52 research outputs found

    Social review of the Judicial Reform in the Late Qing Dynasty:From the Perspective of the Mass Media

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    20世纪之初的法律变革,是1901年新政开始后清政府制度变革中的重要一环。由于法律制度牵涉到社会的各个阶层,影响到社会生活的各个方面,因此,探讨这一时期的法律变革,特别是当时司法制度在社会生活中的实际运作情况,能够最真实地反映出司法改革的实际效果,以及社会对国家法律变革的反映与适应程度。 为此,笔者选取了在当时的政界、知识界以及下层民众中具有较大影响的新式传媒——《申报》和《大公报》作为本文的基本研究史料,试图通过与官方正史、律令典章等资料的相互印证,从一个新的研究视角,探讨清末司法改革在地方的具体实践,试以弥补学界对清末司法改革研究存在的不足,并力图揭示清末法律改革与近代社会变迁之间的内在...Legal reform, in the early 20th century, is a vital part of the system revolution after the New Deal began from 1901 in Qing Dynasty. Due to its connections with all the classes and its influence on every aspects of social life, the exploration of the legal innovation of that time, especially the actual operation of judiciary in social life, can have a real reflection of realistic effects of judic...学位:历史学博士院系专业:人文学院历史学系_中国近现代史学号:B20020201


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    The Newspapers and Periodicals in the Late Qing Dynasty and the Spread of Modern Legal Concepts

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    19世纪末,随着对外认识的不断深入以及民族危机的日益严重,晚清报刊获得了进一步的发展,其传播功能也得到国人的认同。晚清报刊通过对近代法律知识的普及以及对近代法律教育的推动,在近代法律观念的传播过程中发挥了积极作用。The end of the 19th century, with the deepen knowledge of overseas and increasing crisis of our nation, the newspapers and periodicals won the further development. Its transmission function also attracted people's attention. Through the popularization of legal knowledge and the driving of the modern legal education, the newspapers and periodicals played a positive role in the process of the modem legal concept spread


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    On the Reformation of the Torture System in the Late Qing Dynasty

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    1905年开始的刑讯制度改革引起了清末朝野的广泛关注。以《申报》、《大公报》为主的社会传媒,针对废止刑讯谕旨执行过程中出现的问题,进行了深入思考,揭露了刑讯制度存在的弊端,提出了改革刑讯制度的措施,并对刑讯制度改革执行不力的原因予以剖析。这表明,近代司法理念已在一定程度上获得了人们的认同,但也从一个侧面反映出清末刑讯制度的改革并没有在地方州县得以真正贯彻实施,法律改革仍然面临着诸多阻力。The reformation of the torture system started in 1905 drew the social attention greatly.The social media took such problems which appeared in the process of the legal reform into deep consideration,especially "Shenbao" and "Dagongbao".They uncovered the corrupt practice in the torture system,analyzed the reason why the reform couldn't be carried out thoroughly and also made some advice on the reform.It proved that to some extent the idea of modern judicature was accepted by people.On the other side,it showed that the reformation of the torture system was not carried out indeed in the local states and counties.The legal reform still had a long way to go.There were still a lot of difficulties ahead to overcome

    The Prison System Reform During the New Deal Period of the Late Qing Dynasty

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    清末新政时期,随着监狱改良思潮的兴起,以新式模范监狱建设为目标的监狱制度改革也提上了清政府的议事日程。规范的监狱管理以及监狱管理人才的培养,使清政府的监狱改革取得了一定的成效,推动了近代西方监狱管理思想在中国的传播,为中国监狱的近代转型奠定了基础。但由于监狱改革的执行缺乏力度以及传统监狱观念的影响,清末的监狱制度改革仍然存在着诸多不足。Along with the vigorous prison improvement trend,the prison system reform with the new style model prison construction as its goal was proposed in the agenda of the government during the new deal period oft he late Qing dynasty.The standardization of prison management and training of prison managerial personnel had made certain progress and promoted the spread of western prison management concepts.However,because of the lack of dynamics in the execution and strong traditional influence,the prison system reform of the late Qing dynasty had many deficiencies

    On the Reform of Legal Education in the Late Qing Dynasty

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    鸦片战争后,中西文化的冲突与交融,使传统的法律教育也面临着一场新的变革。纵观清末的法律教育改革,可以分为两个阶段:一是走出国门学习西方的法律文化,即法政留学;二是广泛传播近代的法律文化,即国内的法政教育。虽然清末的新式法律教育带有较为明显的功利倾向,法政教育机构也存在诸多弊端,但在吸收近代西方法律文化、普及近代法政知识、推动近代司法改革等方面,都产生了重要的影响,标志着传统法律教育方式向近代的转型。After the Opium War,under the conflict and fusion between Chinese and western cultures,traditional legal education was confronted with a reform.The reform of legal education in the late Qing Dynasty went through two stages: learning from western legal culture,that is,legal politics study abroad,and widely disseminating modern legal culture,that is,legal politics education at home.In spite of its obvious utilitarianism and many malpractices in the organs of legal politics education,the new-style legal education in those days exercised significant influence in absorbing western legal culture,popularizing knowledge of legal politics and promoting the judicial reform in modern times,which signaled the transformation of traditional legal education to a modern style

    Complete Division of Labor and the General Theory of Value: A New Framework Based on Amended Approach of Consumer-Producers' Two-Stage Decisions

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    本文运用修正后的消费—生产者的一般均衡分析框架,试图为广义价值理论建立一个严谨坚实的微观基础。首先,本文在构建理论模型时,采用了“消费—生产者两阶段决策“方法,即消费—生产者首先选择最大化总产值的生产决策,继而选择最大化效用的消费决策,藉以修正新兴古典原有框架下分工模式与结构外生于消费—生产者选择行为的缺点。也就是说,在本文修正后的新兴古典框架中,分工的模式与结构是消费—生产者两阶段决策的内生结果。其次,本文不仅考虑到了市场出清条件,并且加入了部门间劳动力受产能限制下的配置条件即比较利益率相等原则,赋予了一般均衡系统更加具体且实际的经济涵义。最后,本文由生产函数的规模报酬特征和内生或外生的比较优势来定义不同的分工体系,从而使广义价值论涵盖了所有的分工体系,进而论证了无论是在可变分工、不变分工抑或是混合分工体系下,劳动价值论都只是广义价值论的一个特例。This paper constructs a micro-foundation framework for the General Theory of Value by means of consumer-producers' two-stage decision approach, in which a consumer-producer at first makes his/her production decision to maximize total revenue, and consumption decision to maximize utility thereafter.The superiority in our newly amended approach over the original is that we endogenize configuration and structure of division of labor into individual choice behavior but the original doesn't.In our general equilibrium setting, moreover, not only are market-clearing conditions taken into account, but also allocation condition of labor force between production sectors of restrictive capacities, namely, Principle of Equivalent Rate of Comparative Advantage.In virtue of production functions' return-to-scale properties and endogenous/exogenous comparative advantage thereof, different division-of-labor systems are defined, and therefore described by this same theory of value which concludes that no matter which kind of division-of-labor system it is, Marx's Labor Theory of Value is only a special case of ours