7 research outputs found

    Ecosystem Assessment of Nanji Island Based on PSR Model

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    海岛是海洋国土的重要组成部分之一,具有很高的经济价值和国防价值,在发展海洋经济和维护国家权益上发挥了重要的作用。然而,海岛生态系统十分脆弱,极易受到人类活动的破坏和扰动。伴随着海岛开发活动的加剧,海岛地区人类社会与生态环境之间的矛盾日益凸现,因此加强海岛的保护和管理具有重要的现实意义。海岛的科学保护与管理要以生态系统为基础,进行海岛生态系统评价是开展海岛生态规划、生态建设和生态系统管理的基础和依据。目前国外对于海岛生态系统的研究还不成熟,尚未形成完整的海岛生态系统评价指标体系和评价方法。本文以浙江南麂岛为例,以“压力-状态-响应”(PSR)模型为基本框架,尝试构建海岛生态系统评价指标体系和评价...Islands are important parts of national territory with high value of economy andnational defense. However, the islands ecosystem is so fragile that is susceptible to be damaged by human activities and disturbance. Along with the islands exploitation activities intensifying, the conflicts between human and ecological environment are increasing. So we should enhance the conservation and management o...学位:理学硕士院系专业:海洋与环境学院海洋学系_海洋生物学学号:20042702

    Taxonomic diversity of fish community in the waters surrounding the Taishan Islands of Fujian Province

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    根据2012年~2013年在台山列岛周边海域进行的4个航次底拖网调查资料,并结合该海域的历史资料系统整理了台山列岛周边海域鱼类总名录,使用PRIMER 5.0软件计算了该海域鱼类的分类多样性指数,研究了分类多样性指数的季节变化。结果显示,台山列岛周边海域共记录鱼类2纲20目81科150属208种,以鲈形目种类占绝对优势;2012年~2013年调查记录到鱼类2纲11目40科63属77种。台山列岛周边海域鱼类的平均分类差异指数(△~+)和分类差异变异指数(∧~+)的理论平均值分别为63.14和378.4。鱼类分类多样性指数(△)秋季最高,春、夏季次之,冬季最低;鱼类分类差异指数(△~*)秋季最高,春季次之,夏、冬季较低。研究结果表明,春季鱼类种类数最多,夏、秋季次之,冬季最少,水温和饵料决定了研究海域鱼类种类组成。According to the data collected from four seasonal trawling surveys between 2012 and 2013 in the waters surrounding the Taishan Islands,we made a list of fish species in this area and calculated its taxonomic diversity by PRIMER 5. 0. We identified 208 fish species including 2 classes,20 orders,81 families and 150 genera in the waters around Taishan Islands,with Perciformes being the major order. According to the survey data from 2012 to 2013,77 fish species including 2 classes,11 orders,40 families and 63 genera were identified. The average taxonomic distinctness( △~+) and variation in taxonomic distinctness( ∧~+) of fish species listed in that area were 63. 14 and 378. 4,respectively. The taxonomic diversity( △) and taxonomic distinctness( △~*) were higher in autumn and spring than in summer and winter. It is concluded that the species in spring was more than that in summer and autumn,and was the least in winter. Water temperature and food were the main factors which affect fish species composition.国家自然科学基金项目(41106073);; 福建省科技计划项目(2012Y0072);; 福建省海洋与渔业厅科技项目[(2012)013号

    Application of the PSR Model to the Assessment of Island Ecosystem

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    海岛是海洋国土的重要组成部分之一,具有很高的经济价值和国防价值,加强海岛的管理和保护具有重要的现实意义.海岛的管理要以生态系统为基础,进行海岛生态系统评价是开展海岛生态系统管理的前提.目前国内尚未形成完整的海岛生态系统评价指标体系.本文从海岛生态系统特征出发,阐述了"压力-状态-响应"(PSR)模型的概念和内容,分析了PSR模型在海岛生态系统评价中的作用,并依据指标体系的建立原则提出了一套基于PSR模型的海岛生态系统评价指标体系,为今后的相关研究工作提供参考.Islands are one of the important parts of the ocean country,with their high economic value and equity value.It makes sense to strengthen the management and the protection of islands.The management of islands should be based on ecosystem,island ecosystem assessment is the precondition of island ecosystem-based management.At present,there isn't an integrated indicator system for island ecosystem assessment.In this paper,first,the characteristics of island ecosystem were described.Second,the concept and content of PSR model were discussed.Third,the functions of PSR model to the assessment of island ecosystem were analysed.Finally,an indicator system for island ecosystem assessment,which based on the PSR model was built up,through the principles of indicator system establishing.What have done in this paper may offer some references to further study.国家908专项资助项目(908-02-04-08)资

    Evaluation of Seawater Quality of Typical Mid-Subtropical Islands in China

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    根据我国中亚热带海岛生态特征及其地理分布,文章选取八个具有代表性的典型海岛作为研究对象。采用单因子评价方法和反映营养盐限制特征的海水富营养化评价方法,对我国中亚热带的八个典型海岛的周边海域海水质量展开了评价。研究结果表明,我国中亚热带典型海岛周边海域海水质量总体良好,但是氮磷含量普遍超标,无机氮和活性磷酸盐是主要污染指标;我国中亚热带典型海岛周边海域海水基本属于磷限制并且营养级程度不同;造成海水富营化的主要原因是陆源的流域污染和沿岸污水排放以及海上的养殖污染。In this paper,eight typical islands were selected as the research object,according to the ecological characteristics and geographical distribution of the mid-subtropical islands in China.Single-factor water quality evaluation method and eutrophication evaluation method which accounts for nutrient limitation were used to evaluate the seawater quality status of eight typical mid-subtropical islands in China.The results showed that the seawater quality of these typical mid-subtropical islands in China was generally good,other than inorganic nitrogen and active phosphate which were considered as major pollutants of seawater around these typical mid-subtropical islands;the seawater around these islands was usually phosphorus-limited and the nutritional level was different;the main reasons of seawater eutrophication were river basin pollution,coastal wastewater discharge and aquaculture pollution.福建省908专项资助项目之福建省海岛生态系统评价与资源开发保护策略研究(FJ908-02-04-03


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    报道产自武功山地区的7种江西省植物新记录,包括石松科Lycopodiaceae的昆明石杉Huperzia kunmingensis、虎耳草科Saxifragaceae的莽山绣球Hydrangea mangshanensis和腺鼠刺Iteaglutinosa、石竹科Lycopodiaceae的皱叶繁缕Stellaria monosperma var.japonica、菊科Compositae的川西黄鹌菜Youngiapratti,兰科Orchidaceae植物疏花虾脊兰Calanthehenryi和台湾吻兰Collabium formosanum。其中昆明石杉、莽山绣球、腺鼠刺、川西黄鹌菜和疏花虾脊兰5种为中国特有植物,疏花虾脊兰分布范围狭窄,ICUN将列为易危级别。该文对这些物种分布新区域的报道,扩宽其分布范围,丰富了江西省药用植物资源。凭证标本均保存于吉首大学植物标本馆(JIU)和中山大学标本室(SYS)

    Assessment on the vulnerability of Luoyuan Bay ecosystem, Fujian

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    本研究以"暴露程度-敏感性-适应能力"为框架,构建了罗源湾海湾生态系统脆弱性评价指标体系,并运用模糊综合评价法对罗源湾海湾生态系统在1986~1; 990、2004~2006、2010~2012年三个阶段的脆弱性状况开展了定量评价,结果显示,罗源湾海湾生态系统在三个阶段均处于"中度脆弱"水平; ,综合评价得分逐年上升,呈现渐脆弱趋势.三个子系统的模糊评价结果表明,罗源湾海湾生态系统面临的暴露程度不断增大,其主要人为胁迫因子为滩涂围垦面积; 、临港工业发展和海水养殖密度;其次,罗源湾海湾生态系统的敏感性也越来越强,主要的敏感因子有海洋生物质量综合指数、浮游动物和潮间带底栖生物多样性指; 数和鱼卵仔稚鱼种类与密度;与此同时,适应能力则呈较好态势.研究结果可为相似区域海湾生态系统脆弱性评价提供参考.Based on the "Exposure- Sensitivity- Ability to adapt" framework, the; vulnerability assessment index system was established for Luoyuan Bay; ecosystem. The ecosystem vulnerabilities in 3 periods (1986~1990,; 2004~2006, 2010~2012) were studied used the fuzzy comprehensive; evaluation method. The results showed that all 3 periods were in; "mild-vulnerability". The scores increased in years and Luoyuan Bay; ecosystem tended to be increasingly vulnerable. The evaluate results of; 3 subsystems showed that the exposure intensity of Luoyuan Bay ecosystem; was increasing and the major artificial stress factors were reclamation; areas, port industry developments and aquaculture density. And the; sensitivity of Luoyuan Bay ecosystem was obviously intense, the main; sensitive factors were comprehensive index of marine life quality,; biological diversity indexes of zooplankton and intertidal benthic, and; species and density of fish larvae and eggs. Meanwhile, the adaptive; capacity of Luoyuan Bay ecosystem presented a good tendency. This; research can provide a reference for the vulnerability assessment of bay; ecosystem in similar regions.农业部2014年物种资源保护(渔业)资助项

    RETRACTED ARTICLE: Water quality characteristics and environmental quality assessment of Quanzhou Bay, China

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    According to the monitoring results of chemical parameters of seawaters in May, August and November, 2008, we analyzed the water quality of Quanzhou Bay and assessed it by the single-factor evaluation on the basis of corresponding standards of local marine functional areas. The results showed that the DIN and DRP contents are all at a high level because of the input of terrestrial pollutants, and in general, both were higher in the inner of the Bay than those of the outside. During the busy shipping, the petroleum content is higher near the harbor. Although the contents of heavy metals don't exceed the standards, the Hg and As are at increasing tendency during the recent years. ? 2011 IEEE