42 research outputs found

    Du Yuan Country in Hanshu Dilizhi Should be today's Oc Eo in Vietnam

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    对《汉书.地理志》中“都元国”的考释,学界人言人殊,没有定论。本文在认同韩振华先生“都元”即“黑都”的基础上,根据俄厄的考古发现和史料记载,推定俄厄即为汉代都元所在,因为俄厄在汉代已是一个连接中西的繁荣港口城市,其居民肤色黝黑并位于汉使南行的必经之路上。There are many different identifications of the Du Yuan country recorded in Hanshu Dilizhi.Archaeological excavations have revealed that Oc Eo was a prosperous port city linking China and the West in the Han Dynasty.It was on the southward route that envoys from the Han Dynasty must have taken and the residents there have dark skins.Therefore,it is quite possible that Du Yuan country was located in today's Oc Eo in Vietnam

    The Ethnic Chinese Policy under the Nguyen Regime of Nam Ha,Vietnam:With a Comparative Reference to the Le Trinh Regime of Bac Ha

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    简析了华侨华人移居南河的背景并重点对南河政权的华侨华人政策进行了研究探讨。结果表明,17—18世纪,越南南河阮氏政权为了自身的生存和发展,对华侨华人实施的是相较北河而言更为灵活的入境政策,更为宽松的居住政策,更为自主的行管政策,更为优惠的经济政策,更为开放的文化政策。这种政策对阮氏政权和华侨华人的生存和发展都具有积极意义,是一种双赢的政策。The article contextualizes the ethnic Chinese immigration to Nam Ha in Vietnam and an emphasis is paid to the ethnic Chinese policies under the Nam Ha regime. The study suggests that, during the 17~ th and 18~ th centuries, under the Nguyen regime of Nam Ha, Vietnam implemented a series of more liberal policies towards ethnic Chinese, which differed from the Bac Ha's. In comparison with Bac Ha's policies, the Nam Ha's included a more flexible entry policy, a more relaxed residence policy, a more autonomous administration policy, a more favorable economic policy and a more open cultural policy. These policies had positive results both on the survival and development of the Nguyen regime and on the local Chinese community, and hence should be regarded as win-win policies

    A Study On The Maritime Trade During The Nguyen regime of Nam Ha, Vietnam (1600-1774)

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    越南南河阮氏政权是越南历史上一个特殊的地方割据政权。阮氏政权在南河建立了有效统治后,在大力发展社会生产的同时,充分利用其时东南亚海上贸易勃兴和中日不能直接贸易的有利时机,依托南河丰富的物产和南河位于东南亚与东北亚贸易网络交结处的有利地理位置,制定和实施了一系列有利于海外贸易发展的政策措施,用以吸引海外各国商人到南河贸易,为南河海外贸易的发展奠定了良好的物质和政策基础。 南河人不擅出洋贸易,南河海外贸易的具体操作者主要是华商和日商,其中日商是南河海外贸易初期最重要的参与者,而华商则是南河海外贸易的全程主导者,南河大部分的海外贸易都是由华商来完成的。葡商、荷商、英商和法商等西方商人,以及一些东南...The Nguyen regime of Nam Ha, Vietnam was a special regional regime in Vietnamese history. After establishing effective control in Nam Ha, the regime took strong measures to boost social production. Meanwhile, taking full advantage of the time when marine trade in South East Asia were booming and there were no direct trade between China and Japan, the regime established and implemented a series of ...学位:历史学博士院系专业:南洋研究院_专门史学号:2602005140323


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    Vietnamese Style-ordered Porcelains from China and the Cultural Exchanges between China and Vietnam

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    从17世纪中叶至20世纪上半叶,越南各朝在中国定制了大量包括日用品、装饰品和礼仪用品在内的瓷器。这些定制瓷器作为中越两国合作生产的产物,载蓄了丰富的中越文化信息,是中越两国物质文化、制度文化和精神文化交流的信物。From the mid-17th century to the early 20th century,different dynasties of Vietnam ordered a large number of porcelains from China.These include porcelains for daily use,porcelain artworks and porcelains for ceremonial purposes.As the products of cooperation between China and Vietnam,these ordered porcelains carry with themselves rich cultural implications of both countries and are the very witness to the exchanges of material culture,institutional culture and spiritual culture between China and Vietnam

    The Trade Relationships between the Fujian Businessmen and the Nguyen Regime of Nam Ha in Vietnam & the Spread of Fujian's Culture

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    在1600—1774年南河阮氏政权存续期间,闽商与南河的贸易得到了持续不断的发展。该发展过程大致可分为1600—1639贸易爆发期、1640—1683郑氏垄断贸易期和1684—1774全面发展3个阶段。贸易的发展促进了闽商与南河社会的交流,带动了众多的闽人移居南河。相应地,福建的物质文化、精神文化和制度文化得以在广南传播、发展与融合,为南河经济文化的发展和闽越经济文化交流作出了重要贡献。When the Nguyen Regime of Nam Ha in Vietnam last in 1600-1774,the Fujian Businessmen has been engaged in trade with the Nguyen Regime of Nam Ha for always.The trade relationships can be roughly divided into three stages:the outbreak period in 1600-1639,the Zheng's Monopoly period in 1640-1683 and all-round development period in1684-1774.As a result,this leads to the further social communication and the emigration of Fujian to the Nam Ha with the trade development.Accordingly,the cultural of Fujian,which is material,spiritual and institutional,could be availably broadcasted,promoted and fused together in Guangnan.This has made the important contributions to economic and cultural exchange with Fujian and Vietnam


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