19 research outputs found

    Ethnic Chinese Networks in China’s International Trade:Theory and Evidence

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    商业与社会网络是近年来经济学家与社会学家的热点研究课题之一。而本文主要针对海外华商网络进行理论与实证研究,探讨海外华商网络在国际贸易中的经济效应、信息交流与合作机制等问题。全文共分五章。第一章为文献综述,对当前国际贸易理论的缺陷进行阐述以及对华商网络的文献资料进行评述。第二章和第三章分别为华商网络的经济分析(Ⅰ)、(Ⅱ),主要从交易成本、技术吸收、技术学习与经济增长、贸易与投资中介、垄断、企业集群等六个方面建立起华商网络的经济学分析框架。第四章为华商网络的信息交流、合作机理与网络规模研究。第五章为海外华商网络对中国对外贸易与效应的实证分析,主要是运用计量经济学的研究方法对海外华商网络在中国对外...Recently, many economists and sociologists are devoting themselves to the research of social and business networks. In this dissertation, we investigate the Ethnic Chinese Networks in international trade. The dissertation consists of five chapters, with the arrangement of each chapter as follows: Chapter 1---The Literature Review Chapter 2---The Economic Analysis of the Ethnic Chinese Networks (...学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济学院国际贸易系_国际贸易学学号:B2005140292

    Some Statistical Problems in Natural Person Movement of in Services Trade

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    服务贸易中自然人流动是许多发展中国家的重要出口领域和多边服务贸易谈判的要害。讨论与自然人存在的界定与测度有关的一些重要问题,分析现存统计标准和数据可用作模式4服务贸易指标的程度,并就监控模式4交易的统计指标和方法所存在的问题和可行的改善方式提出一些建议。Natural person presence(mode 4 trade in service) is the key export area and multilateral negotiation focus of many developing countries.The paper discusses some important problems about the definition and measurement of natural person presence.It analyzes the applicability of available statistics and data and offeres some suggestions to improve the statistical indicators and supervising methods

    Theoretical Basis for the Evaluation and Design of Index System of Core Competitiveness of Industrial Clusters

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    本文基于波特的钻石模型和帕得莫、吉布逊的gEM模型,建立了一个较为完整而可行的产业集群核心竞争力评价体系。Based on Porter's diamond model and the GEM model of Tim Padmore and Heney Gibson,this paper establishes a more comprehensive and workable core competitiveness evaluation system of industrial clusters.广西教育厅面上项目“广西新兴城市产业集群发展研究”(200702MS121)的阶段性研究成


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    中国法律环境的不健全以及官方传递的信息有限均构成了外国直接投资流入的不正式壁垒。而华商网络可以克服这一不正式壁垒从而对中国FDI的流入起到一定的促进作用。1985-1999年FDI母国与中国的华商网络关系密度每增加1%,将会促进流入中国的FDI增加4.316%,而且这一促进效应将会随着海外华商对祖国认同度的加强而逐渐增加。教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“中国经济内外均衡的协调研究:理论、证据与政策”的阶段性成果(06JJD790030);; 上海市重点学科资助研究项目(第二期,P1601

    Determined Factors of International Trade in China's Cultural Goods:A Panel Data Analysis

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    中国文化进口主要集中于综合国力较强的发达国家,而且绝大多数文化产品进口受到出口国市场容量大小的影响,如建筑和设计、珠宝等,但受中国购买力水平影响较小;中国绝大多数文化产品出口受进口国购买力水平影响较为明显;中国文化生产效率的提高可促进其他视觉艺术、珠宝、电影和录像、建筑和设计等文化产品的出口,但对中国文化进口的影响并不明显;除古董进口及其他视觉艺术的出口以外,中国绝大多数文化产品的进、出口与距离变量呈负相关关系;自由贸易区可以促进中国绝大多数文化产品的进、出口。Most of China's import in cultural goods are from developed countries,and highly influenced by exporters market conditions,such as architecture,design and jewellery.China's import of cultural goods is less influenced by China's purchasing power.However,most of China's export in cultural goods is highly influenced by importer's purchasing power.The productivity of cultural goods has little effect on China's import of culture goods,but has a positive effect on China's export of other visual arts,jewellery,film and video,architecture and design.Apart from the import of antique and export of visual arts,most of import and export of cultural goods have negative effects with distance.Most of import and export of cultural goods can be improved by free trade area.教育部人文社会科学青年项目“中国对外文化业产业内贸易的决定因素、模式与政策研究”(10YJC790192);上海市教育委员会重点学科建设项目(第五期)“国际贸易”(J51702)的阶段性研究成果之

    The Model of Gains from Free Trade and the Development Path of Trade in Service in China

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    通过构建福利收益模型,将服务贸易自由化和货物贸易自由化的收益进行比较,可得出如下结论:服务贸易自由化比货物贸易自由化的收益大。以发展服务贸易为主,实现服务贸易的自由化是贸易自由化发展的高级阶段,但我国目前的服务贸易发展水平还不具备这种条件。针对我国服务贸易及服务业中存在的问题,本文为提高服务贸易竞争力、促进服务贸易自由化提出了相应的政策建议。The openness of trade in service is a complicate problem. This paper builds a general-equilibrium model in which country can set the tariff of trade in service and goods. The paper uses this model for comparative statics and welfare analysis. The conclusion is that gains from free trade in service are greater than trade in goods and realization the free trade in service should be the advanced phase of trade. But at present the development of service sector are far from reaching the phase in China. So it suggest several rational policies to improve service sector's competitiveness and promote the openness of service sector

    Analysis on the Open-up and the Policy Construction of Trade in Service

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    一国在制定服务贸易政策时会遇到比货物贸易政策更加复杂的问题,如政策工具的选择与各部门(政策)之间的相互影响、利益集团游说、政府的贸易政策不一定是有效的、我们应该加入GATS还是参与区域自由化等。因此,如何归纳总结出这些影响因素并从中挑选出较好的政策工具,对于一国在服务业开放进程中增加福利及掌握主动权至关重要。It is more complicated than goods trade when constructing the policy of trade in service, such as the interaction between policy tools and sectors, interest group’s lobby, the validity of trade policy and whether we join GATS or regional integration. So it is important to conclude these factors and pick up an appropriate tool when opening up its service sector for a country

    An Empirical Study on the Effects of Producer Service Import on China's Employment

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    通过对生产者服务进口影响中国就业的效应进行实证研究发现,长期而言,生产者服务进口额每增加1%,服务业的就业将会增加0.24%,但对制造业就业并没有显著影响。其中,信息服务进口对服务业和制造业就业都没有显著影响;交通运输服务进口额每增加1%,制造业(服务业)的就业水平将会增长0.147%(0.275%);其他商业服务进口额每增加1%,服务业的就业水平将增加0.189%,但对制造业就业没有显著影响。短期而言,生产者服务进口对就业同时产生促进效应,但效应较小。政府应降低生产者服务进口壁垒以促进国内就业水平的提高。Through the empirical study on effects of producer service import on China's employment,it is found that in the long term 1% increase on the amount of imports of producer service will bring about 0.24% increase on employment of service sectors,but has no significant effects on employment in manufacturing.Specifically,information service import has no significant effects on both service and manufacturing employment,1% increase on the amount of imports of transportation service will bring about 0.147%/ 0.275% increase on manufacturing / service employment,1% increase on the amount of imports of other commercial service will bring about 0.189% increase on employment of service sector,but has no significant effects on manufacturing.In the short term,import of producer service has stimulation effects on employment,but the effect is weak.The government should reduce import barrier on producer service to improve domestic employment.上海市教育委员会科研创新项目(10YZ194

    Empirical Study on Weak-Business Cycle of Trade in Service during Economic Crisis

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    在经济危机(衰退)期间,服务贸易的波动要弱于货物贸易的波动(即弱周期性)。其中,又以教育服务贸易和商业、专业技术服务贸易为代表的其他私人服务贸易稳定性最强。为在经济危机(衰退)期间保持国际贸易的稳定,政府应发挥服务贸易的“弱周期性“特征,大力发展教育和商业、专业技术服务贸易,加大自然人跨国暂时流动的开放力度。We argue that trade in service represents weak-fluctuation feature during the economic crisis.And we try to qualify these effects through the H-P filter measure and US data during the last two economic crisis.It is found that the fluctuations of trade in service is smaller than trade in goods(refers as Weak-Business Cycle),and the fluctuation of other private service is the smallest of all the service trade segment.In addition,education service and business,professional and technical services are steadier than trade in other private services.Then developing education and business,professional and technical services is a tool for keeping international trade stable during the economic crisis.上海市教育委员会重点学科建设项目(第五期)“国际贸易”(J51702);2010年度上海市教育委员会科研创新项目“服务经济波动对中国宏观经济影响的效应研究”(10YZ194

    Information Cost and International Trade——A Panel Data Analysis of the Effects of Asia Ethnic Chinese Networks and ICT on the International Trade of China

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    信息成本是国际贸易中的主要交易成本,而社会网络和信息通讯技术可以减少这一交易成本从而促进国际贸易的发生。结果表明,在这两类因素中,分布在亚洲的华商网络对中国对外贸易发展所作出的贡献要远远大于信息通讯技术改善所作的贡献,并且这两者之间也存在着一种相互促进与相互抑制的交互作用。文章表明,信息通讯技术网络的改善会明显抑制亚洲华商网络对中国进口贸易的促进作用,但同时对亚洲华商网络促进中国出口贸易的效应影响不大。The new estimates of the effects of Asian Ethnic Chinese Network and ICT on Inter- national Trade of China is provided. Asian Ethnic Chinese Network are more important in facili- tating Chinese international trade than ICT,in fact,with the improvement of ICT network be- tween China and Asian Countries,it will worsening the positive effect that the Asian Ethnic Chi- nese Network on Chinese imports,but has little effect on Chinese exports.教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“中国经济内外均衡的协调研究:理论、证据与政策”的阶段性成果(项目号:2006JDXM207)