84 research outputs found

    Embracement of Ishigando (Stone Monuments) in the Amami Islands-Focusing on Kikaijima, Amami Oshima, and Tokunoshima-

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    鹿児島本土と沖縄本島の間にある奄美諸島は、特別な存在といえる。奄美は15世紀に琉球王国に支配され、1609年に島津による琉球侵攻の結果、薩摩藩に組み込まれた。幕藩時代以後の奄美諸島は、短期の米軍占領期を除くと、鹿児島県に属し今まで続いている。鹿児島県は廃藩置県の産物であったため、薩摩藩の存続といえる。現在、鹿児島・沖縄の石敢當研究は多くあるが、単に奄美の石敢當受容を論じる論文は少ない。ほとんどの場合は、鹿児島県の一部として研究されている。奄美の石敢當伝来について、琉球伝来論や薩摩伝来論がある。琉球伝来論の観点では、奄美地方では古い紀年の石敢當は未報告ながら、鹿児島県本土には元文4(1739)年造立のものがあり、久米島にも雍正11(1733)年造立の石敢當があるため、沖縄県地方から次第に北上していったという見当が有力であるように思われる。一方で、薩摩伝来論の観点では、奄美諸島の北部に石敢當が多く、沖永良部島・与論島に少ない分布状況に疑問を持ち、奄美独自の九字紋がある石敢當と合わせて、奄美における伝播時期は薩摩藩支配後であろうと指摘している。どちらが正しいかは判定できない。本論文では、物と史料とを合わせて、奄美諸島の石敢當の伝来・受容を論じている。調査地としては、喜界島、奄美大島や徳之島を選定した。The Amami Islands are situated in a unique location between mainland Japan’s Kagoshima Prefecture and Okinawa Island. The Amami archipelago, ruled by the Ryukyu Kingdom during the 15th century, was annexed by the Satsuma clan after Ryukyu was invaded in 1609 by Satsuma’s Lord Shimazu. Since the era of the Bakuhan system through to present day, the Amami Islands have remained part of Kagoshima Prefecture, except for the brief period of U.S. occupation. Created as a result of Haihanchiken, or the government policy to abolish the clans and to establish prefectures, Kagoshima Prefecture is essentially an extension of the Satsuma domain. There are numerous studies on Ishigando, or stone monuments, located in Kagoshima and Okinawa, but papers discussing how Ishigando were embraced in Amami are sparse in number. In most cases they are done as part of larger studies on Kagoshima’s Ishigando.Two theories exist as to the origins of Amami’s Ishigando: One theory states they were brought to the islands from Ryukyu, while the other believes their origin lies in Satsuma. The generally accepted view of the Ryukyu origin theory holds that the tradition began in the Okinawa area and gradually migrated northward. This view is supported by the fact that, while no Ishigando of ancient days have been identified in Amami, mainland Kagoshima has one that was built in 1739, as does Kumeshima that dates back to 1733. On the other hand, the Satsuma origin theory focuses on the uneven distribution of Ishigando among the Amami islands, with the northern part of the archipelago having many and the southern islands, namely Okinoerabujima and Yoronjima, having few. This distribution, the theory postulates, along with the fact that Amami’s Ishigando are engraved with Kuji crests unique to the island, suggests that the tradition was brought to Amami after it came under the rule of the Satsuma clan. It is impossible to determine which theory is correct.This paper discusses the arrival and acceptance of Ishigando in the Amami Islands, namely Kikaijima, Amami Oshima, and Tokunoshima, based on physical objects and historical records.論

    Synthesis and research of mechanoresponsive PS-PnBA-PS triblock copolymers via covalently embedding mechanophore

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    刺激响应性聚合物是可感知和回应环境变化的智能材料,一直以来是人们研究的热点。到目前为止,具有对热、电、化学、光等等响应性聚合物已经比比皆是,但是直接对机械力响应的聚合物还是很少见的。而自然界中广泛存在着与生命体的诸多生理过程紧密相关的力响应材料。近几年,力致变色聚合物材料开始进入人们的视线。螺吡喃(SP)由于其内部特殊的6-π电环化结构,在吸收UV光或者机械力的作用下会发生开环,形成有色的部花箐(MC)状态。目前,对螺吡喃类力响应型聚合物的研究是非常新颖的,而且具有广阔的应用前景。 本文中,以螺吡喃(SP)双官能团引发剂为中心,利用活性聚合方法(ATRP)合成了含螺吡喃的ABA三嵌段型热塑性...Over the past few decades there have been tremendous interests in stimuli-responsive polymers which are capable of exhibiting property changes in response to external stimuli. A great number of polymers that are thermally, electrically, chemically, optically or otherwise responsive have been successfully developed. Mechanical properties are of paramount importance to many applications of polymers....学位:理学硕士院系专业:材料学院_高分子化学与物理学号:2072010115010


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    A Comparative Study of Shigandang (Ishigandou) from Northern and Southern China -A Case Study in Shandong and Fujian Provinces

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    「石敢當」は中国古代の習俗の一つで、一般的に道路の突き当たりや家の壁、橋の入り口などに設置される魔除けや厄除けのための石造物である。石敢當には一般的な石敢當(泰山の文字がない物)と泰山石敢當がある。具体的な出現時期と発祥地は不明であるが、石敢當は唐代末期に今の福建省南部で誕生したと考えられている。宋元時代には北方の山東泰山地域で泰山石敢當が出現した。 中国古代史料の中に、石敢當に関する事柄が頻繁に出ているが、石敢當を建てる習俗の記述を除くと、そのほとんどは石敢當の由来についての解明である。古代資料には泰山石敢當の実物及び泰山石敢當を設定する事情の記述も多くあるが、興味深いことに、泰山石敢當の由来についての記述は一つもなかった。 1970 年代以後、日本でも石敢當に関する多くの書物に中国の石敢當が書かれているが、その研究は主に中国南方に限られており、単独で泰山石敢當を対象にしたものは特に行われていなかったといえる。一方で、同時代の中国の石敢當研究は、まさに泰山石敢當ブームであったともいえる。現時点では、中国においても、日本においても、石敢當と泰山石敢當を分けて比較する研究はほとんど行われていない。 本稿では、中国北方と南方における石敢當のフィールドワークを通し、先行研究の資料と併せて各地域の石敢當の様子、石敢當と泰山石敢當の割合、地域住民の石敢當に対する認識などを調査し、中国南北の石敢當にはどのような異同があるのかを究明したい。中国の地理テキストは秦嶺―淮河を境界線にして、中国南方と北方を分けている。本論文で使用する中国南方と北方はおおよその範囲であり、必ずしも地理定義のように精確なものではない。なお、中国少数民族集住地域と山東省、福建省、浙江省など漢民族集住地域の石敢當はまた違うため、本論文では少数民族集住地域を対象外とする。調査地域は、中国北方の山東省泰山地域と南方の福建省中南部地域を選定した。Shigandang (Ishigandou in Japanese) are stone tablets in ancient Chinese folk tradition generally found in various locations, for example, at the end of a road, on the wall of a house, or at the entrance of a bridge, to ward off evil or misfortune. There are two types of Shigandang: the standard type inscribed with three characters “ 石敢當,” and the other type additionally featuring the name Mount Tai “ 泰山石敢當.” The precise date and location of the beginning of these stone tablets are not known, but it is believed that Shigandang originated in what is now the southern part of Fujian Province towards the end of the Tang dynasty. Mount Tai Shigandang on the other hand developed in the Mount Tai area of Shandong Province in the northern part of the country during the Song and Yuan dynasties.  Shigandang are frequently mentioned in the historical records of ancient China. Other than descriptions about the practice of erecting the stone tablets, the records mainly discuss the origins of Shigandang. Interestingly, the ancient texts provide descriptions of Mount Tai Shigandang and the reasons for their installation, but none explain their origins.  Much of the literature on Ishigandou produced in Japan from the 1970s onwards mentions Chinese Shigandang; however, this research is largely limited to the southern parts of China. It is fair to say that studies focusing exclusively on Mount Tai Shigandang have not been conducted in Japan. Meanwhile, Shigandang research in China during the same period has centered on Mount Tai Shigandang. Today, whether research done in Japan or in China, studies rarely distinguish and compare the two types of stone tablets.  This paper aims to identify the differences and similarities between Shigandang found in northern and southern China through fieldwork in both parts of the country, and presents a review of previous studies. The research will investigate the conditions of Shigandang in various regions, the ratio of the two types of Shigandang, and local residents’ views of them.  Chinese geography textbooks use the Qinling-Huai River line as the boundary separating North and South China. The terms northern China and southern China in this paper, however, refer to more loosely defined regions that do not necessarily correspond to strictly defined geographical areas. It should be noted that this paper does not cover regions populated by minority groups, as Shigandang found in such areas are different from those in areas inhabited by the Han ethnic group, such as Shandong, Fujian, and Zhejiang provinces. The areas selected for research include the Mount Tai area of Shandong Province in northern China and the central and southern parts of Fujian Province in southern China.論


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