41 research outputs found


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    Energy-saving Technologies Based on Positive and Inverse Cycle

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    Energy is one of the pillars of the social development, and it is an important factor in the economic development and social progress of human society. In recent years, for the energy demand is more and more huge, the energy supply has become a bottlenec


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    We propose a novel approach to determine the leading hadronic corrections to the muon g-2. It consists in a measurement of the effective electromagnetic coupling in the space-like region. This method may become feasible at flavor factories as well as with μ e scattering resulting in a determination potentially competitive with the dispersive approach via time-like data


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    Nanobactérias (NB) são estruturas não convencionais, com tamanho de 100 a 1000 vezes menor do que bactérias comuns; além disso, sua taxa de crescimento é muito lenta, o que torna sua detecção difícil pelos métodos convencionais. Estas estruturas têm sido isoladas do meio ambiente e, também, em amostras de sangue e urina de animais e humanos, com um envoltório de apatita (fosfato de cálcio) em sua parede celular, relacionando-as à formação de cálculos renais e de outras calcificações patológicas. Os objetivos deste estudo foram analisar diversos materiais biológicos por diferentes metodologias para se verificar a presença de estruturas morfologicamente semelhantes a NB, às quais denominamos de Nano-Partículas Calcificantes (NPC), além de padronizar um teste de ELISA para detecção de anticorpos contra estas estruturas. As amostras foram analisadas utilizando-se as técnicas de microscopia ótica, microscopia eletrônica de varredura, imunofluorescência indireta e ELISA. O uso de microscopia ótica e eletrônica permitiu a observação de partículas com morfologia muito semelhante às NB nas amostras de linhagens celulares, de soro fetal bovino comercial e de cálculos renais humanos. Utilizando-se soros de animais imunizados com NPC, resultados preliminares evidenciaram que o teste de ELISA mostrou boa especificidade.Nanobacteria (NB) are unconventional agents, 100 to 1000-fold smaller than common bacteria; furthermore, their multiplication rate is very slow, making their detection difficult using standard microbiological methods. These structures have been isolated as from environment as human and animal blood and urine. They produce a carbonate apatite (calcium phosphate) layer and they have been associated to kidney stone formation and other pathological calcifications. The aims of this study were analyze various biological materials using different methods to verify the presence of these structures morphologically similar to NB, named as Calcifing Nano-Particles (CNP), and to develop an ELISA test to detect antibodies against these structures. The samples were analyzed using optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, indirect immunofluorescence and enzyme-linked immunossorbent assay (ELISA). The optical and electron microscopy allowed us to observe particles with morphology closely similar to NB on cell lineages, commercial fetal bovine sera and human kidney stones samples. Using sera collected from animal immunized with CNP, preliminary results displayed a good specificity of ELISA test


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