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    以精簡 之篩網法評估咀嚼效率

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    The assessment of masticatory efficiency may be quantified by the particle size distribution of comminuted food. The aim of the present study was to simplify the sieving method and develop a simple and reiable model for future studies. Eighteen volunteers, 9 males and 9 females, with complete and natural dentition and free of temporomandibular disorders participated. The age of the volunteers ranged from 22 year-old to 26 year -old. Three partial or complete denture wearers were also examined for reference. The testfood used was a whole alomnd piece. The unilateral chewing test, performed by each subject, consisted of chewing on their right and left dentition separately for five times. At each trial, one almond piece was chewed 10 times. The comminuted food particles was expectorated and washed out in a beaker. The contents were then sieved in a stack of sieves with 2.0 mm, 1.4 mm, 1.0 mm and 0.5 mm apertures. After drying, the percentage of the food particles by weight that remained on each sieve was calculated. The expression of masticatory efficiency influenced by the parameters such as gender, apertures of the sieve and chewing side in addition to the interaction among them were observed by means of the generalized estimation equation (GEE), and the difference between subjects with natural and artificial dentition were also compared. It was found that no significant differences between gender, the four different sieves and chewing side and their interaction existed. The ability of the denture wearers to diminish an almond into particles less than 2.0 mm in diameter was about 60% that of subjects with natural dentition. Based on the results of the limited sample size, the difference in gender and chewing side can be neglected. Due to the less amount of comminuted food particles that remained on the 1.4 mm sieve, the stack of sieves with 2.0 mm, 1.0 mm and 0.5 mm apertures seemed to be sufficient for and effective experimental design for the evaluation of masticatory efficiency, and the 2.0 mm sieve possessed the strongest power of explanation for chewing efficiency among them


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    :随着全球气候压力增大以及能源转型加速,氢能以其清洁、灵活高效和应用场景丰富的优 势受到全球瞩目。2000年以来,日本、美国、欧洲等发达国家和地区纷纷将氢能上升到能源战略高 度,通过战略布局、项目开发以及示范应用,在氢能产业发展上取得了实质性进展。本文梳理和分 析了各主要国家氢能产业战略重点、目标和发展水平,从文献计量角度对比分析了中国与氢能先行 国家的基础研究和技术储备。研究表明,全球新一轮氢经济浪潮已经拉开序幕,各主要国家正在加 速布局氢经济;与国际氢能先行国家相比,中国氢能在顶层设计、产业技术掌控以及产业发展水平 上有一定差距。建议中国进一步加强战略引导;产学研结合提高关键材料和设备的国产化水平;发 挥资源优势,积极布局绿色氢经济;同时重视氢能下游多元化利用。</p

    The occurrence of polycyclic musks in a typically wastewater treatment plant      

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    多环麝香在日常生活中被广泛使用,在生产和使用过程中会经过污水处理系统而进入环境中.研究了日用化妆品生产工厂排放的多环麝香在污水处理系统中污水和污泥的污染特征.在大型日用化妆品生产工厂污水处理厂的污水和污泥中均检测出较高浓度的多环麝香,HHCB和AHTN是两种主要污染物.其中多环麝香在污水处理系统进水中质量浓度范围为4.7(AHMI)~550 μg·L~(-1)(HHCB),出水中质量浓度范围为:低于检测限(AHMI)~32.1μg·L~(-1)(HHCB),污泥(干物质量)中多环麝香的含量范围为1.78(AHMI)~566 mg·kg~(-1)(HHCB).污水处理系统污水中多环麝香的去除效率非常高,达到了90%以上,然而,污泥中却富集了大量的多环麝香,表明污水中的多环麝香很大一部分转移到了污泥中,从而可能成为环境中一种潜在的多环麝香污染源


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