8 research outputs found


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    為因應有機磷及氨基甲酸鹽類藥劑在農業上的使用逐漸減少,及強化生化檢驗體系之驗證把關效能,本計畫擬改良原有殺蟲劑快速檢驗技術,開發生化檢驗專屬分光光度計並利用轉殖技術透過微生物量產家蠅乙醯膽鹼酯酶;另以除蟲菊類殺蟲劑為新目標開發農藥晶片檢測技術。現已將家蠅乙醯膽鹼酯酶基因轉入微生物,期能藉由誘導微生物大量表現具活性之乙醯膽鹼酯酶以突破目前飼育家蠅再進行酵素純製的繁複流程;另盼藉由除蟲菊農藥晶片模式之建立,發展其他種類殺蟲劑之快速檢測方法、擴大檢驗範圍。 To promote the quantity and quality of residue-examination , this program develops rapid bioassay of pesticide residue-specific spectrophotometer and transfer the housefly acetylcholinesterase(AChE) gene into microorganisms for efficient production. We also develop biochip for pyrethroids. So far, housefly AChE has already been transfered into microorganisms, we expect to induce microorganisms overexpressing active AChE to prevent the disadvantage of time-consuming rearing and purification processes. Besides, by establishing the pyrethroid biochip model, we intend to develop various assays for other knids of pesticides to enlarge the detection range

    Studies on rapid bioassay of pesticide residues and reasonable pesticide application

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    一、 本計畫係針對本所研發之農藥殘毒快速檢驗技術,持續進行技術研革及改善農藥殘毒快速檢驗之預警與通報體系。主要工作項目包括:研發及改進殺蟲劑檢驗新技術,累積殺蟲劑快速定性分析資料庫,強化對檢出敏感度偏低藥劑類別之偵測能力;擴大殺菌劑檢測技術對多種殺菌劑之檢出能力,以拓展其應用範圍;建立水稻及茶葉品管安檢之技術與流程;針對檢驗站回報之殘毒超量蔬果,進行問題分析及專案研究;建構蔬果農藥殘毒快速檢驗執行概況分析資料庫,以防止含毒蔬果之流通上市為最終目標。持續累積殺蟲劑敏感度及快速定性分析資料庫,擴大殺菌劑檢測範圍;高殘毒蔬果之專案研究;協助生化檢驗站複驗殘毒超量樣品,建立快速檢驗複驗分析之流程與機制。 Rapid bioassay of pesticide residues (RBPR) technique has been developed and implemented by the Agricultural Research Institute since 1985. This project is aiming at the refinement of RBPR techniques and establishing the residue control warning systems. Major working items include accumulating the databank of rapid qualitative assay using TLC and colorimetric techniques; improvung and extending the application of rapid fungicide assay; helping selected RBPR stations to double-check fruit and vegetable samples with unusual anticholinergic activities and conducting case studies for crops with serious residual problem. And finally establish a pre-warning and residue control system to reduce the risk of pesticide residues on fruits, vegetables, rice, tea, etc

    Studies on Reasonable Pesticide Application and Rapid Bioassay of Pesticide Residues

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    本計畫係針對本所研發之農藥殘毒快速檢驗技術,持續進行技術研革及建立農藥殘毒快速檢驗之預警與通報體系。主要工作項目包括:研發及改進殺蟲劑檢驗新技術,逐年完備殺蟲劑快速定性分析資料庫,強化對檢出敏感度偏低藥劑類別之偵測能力;提高殺菌劑檢測技術對不同類殺菌劑之檢出能力,以擴大其應用範圍;建立水稻及茶葉品管安檢之技術與流程;針對檢驗站回報之殘毒超量蔬果,進行問題分析及專案研究;建構蔬果農藥殘毒快速檢驗執行概況分析資料庫,以防止含毒蔬果之流通上市為最終目標。 Rapid bioassay of pesticide residues (RBPR) technique has been developed and implemented by the Agricultural Research Institute since 1985. This project is aiming at the refinement of RBPR techniques and establishing the residue control warning systems. Major working items including establish the databank of rapid qualitative assay using TLC and colorimetric techniques; improve and extend the application of rapid fungicide assay; help selected RBPR stations to double-check fruit and vegetable samples with unusual anticholinergic activities and conduct case studies for crops with serious residual problem; and finally establish a pre-warning and residue control system to reduce the risk of pesticide residues on fruits, vegetables, rice, tea, etc


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    The Analysis and Comparison of the Action Potential Waveforms in Ventral Posterolateral Nucleus of the Rat Thalamus

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    大鼠視丘的腹後側核 ( VPL, ventral posterolateral thalamic nuclei ) 是傳遞體感覺的重要中繼站,包含具有不同形態與電生理特徵的神經元,這些神經元具有不同的動作電位波型,對體感覺與痛覺刺激產生的反應亦有所不同。本研究在探討大鼠視丘腹後側核區中不同神經元動作電位波型的特徵,並利用波型差異將神經元分群,及比較使用不同微電極 (金屬、玻璃) 記錄時是否造成分類差異,此外更進一步研究波型與神經元功能群之間的關係。研究結果顯示: 一、VPL 的波型主要可依照振幅、歷時長短等特徵分為四類;二、不同記錄電極會影響記錄到的波型種類;三、VPL 的神經元在本研究中主要觀察到 low threshold 與 wide dynamic range 兩種功能群,但此兩種功能群並沒有特定的對應波型。The ventral posterolateral thalamic nucleus ( VPL ) plays an important role in conveying the somatosensory signals. It contains different sorts of neurons which may generate diverse action potential waveforms, their reactions to innocuous or noxious stimuli also diverge. This study investigates the classification of action potential waveforms in VPL, the relationship between different recording microelectrodes or functional groups and waveforms were further compared. The result shows that VPL waveforms could be divided into four main groups by the features such as the peak-to-peak amplitude, the peak-to-peak duration, etc. The materials of recording microelectrodes affect the kinds of waveforms being collected. However, the different functional groups of VPL neurons do not correspond to particular kinds of waveforms.目錄 1. 中文摘要………………………………………………………….......1 2. Abstract………………………………………………………….........2 3. 前言…………………………………………………………………..3 動作電位……………………………………………….........3 腹後側核……………………………………………….........3 紀錄電極…………………………………………………….5 研究目的…………………………………………………….5 4. 材料與方法...........................................................................................7 手術過程……………………………………………………7 實驗步驟……………………………………………………8 資料分析……………………………………………………9 5. 結果………………………………………………………………….11 6. 討論………………………………………………………………….13 7. 參考文獻…………………………………………………………….16 8. 圖表………………………………………………………………….18 表一……………………………………………………….18 表二…………………………………………….................19 表三……………………………………………………….20 圖一……………………………………………………….21 圖二……………………………………………………….22 圖三……………………………………………………….23 圖四……………………………………………………….24 圖五……………………………………………………….25 圖六……………………………………………………….26 圖七………………………………………………………27 圖八………………………………………………………28 圖九………………………………………………………29 圖十………………………………………………………3

    Direct and indirect effects of climate change on agricultural insects: A brief review

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    過去百年來全球表面均溫大約上升0.6oC,預估至2100年的CO2濃度為540-970ppm,平均溫度將上升1.4-5.8oC.因此,氣候變遷已成為全球關注的重要環境課題.不同地理區域的氣候變化,隨著溫度增加範圍.光照度.紫外線輻射度.降雨與濕度之數量與分布型式.非生物因子干擾程庿的改變,對農業生態系統產生不同程度的影響. The global average surface temperatures have increased by approximately 0.6oC during the past 100 years and will continue to increase by 1.4-5.8 oC BY 2100 with the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration expected to rise to between 540 and 970 ppm over the same period

    The management strategy based on the effects of climate change on crop pests

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    目前大家已能接受全球氣候變遷對生態系統會產生重要影響,這結果多數是藉由經度與緯度變化的角度切入研究。雖然如此,但過去百年以來,台灣仍缺乏農業長期變化與空間分布因子的相關研究。有鑑於此,本研究目標包括蒐集往昔科學研究報告所示之農作物有害生物資料,從中分析農業生態系統之中作物有害生物 (病原、害蟲、雜草)與作物、栽培措施及氣候因子的相互關係,建立一個可以預測氣候暖化對有害生物分布影響的管理策略。 It is now widely accepted that global climate change is affecting many ecosystems around the globe and that its impact is increasing rapidly. Many studies predict that impacts will consist largely of shifts in latitudinal and altitudinal distributions. However, the related studies on long-term changes and spatial distribution characteristics of agro-climatic conditions in the past 100 years in Taiwan are still unknown. Accordingly, the present project has following goals: i) to glean available information from the historically scientific papers associated with mainly crop pests of Taiwan; ii) to analyse the relationships among the pests (e.g. pathogens, insect pests, and weeds), crops, cultivated techniques, and climatic factors in agro-ecosystem, and then, to establish a management strategy to predict the effects of climate warming on species distribution of crop pests