Analysis on the Open-up and the Policy Construction of Trade in Service


一国在制定服务贸易政策时会遇到比货物贸易政策更加复杂的问题,如政策工具的选择与各部门(政策)之间的相互影响、利益集团游说、政府的贸易政策不一定是有效的、我们应该加入GATS还是参与区域自由化等。因此,如何归纳总结出这些影响因素并从中挑选出较好的政策工具,对于一国在服务业开放进程中增加福利及掌握主动权至关重要。It is more complicated than goods trade when constructing the policy of trade in service, such as the interaction between policy tools and sectors, interest group’s lobby, the validity of trade policy and whether we join GATS or regional integration. So it is important to conclude these factors and pick up an appropriate tool when opening up its service sector for a country

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