max correlation method to preserve image edges.The result show that the algorithm will get higher PSNR and better vision compare with other motion-compensation or non-motion-compensation deinterlace algorithm.国家自然科学基金(60371012);; 信息产业部电子发展基金(信部运[2003]446号);; 福建省自然科学基金:(A0210002);; 预演基金项目(51483020204JS9307)


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