25 research outputs found

    Effect of Calcination Temperature on the Structure and Catalytic Performance of K_2WO_4/Al_2O_3 Catalysts for Methanethiol Synthesis

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    通讯联系人. 电话/传真: (0592)2182368; 电子信箱: [email protected][中文文摘]研究了焙烧温度对溶胶-凝胶法制备的甲硫醇催化剂K2WO4/Al2O3的表面结构和催化性能的影响.表征结果显示,K2WO4在Al2O3上分散得较好,在450和550oC焙烧的催化剂颗粒大小均匀,无明显团聚现象.随着焙烧温度的升高,催化剂的比表面积减小,表面钨物种与Al2O3的相互作用减弱,与碱物种的相互作用增强,酸碱强度降低.K2WO4/Al2O3表面不含质子酸.催化剂活性与其比表面积及表面的共轭酸碱对密切相关.评价结果表明,在550oC焙烧而制得的催化剂活性最高.[英文文摘]The effect of calcination temperature on the surface morphology and catalytic performance of the K2WO4/Al2O3 catalyst prepared by the sol-gel method for the synthesis of methanethiol from methanol and hydrogen sulfide was investigated.Physicochemical characterization results of the catalyst showed that the K2WO4 is well dispersed on Al2O3,and the catalyst possesses uniform particle size after calcination at 450 or 550 oC.With increasing the calcination temperature,the specific surface area decreases,the interaction of W species with Al2O3 was weakened, but strengthened with basic species, leading to the decrease of surface acidity and basicity. No Brönsted acid was found on the catalyst surface. The catalytic activity of the catalyst is closely related with the specific surface area and the presence of conjugate acid-base pairs on the surface. Activity assay results show that the catalyst calcined at 550 oC exhibits the highest activity for the reaction.重庆紫光化工股份有限公司的经费资


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    智能嗅觉的发展和挑战杨原,王小如,李权龙,杨成隆,王志勇,袁东星(厦门大学化学系近代分析化学研究所,361005)智能嗅觉的发展经历了缓慢的,曲折的成长过程。就其原因来看,一方面是由于嗅觉传感器的发展速度远远落后于视觉传感器的发展 ̄[1],另一方面是..

    Transition Metal Promoted ZSM-5 Catalysts for the Conversion of Dimethyl Sulfide into Methanethiol

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    负载过渡金属的zSM-5催化剂用于催化甲硫醚(dMS)转化成甲硫醇(MT)的反应.实验结果表明,催化剂的甲硫醚转化率提高和甲硫醇选择性降低的趋势一样,都是以下顺序:CO/zSM-5>MO/zSM-5>nI/zSM-5>W/zSM-5.表征结果表明,由于过渡金属阳离子(W6+、nI2+、CO3+、MO6+)比Al3+活泼,而改性过程中W6+、nI2+、CO3+、MO6+分别代替了部分Al3+,使得改性催化剂对dMS和MT的化学吸附作用更强.过渡金属的引入使得zSM-5总酸度增强,提高了C―S键的裂解能力,从而改进了催化转化dMS的能力.研究结果发现,在转化dMS的过程中,金属活性位和酸性位之间通过强的协同效应起作用.ZSM-5-supported transition metal catalysts were prepared and used to catalyze the conversion of dimethyl sulfide(DMS) into methanethiol(MT).Test results indicated that the activities of the catalysts for the conversion of DMS increased as follows: Co/ZSM-5>Mo/ZSM-5>Ni/ZSM-5>W/ZSM-5.The decrease in MT selectivity followed the same trend.The characterization results showed that transition metal cations(W6 +, Ni2 +, Co3 +, Mo6 +) replaced some Al3 +sites leading to more active in chemiadsorption of DMS and MT since transition metal cations are more active than Al3 +.The incorporation of transition metals into ZSM-5enhances the total acidity of ZSM-5 and increases its capacity to rupture C―S bonds.This subsequently improves its catalytic behavior in the conversion of DMS.We found that the metal active sites and closely situated acidic sites have a strong synergistic effect when converting DMS

    Research on wireless sensor network applied in highway transportation monitoring system

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    Recent advances in digital circuit, radio communication, and MEMS technologies, have made wireless sensor network (WSN) improve greatly. WSN can be applicated in many areas such as military areas, habitat monitoring, traffic monitoring, and so on. The other way, transportation is looked as one of the most important issues for the development of social economy, especially highway. In order to improve the management and efficiency of highway, and to prevent effectively and resolve traffic accidents in time, a highway transportation monitoring system based on WSN is put forward in this paper. This system adequately makes use of WSN's distribution, self-organizing and extensibility. The architecture and mechanism of the system are described. And some functions of the system have been implemented. The speed measurement of high-speed moving targets with multiple sensors has been accomplished, and the performance and limitation have been analyzed


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    在大数据时代,从浩瀚复杂的数据中快速而准确地获取相关重要信息,是各行各业发展甚至赖以生存的重要基础.为此,可视化及可视分析的研究在全球正方兴未艾 ,并密切地融于实际应用中,为社会发展与生产实践的进步发挥了巨大的作用.这方面的工作一般分为科学计算可视化、信息可视化及可视分析,各有侧重.近年来 ,大数据的多样性、复杂性及其应用的适应性对可视化及可视分析领域的基础理论和技术手段提出了很多新的挑战.本专题选题为可视化及可视分析.反映我国学者 在这方面工作的部分近期研究成果


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    本文简要介绍中国科学院过程工程所(原化工冶金所)在Internet化学化工信息资源系统挖掘方面正在形成的一个较完整的化学专业信息获取平台,包括:(1)国家科学数字图书馆化学学科信息门户ChIN;(2)网络化学化工专业搜索引擎ChemEngine;(3)化学深层网挖掘工具ChemDB Portal。其中ChIN已经成熟,是国内权威、中国唯一被国际承认的网络化学资源导航系统;ChemEngine是通用搜索引擎技术与化学相关的领域知识相结合形成的化学化工专业搜索引擎,初步测试优于国际具有类似功能的系统:德国的ChemGuide和美国的ChemIndustry。ChemDB Portal则是正在进行的、基于XML对化学深层网数据进行提取和索引方法的研究,这一方法尚未见报道。这些工具可为检索网络化学相关信息提供更方便、更好的专业化解决方案