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    2007年厦门大学“材料科学与工程“专业成为国家级“第二类特色专业建设点“。本文就从人才培养、课程体系、实践教学、师资队伍和人才培养质量等方面对该特色专业的建设进行了总结和阐述。教育部第二批高等学校特色专业建设点:材料科学与工程(教高函[2007]31号); 教育部“十二五”国家级实验教学示范中心:厦门大学材料科学与工程专业实验教学示范中心(教高函发不好[2012]13号); 福建省本科高校专业综合改革试点:材料科学与工程专业(闽教高[2012]41号

    Construction an Opening Materials Science and Engineering Experimental Platform for all Students in the University

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    厦门大学材料科学与工程实验教学中心是2012年教育部批准建设的国家级专业实验教学示范中心。该实验教学中心针对不同学科、不同层面的学生,开设面向本专业的A类专业实验课程、面向校内相关理工科专业的B类材料基础实验课程以及面向全校各专业的C类材料通识实验课程。通过分层次、分体系的实验课程设置,教学科研协同发展和校企联合培养的实验教学模式,以及智能化管理系统的建设,实现实验室对全校师生的开放,全面提高实验中心的辐射示范作用。Materials science and engineering experimental teaching center of Xiamen University is an national professional teaching demonstration center, which was approved to construct by the education Ministry in 2012. According to the knowledge background and different requirement of the students in the university the experimental teaching center offers three level experimental courses: Course A is for the students in material college, which contains many specialized materials experiments; Course B is for the students major in science and engineering in the university, which contains basic materials experimental courses; Course C is for all students in the university, which contains general study materials experimental courses. Through the three level course settings and relevant teaching methods, as well as a controlled, visualized and intelligent management system, the center orderly opening to the students comes true. It is benefit to improve the role of radiation and demonstration of the center


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    大规模选拔性教育考试在我国源远流长,历时1300余年的科举考试和20世纪50年代建立的现代高考便是我国最具有代表性的大规模选拔性教育考试制度。它们在各自所处的历史时期起过极其重要的作用,并对后世产生深远的影响。由于大规模选拔性教育考试内部和外部诸多方面的原因,考试作弊始终没有能够被禁绝。对考试作弊的历史和现状进行研究,揭示考试作弊发展的基本特点,寻找考试作弊发生和存在的根本原因,同时提出相应的防范思路对于现代高考制度建设和考试理论的丰富具有重要的意义,对其他考试制度的健全也具有一定的启发与借鉴意义。本论文共分四章。第一章为引言部分,着重界定论文的研究范围和任务,归纳前人的研究成果和存在问题;第...The large-scale selective examination is of long standing.The imperial examination which lasted more than 1300 years and the modern entrance examination for university set up in 1950s are the most representative large-scale selective examinatiions in China.Such examination has played and important part in different periods.And led to far-reaching influence afterworld.Because the various interior a...学位:教育学硕士院系专业:高等教育科学研究所_高等教育学学号:19991700