294 research outputs found

    Study on the Preparation of Mussel Adhesive Protein/Chitosan Film on Biomedical Magnesium Surface and Its Corrosion Protection and Biocompatibility

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    镁及其合金由于具有优良的生物相容性、综合力学性能与人体骨骼相近、可降解性、无毒性以及促进骨骼愈合等突出优点,被认为是当今最具前景的新一代生物医用金属材料,成为了近年来国内外生物医用材料的研究热点。然而,镁的化学活性极高,耐蚀性差,过快的降解速率可导致镁基植入件提前失去必要的生物承载力,并造成大量皮下氢气泡积累而引起组织炎症,极大地限制了其临床应用。发展综合先进的表面改性方法有望控制镁及其合金的降解速度,有利于推进镁合金生物医用器件的临床应用。 贻贝黏附蛋白(Mefp-1)是一种提取自贻贝足丝的天然黏附蛋白,壳聚糖则是从蟹、虾壳中提取的可降解吸收天然氨基多糖,两者均具有优良的黏附性、成膜性、生...Magnesium (Mg) and its alloys have been regarded as one of the most promising new generation of biomedical metallic materials and become a worldwide hot research in the field of biomedical metallic materials in recent years, due to some significant advantages, including good biocompatibility and biodegradability, suitable mechanical properties which are similar to those of natural bones, nontoxici...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院_物理化学学号:2052013115161

    A Study on Factors Influencing Peasant Workers’Job Satisfaction —A Case of Fujian Coastal Cities

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    自20世纪80年代后期尤其是90年代以来,农民工大规模的涌入城市,形成了所谓的“民工潮”。在工业化、城市化和现代化的进程中,农民工进入城市成为必然。但是在政策变革不成熟和社会排斥大量存在的情况下,农民工在城市就业的各个方面均处于弱势地位。在此背景下,研究城市农民工对自身工作满意度的评价将有助于我们更深刻地理解他们的生活现状。本文以福建省沿海城市农民工为研究对象,运用方差分析、因子分析、多元Logistic回归分析等统计学方法,对城市农民工的工作满意度现状作了系统研究。 本研究通过发放调查问卷的形式进行。研究的预试问卷是在分析与总结农民工及工作满意度相关研究成果的基础上,参照国内外成熟量表并经...Since the mid 1980s,large number of extra physical laborers in rural china has moved from countryside to work in the cities or to work in the village and township enterprises.These peasant workers make up what we called “farmers frenzied hunt for work in cities”.When the peasant workers move from their rural hometown to the cities,the change are not only in the case of geography.What really count ...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院计划统计系_统计学学号:1542006115083


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    司它夫定(Stavudine)和利托那韦(Ritonavir)是FDA正式批准的治疗艾滋病的高效抗逆转录病毒治疗(HAART)药物。本论文工作在文献的基础上成功地合成了司它夫定和利托那韦的关键手性中间体,并对它们的合成工艺进行了研究和改进。司它夫定属于核苷类逆转录酶抑制剂,结构为2’,3’-脱氧脱氢核苷衍生物-d4T。以5-甲基尿苷为起始原料,经甲磺酰化,环化,溴代后得到关键中间体2’-溴-3’-甲磺酸酯。溴化甲磺酸酯在锌/乙酸还原消除下得到5’-苯甲酰化的司它夫定,最后去保护得到最终产品司它夫定,总收率42.5%。利托那韦属于蛋白酶抑制剂,其结构为带有环状结构的肽化合物,其关键中间体为含3个...Stavudine and Ritonavir are effective therapeutic agents for the treatment of AIDS. The present thesis relates to the syntheses of Stavudine and the chiral intermediate of Ritonavir referring to reported synthetic routes and some modification in preparative techniques to be suitable for potential production in industrial scale. Stavudine is a 2’, 3’-dideoxy-2’, 3’-didehydro nucleoside analog with ...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院化学系_有机化学学号:19992500

    Design and Implementation of Special Assets Disposal Platform in Commercial Bank

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    为了提高不良资产处置的效率和质量,提升不良资产处置风险的可控性和不良资产数据统计的及时性和准确性,商业银行迫切需要提高不良资产处置信息化水平,以规范商业银行不良资产处置的规范化和标准化。商业银行精心组织和实施了不良资产处置平台项目。 在平台设计上给出了应用架构、逻辑架构与物理架构,并对平台的集成与性能要求进行了分析。从技术角度,商业银行不良资产平台基于J2EE的开源技术实现了多层架构的方案,并通过构件技术构建出可扩展的应用解决方案,具有易于实施、松散耦合、高度可扩展等特点;从理论角度,商业银行不良资产处置平台强调灵活性和标准化。 基于目前不良资产处置的现状,本文分析论证了商业银行不良资产处...In order to raise the efficiency and quality of special assets disposal, Commercial Bank is eager to improve the information-based level of special assets disposal. It also helps to standardize the disposal process. Based on the above points, Commercial Bank organizes and implements the project of special assets disposal platform in detail. From the perspective of platform design, application arc...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X200623002

    On the Inheritance and Innovation of Franck Composition from “Prelude, Choral and Fugue”

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    内容摘要西萨·弗兰克是研究法国近现代音乐发展中不能被忽略的一位作曲家。他是法国音乐家,但是拥有德国血统。他在创作上受到德奥音乐创作传统严谨思维的影响;他的音乐作品中又流露出感性、细腻的法国音乐风格,弗兰克在音乐创作思想上受到德国音乐文化和法国音乐文化的双重影响。这两种音乐文化不完全相同。德国音乐文化注重理性思考、逻辑思维,法国音乐文化侧重感性认识、情感体验。弗兰克在音乐创作上继承这两种音乐文化因素的同时,还发扬了展现个性、宣扬情感的浪漫主义精神,在音乐作品中进行创新活动。因此弗兰克是19世纪下半叶法国音乐界一个十分特别的个例,鉴于他音乐创作体现综合性和复杂性的特点,目前国内深入研究弗兰克音乐创...AbstractCesar Franck is a composer who can’t be neglected when anyone studies the modern history of French music. He was a French musician, but he had the German blood relationship. He was greatly influenced by rigorous thought of the German and Austria music creation traditions in his music creation. The perceptual, the exquisite French music style is well seen in his music works, that just showi...学位:文学硕士院系专业:艺术教育学院音乐系_音乐学学号:20032100

    Ship formation control via output feedback with unknown dynamics

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    研究了仅利用相对位置信息和相对航向信息的船舶编队输出反馈控制问题.首先使用leader-follower策略,建立了船舶编队的运动学模型.然后应; 用微分同胚变换将系统解耦成3个子系统.根据船舶低频运动的特点,在跟随船水动力学模型中粘性水动力和力矩未知以及所有船舶速度都不可测量的假定下,提出; 了一种高增益广义比例积分观测器来估计这些未知和不可测量动态.在高增益广义比例积分观测器的基础上,分别设计了线性输出反馈控制器和输入饱和受限的输出; 反馈控制器,并分析了闭环系统的稳定性.最后仿真结果表明了方法的有效性.This paper focuses on the ship formation control problem via output; feedback, with only the information of the relative positions and; relative heading angles available. Firstly, the kinematic model of the; ship formation is established using the leader-follower strategy. Then; the system is decoupled into three subsystems via the diffeomorphism; transformation. According to the low frequency characteristics of the; ship motion, and the assumption that the viscous hydrodynamic forces and; moments in the hydrodynamic models of the follower ships are unknown and; the velocities of all the ships are unmeasurable, the high-gain; generalized proportion-integral observers are proposed to estimate the; unknown and unmeasurable dynamics. On the basis of the high-gain; generalized proportion-integral observers, the linear output feedback; controllers and the output feedback controllers with input saturation; are designed respectively, and the stability of the closed-loop systems; is analyzed. Finally, the simulation results show the effectiveness of; the proposed approach.国家自然科学基金项目; 福建省自然科学基金项

    Advances and Challenges of Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells: A Concise Review

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    燃料电池是一种将燃料的化学能直接转化为电能的电化学发电装置. 在各种类型的燃料电池中,固体氧化物燃料电池(SOFC)在600~800 oC的中温区运行,因此与质子交换膜燃料电池等低温燃料电池相比,它的燃料选择范围更广,具有更广泛的应用前景. 然而,SOFC的商业应用面临着两大挑战:成本和稳定性. 这两种挑战与阳极、阴极、电解质、连接体和密封材料等组件的加工、制备、性能、化学和微结构稳定性密切相关. 电池堆的导管连接材料也需要经过仔细地筛选,以最大限度地降低有毒害的挥发性成分,从而确保电池结构的稳定和完整. 本文旨在简要评述SOFC的材料和组分的研究现状,并提出展望. 本文也对新一代SOFC技术面临的机遇和挑战进行了探讨.Fuel cell is an electrochemical energy conversion device to directly convert the chemical energy of fuels to electricity. Among all types of fuel cells, solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) operating at intermediate temperatures of 600~800 oC offer an attractive option that is much more fuel flexible than low temperature fuel cells such as proton exchange membrane fuel cells, and is suitable for a wide range of applications. However, two main challenges remain towards the commercial viability and acceptance of the SOFC technologies: the cost and durability. Both are critically dependent on the process, fabrication, performance, chemical and microstructural stability of various cell components, including anode, cathode, electrolyte, interconnect, and seal. Manifold and balance of plant materials also need to be carefully selected to ensure the structural stability and integrity with minimum volatile species. This article aims at providing a concise review and outlook of materials and components that have studied for SOFCs. The opportunities and challenges for the new generation of SOFCs technologies are briefly discussed.The financial support by Australia Research Council under contract LP110200281 and National Natural Science Foundation of China (U1134001) is greatly acknowledgedThe financial support by Australia Research Council under contract LP110200281 and National Natural Science Foundation of China (U1134001) is greatly acknowledged作者联系地址:科廷大学 燃料与能源技术研究院,化学工程系,澳大利亚 西澳省珀斯6102Author's Address: Fuels and Energy Technology Institute and Department of Chemical Engineering Curtin University, Perth, WA 6102, Australia通讯作者E-mail:[email protected]

    Hyper-Spectral Mineral Abundance Inversion Based on FastICA Algorithm

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    高光谱分离是定性与定量岩矿分析的核心基础。仿真数据和测量数据可通过fASTICA算法处理,计算混合像元中端元数量及端元光谱,并根据计算结果进行丰度反演。实验结果表明:fASTICA算法即使在端元光谱、混合矩阵未知且没有任何先验知识的情况下,也能有效分离岩矿高光谱混合像元并得到端元的估计光谱,从而实现矿物识别和矿物丰度反演;但当混合像元中参与混合的端元光谱相似度较高或端元光谱的非高斯性较低时,混合像元的分离精度将降低,混合像元的分离精度越高,端元丰度反演结果越准确。The unmixing of hyper-spectral data is the crucial base of qualitative and quantitative analysis of rock minerals.The simulated or measured hyper-spectral data can be analyzed with the FastICA algorithm to calculate the number of pure-pixels as well as the spectrum of each pure-pixel.Based on the results,the mineral abundance inversion can be carried out.The experiments show that the FastICA algorithm can effectively un-mix the mineral hyper-spectrum and estimate the spectrum of each pure-pixel,even when there is no prior knowledge of the spectrum or the mixing matrix of pure-pixels.This facilitates the mineral identification and the mineral abundance inversion.However,when the spectrums of the pure-pixels are highly similar or the non-gaussianity is bad,the precision of the mineral identification would be reduced,which in turn reduces the precision of mineral abundance inversion and vice versa.中国地质调查局地质大调查项目(1212010916030


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