70 research outputs found


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    从动力学角度,回顾了与南海西部主流系及其涡旋研究有关的南海物理海洋学的进展.主要内容涉及南海西边界流漂流浮标观测、西边界流源区涡旋遥感观测、西边界流源区跨陆架交换、涡流相互作用、西边界流年际变化、西边界流区海气相互作用、南海贯穿流等方面的进展.西边界流是一个强流系,其与季节和年际变化相关的结构特征、变率及跟某些动力过程的关联有待研究.在西边界流变率、涡旋环流相互作用、海气过程以及南海贯穿流取得了以下成果:(1)利用漂流浮标观测样本对南海西边界环流进行分析,指出南海西边界表层环流在到达越南中部沿岸后伴随着流幅变窄的同时流速加强;探讨了南海北部环流变化机理,定量诊断南海西边界流北支冬季逆风流产生的动力机制;利用航次数据对18°n断面的经向地转流进行诊断,表明南海西边界流的经向输送年际变化明显;(2)结合航次观测数据,对2003/2004年冬季南海北部2个反气旋涡旋和2007年夏季18°n附近的3个反气旋涡旋进行研究,指出冬季2个涡旋产生后以罗斯贝(rOSSby)波速度(约0.1M/S)沿北部陆坡向西南方向传播,并初步揭示了南海西边界环流与夏季3个涡旋的相互作用;南海北部陆架区涡旋西南向传播最大(最大为0.09M/S),而越南以东海域涡动能(EkE)最大,这都说明涡旋活动与南海西边界流存在强的相互作用;(3)发现南海西边界流附近海表面温度(SST)强的季节内振荡特征,进一步研究表明此区域冬季SST季节内变化会使潜热季节内信号减弱20%;(4)探讨了南海贯穿流的长期变化特征以及与整个太平洋环流系统的相互关联.国家自然科学基金重点项目(40830851); 国家重点基础研究发展计划(2011CB403504); 中国科学院近海海洋观测研究网络——西沙南沙海洋观测研究站建设项目(KZCX2-EW-Y040)资


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    海洋是地球上最大的碳库,发挥着全球气候变化缓冲器的作用.蓝色碳汇,简称蓝碳,即由海洋生态系统捕获的碳(主要是有机碳),是海洋储碳的重要机制之一.; 蓝碳最初认识的形式是可见的海岸带植物固碳.其实之前没有得到足够重视的、看不见的微型生物(浮游植物、细菌、古菌、病毒、原生动物)占海洋生物量90%; 以上,是蓝碳的主要贡献者.中国陆架边缘海占国土总面积的1/3,碳汇潜力巨大,亟待研发.本文以近海生态系统碳汇过程、调控机制及增汇模式为主线,论述; 了近海生态系统结构与碳循环功能特征、碳汇形成过程与机理,并结合近海碳汇在沉积记录中的地史过程演变探讨了自然过程和人类活动对碳汇的可能影响,展望了; 碳汇工程在增加近海海洋储碳能力方面的应用前景.国家重大科学研究计划项目; 国家重点研发计划项目; 国家自然科学基金项目; 国家海洋局全球变化与海气相互作用专项项

    An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Ethical Predispositions and Charitable Behavior:Based on the Moderating Effect of Moral Identity

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    关于企业慈善捐赠问题学术界已经有了大量的研究成果,但关于个人慈善捐赠行为的研究则鲜有人问津。本文就道德认同(内在化和表征化)对道德倾向(功利导向和义务导向)与个人慈善捐赠行为关系的调节作用进行了理论和实证分析。本文利用对到厦门旅游的游客及厦门高校的学生进行问卷调查回收的453份样本数据,通过结构方程模型进行分析,研究结果表明,功利导向和义务导向分别会抑制和增加个人的慈善捐赠行为。除此之外,表征化弱化了功利导向与慈善捐赠行为之间的负向关系,内在化和表征化则强化了义务导向与慈善捐赠行为的正向关系。There are a large number of researches on corporate philanthropy donations in the academia,but the researches on individual charitable behavior are rarely concerned.This paper theoretically and empirically analyzes the moderating role of moral identity(internalization and symbolization)on the relationship between ethical predispositions(utilitarianism and formalism orientation)and individual charitable behavior.Based on the 453 questionnaires collected from the survey of tourists in Xiamen and students from Xiamen colleges,it arrives at the conclusion by structural equation model analysis,utilitarianism and formalism orientation respectively inhabits and enhances individual charitable behavior.In addition,symbolization weakens the negative relationship between utilitarianism orientation and charitable behavior,and internalization and symbolization strengthen the positive relationship between formalism orientation and individual charitable behavior.教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目“组织结构变革中的路径依赖与路径突破研究”(批准号:11YJA630057


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    Property Rights,Capital Structure and Enterprise M&A——Based on the Research of China's Institutional Background

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    本文从资本结构的视角考察政府干预对企业并购决策与绩效的影响。在政府干预少的地区,过度负债的国企会谨慎进行并购,导致并购可能性和金额均较小,但并购后的绩效有显著提高,而在政府干预多的地区国企受到行政干预,导致了非市场化并购;我们还发现民企较少受到政府的干预,并购更有可能为市场化行为。研究结论表明政府干预扭曲了资源配置,对进一步推进市场化改革具有重要的启示意义。Based on the capital structure theory,this paper investigates the influence of the government intervention on enterprises' M&A decision and their performance.Firstly,in less government intervention's areas,over-debt state-owned enterprises do M&A more prudently,leading to less M&As and less amount,but with M&As,the performance are significantly improved.However,in more government intervention's area,state-owned enterprises have been affected by government, making non-market oriented M&A.Additionally,we find that private enterprises are not affected by government,triggering market-oriented M&A.These results indicate that in a transitional economy,government intervention distorts the allocation of resources.Finally,this article gives some important implications to further promote the market-oriented reform.教育部人文社科规划项目“资本结构动态调整的理论与实证研究”(项目编号:20120121110041)的阶段性研究成

    Motion of Droplets in Lyophilic Axially Varying Geometry-Gradient Tubes

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    Droplet transport occurs frequently in nature and has a wide range of applications. We studied the droplet motion in a lyophilic axially varying geometry-gradient tube (AVGGT). The motion of the AVGGT in two directions-from the large opening side (L) to the small opening side (S) and from S to L-was theoretically and experimentally analyzed. The droplet dynamic behaviors, such as the self-transport behavior and the droplet stuck behavior, are explored from the view points of mechanics and energy. We found that the surface tension force of a three-phase contact line can be either a driving or an impeding force depending on the various droplet geometries in different AVGGTs. An important contributing factor to the self-transport behavior of a droplet moving from L to S in an AVGGT is the bridge liquid force caused by negative pressure inside the droplet, which is always pointing in the direction of S. As a result of experiments, we investigated the relationship between droplet motion and correlated parameters. The theoretical model based on the simplified Navier-Stokes equation was developed to explain the corresponding mechanism of the droplet motion. Additionally, dimensional analysis was carried out for the droplet stuck behavior of a droplet moving from S to L in an AVGGT to investigate the relationship between the droplet stopping location and the correlated parameters and thus obtain the required geometry for the droplet stopping location