38 research outputs found


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    Validation and inter- comparison of multi-satellite merged sea surface temperature products in the South China Sea and its adjacent waters

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    利用2008年—2009年ArgO、ArgOS现场观测海表面温度SST,对OSTIA、MISST、MWSST以及ngSST4种融合SST产品在南海及其周边海域的适用性进行评估。验证结果表明,4种融合SST产品在外海的均方根误差rMS介于0.3—1.0℃,bIAS介于-0.1—0.6℃;除了ngSST在近岸出现明显暖偏外,其他3种融合SST与现场SST基本一致,OSTIA与现场SST的偏差为最小。对4种融合SST产品彼此间的互较也表明,它们在水深大于80 M的海区没有显著性差异,但彼此间的偏差会随水深变浅而增大。此外,各产品间偏差在冬季最大,夏季最小。本文为具有高时空覆盖度的融合SST产品在南海及其周边海域的应用提供了一个可靠的依据。Sea Surface Temperature( SST) is a basic parameter in characterizing the ocean-atmosphere system and serves an important function in climate change.Many types of cloud-free,high-spatial,and temporal coverage merged SST products have been generated by the Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature.These products provide important data sources that can be used in a wide variety of operational and scientific applications.However,differences are existed among these products,due to their specific research requirements,different blending algorithms,different satellite SST sources for blending,and quality control methods.Therefore,monitoring the quality of these products is necessary,particularly at shelf and coastal seas around China,which are characterized by complex atmospheric conditions and hydrodynamics.This study compares four types of merged SST products in the South China Sea and adjacent waters in the years 2008 and 2009.Four multi-satellite merged SST products—the Operational SST and Sea Ice Analysis( OSTIA),microwave / infrared optimally interpolated SST,microwave optimally interpolated SST,and new generation SST( NGSST) —are validated with the Argo SST in the shelf sea and Argos SST in the shallow coast.The match-up data are collected on the same day and location.The Root Mean Square( RMS),bias,and correlation coefficients are calculated and used to quantify the errors.These products are projected into the same grid of NGSST using the nearest-neighbor sampling method for comparison.OSTIA is selected as the basis,and the relative differences between OSTIA and the other three products are computed and visualized using maps,box-plot,and time series plots.The statistical results show that the RMS between the merged SSTs and Argo temperature ranged between 0.3 ℃ and 1.0 ℃,whereas the bias ranged between- 0.1 ℃ and 0.6 ℃ in the shelf sea( water depth > 80 m).The other three merged SSTs were consistent with the in situ data in the coastal area,except for NGSST,which had a significantly warm bias(- 1 ℃) and the largest RMS(- 1.5 ℃).The bias and RMS of OSTIA were the smallest.An inter-comparison indicates no significant differences among the four merged SST products in the shelf sea.Their biases were within ± 0.3 ℃.However,the deviation increases in shallow water.The largest bias was found in winter because of the poor weather conditions,whereas the smallest bias was found in summer.In summary,the four merged SST products were consistent with in situ data in the study region,except for the NGSST in the shallow coastal sea and the OSTIA product exhibited the best performance.This study has provided a reliable basis for the effective application of these merged SSTs with high spatial and temporal coverage in the South China Sea and its adjacent waters.国家自然科学基金(编号:U1305231;40706041); 福建省自然科学基金(编号:2011J01278); 海洋赤潮灾害立体监测技术与应用国家海洋局重点实验室开放基金资助项目(编号:MATHAB20100313

    Shadows in the Cave: Analysis of Online Media Agenda Setting on Food-Safety Crises in China

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    关于食品安全的媒体报道对受众的风险认知、态度和行为倾向有着显著影响。通过实证研究人民网和新浪新闻中心在十年期间对食品安全事件的报道,配合对受众的问卷调查,可以证明这种影响。首先,人民网和新浪新闻中心长期以来对食品安全事件的报道存在相似的议程设置;其次,食品安全事件本身的严重性并不是两家媒体决定哪些食品安全事件应着力报道的主要依据;另外,受众对食品安全事件的知晓程度与两家媒体的议程设置显著相关,与食品安全事件的严重程度并未构成正相关性。可见,媒体对食品安全问题的议程设置可能对受众产生了误导,这种偏颇需要食品风险传播责任主体的专业化信息干预与平衡。This study analyzes the news outlets on food-safety crises in the last ten years in order to test the relationship between media agenda and audiences' awareness,attitude and intention towards food-safety issues.Results show that www.people.com.cn and news.sina.com.cn have similar agenda on food-safety crises.The media agenda is not related to the importance of the crises and it is correlated with audiences' awareness of the crises.Respondents are influenced by media report on their attitude and intention towards food safety

    Shadows in the Cave: Analysis of Online Media Agenda Setting on Food-Safety Crises in China

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    关于食品安全的媒体报道对受众的风险认知、态度和行为倾向有着显著影响。通过实证研究人民网和新浪新闻中心在十年期间对食品安全事件的报道,配合对受众的问卷调查,可以证明这种影响。首先,人民网和新浪新闻中心长期以来对食品安全事件的报道存在相似的议程设置;其次,食品安全事件本身的严重性并不是两家媒体决定哪些食品安全事件应着力报道的主要依据;另外,受众对食品安全事件的知晓程度与两家媒体的议程设置显著相关,与食品安全事件的严重程度并未构成正相关性。可见,媒体对食品安全问题的议程设置可能对受众产生了误导,这种偏颇需要食品风险传播责任主体的专业化信息干预与平衡。This study analyzes the news outlets on food-safety crises in the last ten years in order to test the relationship between media agenda and audiences' awareness,attitude and intention towards food-safety issues.Results show that www.people.com.cn and news.sina.com.cn have similar agenda on food-safety crises.The media agenda is not related to the importance of the crises and it is correlated with audiences' awareness of the crises.Respondents are influenced by media report on their attitude and intention towards food safety

    Shadows in the Cave: Analysis of Online Media Agenda Setting on Food-Safety Crises in China

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    胡悦,厦门大学新闻传播学院助理教授,哲学博士。【中文摘要】关于食品安全的媒体报道对受众的风险认知、态度和行为倾向有着显著影响。通过实证研究人民网和新浪新闻中心在十年期间对食品安全事件的报道,配合对受众的问卷调查,可以证明这种影响。首先,人民网和新浪新闻中心长期以来对食品安全事件的报道存在相似的议程设置;其次,食品安全事件本身的严重性并不是两家媒体决定哪些食品安全事件应着力报道的主要依据;另外,受众对食品安全事件的知晓程度与两家媒体的议程设置显著相关,与食品安全事件的严重程度并未构成正相关性。可见,媒体对食品安全问题的议程设置可能对受众产生了误导,这种偏颇需要食品风险传播责任主体的专业化信息干预与平衡。 【Aabstract】This study analyzes the news outlets on food-safety crises in the last ten years in order to test the relationship between media agenda and audiences' awareness,attitude and intention towards food-safety issues. Results show that www. people. com. cn and news. sina. com. cn have similar agenda on food-safety crises. The media agenda is not related to the importance of the crises and it is correlated with audiences' awareness of the crises. Respondents are influenced by media report on their attitude and intention towards food safety

    Two essays in asset pricing : PEAD anomaly in equity market and arbitrage strategies in fixed income market

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    The first essay examines whether customers' or suppliers' earning announcements can help reduce firms' own post-earnings announcement drift (PEAD). On one hand, customers' or suppliers' earnings contain information helpful to resolve earning uncertainty, causing investors to respond more to the news. On the other hand, announcements by a customer or supplier would draw more attention to a firm, and the increased attention would lead to more informed trading and price movement after announcement. Both these two channels imply that the PEAD drift will be smaller for firms with customers' or suppliers' earning announcements before their own. With a novel database of supply chain information, I find that firms with customers' or suppliers' earning announcements prior their own earning announcements have lower drift in the post-announcement period, but higher cumulative abnormal return (CAR) during the three-day event window. This effect is robust and more pronounced in the small-size, negative earning surprise firms. Moreover, I find that more than half of the firms either have customers' or suppliers' earning announcements in all quarters or not have it in any quarters, and the additional information from supply chain can reduce analysts' forecast error. The second essay investigates two arbitrage strategies in fixed income market: treasury on/off spread and CDS-Bond Basis. For the treasury on/off spread, I test whether the spread convergence speed is higher when market liquidity is abundant and vice versa. There are 35 ideal convergence cases among the 97 issuing cycles: the on/off spread is high at the beginning and gradually converges to almost zero near the cycle end. However, the on/off spread in other cycles is volatile and it is difficult to find a valid model to describe the convergence process. At current stage, there is merely anecdotal evidence that the convergence speed is much lower during the crisis than in normal times. For the CDS-Bond Basis, I test whether the negative basis trading is a potential explanation to the extremely negative basis during the 2007 financial crisis. For firms in the most negative basis group, there is a significant higher customer net buy before the sorting time and a significant higher customer net sell afterwards when they are sorted in Dec2007 or Jun2008 (three months before the bankruptcy of Bear Stearn/Lehman Brothers). However, due to data limitation, the results are only robust at these two data points. First, there is no identification to separate basis arbitrage trades from others; second, small sample size makes it difficult to be statistically significant; last but not the least, the timing of basis arbitrage is unknown, the effect of customer net buy or net sell might be wiped out when numbers are averaged across a period of time.published_or_final_versionEconomics and FinanceDoctoralDoctor of Philosoph