721 research outputs found

    Research on the Development Strategy of Shenzhen Expressway Ltd

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    摘要 深圳高速公路股份有限公司成立于1996年,主要从事收费公路和道路的投资、建设及经营管理。经过近二十年的发展,截至2015年,公司投资和经营的公路项目共16个,所投资的高等级公路里程数按权益比例折算约416公里。随着收费公路行业政策的持续调整和深圳市政府回购深圳地区收费高速公路力度的加大,以及公司内部资源和能力等一系列问题的呈现,深圳高速公路股份有限公司如何根据新的发展形势和经营环境变化,充分认知当前企业的运作状态并及时地调整和制定新的发展战略,实现公司的可持续发展,是公司发展过程中面临的重要问题,这正是本文的选题出发点。 论文运用战略管理的相关理论,以PEST分析法、SWOT分析法为...Abstract Shenzhen Expressway Company Ltd was founded in 1996 which mainly engaged in toll roads and road investment, construction and management. The company has a total of 16 highway projects which owes to it and the number of the mileage of highway investment by the equity conversion ratio of is about 413 km. until 2015, after nearly twenty years of development. Shenzhen municipal government in...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)学号:X201315600

    Research on the Japanese Lay Judge System

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    裁判员制度是日本国民参与审判的形式,旨在把国民吸收到审判程序当中,使其主体性、实质性地参与案件审理过程并影响案件审理的结果。裁判员享有与法官相同的权限,不仅能够认定案件事实,而且能够决定量刑。裁判员制度既不同于德国的参审制,也不同于美国的陪审制,具有日本特色。自2009年5月裁判员法施行以来,已初见成效。裁判员制度的设立和实施,不仅可以增强日本国民对司法活动的理解和信赖,也体现了国民在司法领域中由“客体”向“主体”的意识变革。它既是实现真正的以国民为基础的司法制度的重要环节之一,也是保障司法公正、提高司法透明度的前提。笔者认为,日本裁判员制度的产生和实施对于我国将来改进人民陪审制度有着积极的借...The lay judge system is a form of Japanese citizens to participate in the trial, aimed absorbed into the national trial procedures which its subjectivity, substantially involved in the case proceedings and to influence the result of the case. Lay judge enjoy the same privileges as the judges, not only to the facts of the case, but also be able to decide sentencing. The lay judge system is differen...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院_法律硕士(JM)学号:1302010115026

    First cycle analysis and modification study on NMC cathode material for lithium ion batteries

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    随着对锂离子电池能量密度的要求越来越高,如何进一步提高锂离子电池能量密度是人们面临的挑战。三元正极材料具有较高比容量和成本低等优点,使其在动力电池、储能领域具有很大的应用前景。但是三元材料的首圈不可逆容量损失问题、高电压下循环性能差以及倍率性能不好等问题仍亟待解决。 本文选择LiNi0.5Mn0.3Co0.2O2材料为研究对象,初步分析了三元材料在循环过程中首圈不可逆容量损失的原因,并采用包覆改性的方法,探究包覆对库伦效率的影响及提高材料在高电压下的电化学性能。主要内容如下: 1.对材料的首圈充放电过程以及材料表面及结构变化进行分析,表明充放电过程首圈不可逆容量损失来源于两方面:高电位下副...With the energy density requirements getting higher and higher, further improving the energy density of lithium-ion battery has been a hotspot. However, the problem of irreversible capacity of materials, as well as cycle performance and rate capability at high cutoff potential, remains to be solved. In this paper, LiNi0.5Mn0.3Co0.2O2 was chosen as the object of study, and the reason of the irreve...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院_物理化学学号:2052014115157

    Design and Implementation of University Library Management System Based on ASP.NET

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    随着社会不断发展,信息收集的渠道不断的扩宽,各种文献信息的数量不断的增加,高校图书馆作为主要的文献信息的存储与传递中心,负责对大量信息资源进行存储和处理,并对大量的信息进行管理,以满足人们对于不同信息资源的需求。在许多图书馆中,随着信息数量不断增加及读者范围不断扩大,需引入图书管理系统对图书馆信息资源进行管理,提高图书馆的管理效率和服务质量。 本论文在分析、总结国内外图书管理系统的发展历程、现状基础上,提出了一个基于ASP.NET技术的图书馆管理系统的。它引入软件工程与统一建模语言的设计思想,根据当前较为成熟软件开发原理,从系统需求分析、系统总体设计、系统详细设计和实现、系统测试等五大部分...With the continuous development of society, information collection channels continue to widen, various kinds of information quantity unceasingly increases, the library as the main information storage and transfer center, is responsible for a large number of information resources storage and handling, and with a large number of information management, to meet the needs of people for different needs...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201223019

    Research on the Target Cost Management Based on the Life Cycle of Real Estate Projects

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    由于受金融危机的影响,再加上国家宏观调控政策的影响和市场竞争愈加激烈,房地产业利润水平逐渐回归理性。房地产企业进入了一个重新洗牌的新时代,对于企业来说不仅是一个挑战,更是一个机遇。企业要想占据一席之地就必须获得更大的利润,有效地控制成本是在行业普遍利润率不高的情况下一种重要的方法,如果能在项目全生命周期各阶段的成本进行合理的控制,就能在以后的市场竞争中占据主动,对资源合理利用及响应国家楼市调控政策有着重要的社会意义。 房地产行业发展到当前阶段,已经从粗放开发模式进入精细化管理模式。无论是从行业利润空间变化引发的需求,还是从行业快速发展的需求,规范化的成本管理体系已经成为广大地产企业普遍关注并...Due to influence the financial crisis and macro-control policy and fierce competition of market, profits of real estate enterprise is back to rational. It comes to a new era which reshuffle itself. This is not only a challenge ,but also an opportunity for enterprises. For companies hoping to seize a space in the market,it requires them to seek more benefit. And an important method is to effectivel...学位:工程硕士院系专业:建筑与土木工程学院_建筑与土木工程学号:2532010115169

    Study on the Effects of People’s Livelihood Expenditure on Urban-Rural Residents’ Income Gap

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    改革开放三十多年以来,我国经济一直保持高速增长,与但此同时,居民收入分配状况特别是城乡居民之间的收入分配状况也在不断恶化。规范收入分配有助于实现社会公平,但仅依靠市场本身无法解决,同时还得依靠政府进行长期、系统性的再分配活动。财政支出不仅是财政政策的重要组成部分,同时也是国家宏观调控的重要手段之一,它不仅能够对经济增长产生影响,也能对收入差距进行调节。在当前我国城乡居民之间的收入差距持续扩大的情况下,研究财政支出,特别是关乎民生的民生财政支出与城乡居民之间的收入差距的关系就显得十分必要,也具有很强的社会意义。 本文首先介绍了民生财政的内涵与特征,民生财政支出的基本概况以及我国城乡居民收入差距...Since the beginning of reform and opening up, the GDP of China has been increased on a high speed continuously. Meanwhile, income gap, especially the urban-rural residents’ income gap has also been widening. Market mechanism cannot resolve this problem. It is essential that government have the responsibility to reduce the income gap since income distribution is one of the basic functions of public...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_财政学(含税收学)学号:1552012115175

    Edge-Weighted L1 Norm Minimization in Undersampled MRI Reconstruction

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    MRI作为一种重要的成像工具,已在临床诊断中得到了广泛应用,但其仍面临数据采集慢的挑战。欠采MRI稀疏重建是减少采样时间的一种有效方法。然而,对k空间进行欠采违背了奈奎斯特采样定理,将在重建图像中引入伪影,造成MRI图像的边缘特征模糊。但边缘特征通常包含丰富的对病理诊断极为重要的结构信息,因此如何提高重建图像边缘的能力成为一个重要问题。本文在常见的求解L1范数最优化方法的基础上,设计了不同的加权矩阵,提出提高MRI图像边缘重建的新方法。本论文的主要成果如下: 一、简要介绍了MRI空间编码的原理及与欠采MRI稀疏重建有关的基本数学理论,结合欠采MRI稀疏重建的最新发展现状,总结目前欠采MRI稀...Although MRI has been widely used in clinical applications as an important imaging tool, it is still burdened by the long acquisition time. Undersampling k-space is an effective way to solve the long acquisition time problem. However, undersampling violates the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem and introduces aliasing artifacts in the reconstruction, which blur the edge features that usually contai...学位:工学硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院物理学系_电磁场与微波技术学号:1982009115250

    Institutional Support for Basic Level Governments in Social Governance——ACase Study of Liangzhu Sub-district Office of Yuhang District

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    基层政府是与老百姓接触面最多、最广的一级政府,也是国家与社会沟通的关键桥梁,其重要性不言而喻。在当前社会转型时期,各类社会矛盾凸显,使基层政府社会管理职能显得更加重要。制度是社会发展的重要推动力,制度供给的质量,关系到社会的健康发展和全民的福利。以杭州市余杭区良渚街道为例,我国政府在加强社会管理方面,也有较为全面的制度安排。但是,由于近年来经济社会的快速发展,特别是城市化的快速推进,基层社会在社会结构、意识形态、经济领域、社会利益、思想心理和政治管理方面都发生了很大的变化,从制度变迁理论上来讲,产生了新的制度需求,主要体现在:社会管理理念方面,要建设社会发展型政府;社会管理目标方面,要建设公共...Basic level governments play a significant role in facilitating the communication between the central government and people, given that they have the broadest access to people. Since various social conflicts are surfacing amid China’s social transformation, social governance of basic level governments has become more important than ever. Institution serves as the driving force of a country’s socia...学位:公共管理硕士院系专业:公共事务学院_公共管理硕士(MPA)学号:1392010115038

    A Study of Two English Versions of Hong Lou Meng from the Perspective of Susan Bassnett’s Cultural Translation Theory

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    摘要 本文以苏珊•巴斯奈特的文化翻译论为基础,研究《红楼梦》的两个英文译本。1990年,苏珊•巴斯奈特和安德鲁•勒菲弗尔第一次提出了翻译应“向文化回归”的论述。文化翻译观拓展了翻译理论的领域,将新观点带入翻译理论的同时也将其带入了新的阶段。巴斯奈特致力于在不同的翻译方法中间架起桥梁,将翻译研究与其他学科交融结合,如:语言学、文学研究、历史、心理、人类学和经济学等等。 本文以文化学派的代表人物巴斯奈特的文化翻译理论为依据,旨在分析译者对《红楼梦》两个英文译本源语文本的选择以及所涉及的文化意识信息的翻译策略。中国四大名著之一《红楼梦》由曹雪芹所作,具有划时代...Abstract This thesis focuses on two English versions of Hong Lou Meng from the perspective of Susan Basnett’s cultural translation theory. In 1990, Susan Bassnett and Andre Lefevere were the first to suggest that translation studies take the “cultural turn”. A cultural approach expanded the boundaries of research on translation, brought new voices into the field, and ushered in a new phase for th...学位:文学硕士院系专业:外文学院英语语言文学系_英语语言文学学号:1202008115283

    Survey of Beyond-BP Decoding Algorithms: Theory and Applications

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    低密度奇偶校验码因其具有逼近香农限的优异性能,现已在多种标准和系统中得到广泛的应用。但为了使其能够满足不同应用场景下通信系统对纠错性能、计算复杂; 性、译码时延、硬件资源损耗以及功耗等方面的要求,需要对用于LDPC码译码的置信传播算法进行进一步的研究与改进。该文从译码算法的改进动机、方法论、; 计算复杂度以及性能表现等角度入手,对近些年出现的一些Beyond-BP译码算法进行了综述。并在最后对用于迭代接收系统的译码算法改进工作进行了讨论; ,为未来算法的改进工作提供一点思路。Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes are employed in several standards; and systems, due to their Shannon limit approaching ability. However, in; order to satisfy the communication systems' requirements at the aspects; of error correction ability, computing complexity, decoding latency,; hardware source consumption and power consumption under different; application circumstances, the Belief Propagation (BP) algorithm used; for decoding LDPC codes needs to be further investigated and improved.; In this survey, authors summarize several different Beyond-BP algorithms; from the aspects of motivation, methodology, complexity and performance.; Moreover, this survey also discusses the optimization of decoding; algorithms for iterative receive system, which can provide a reference; for further investigation on this topic.国家自然科学基