6 research outputs found

    Complementary insects

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    The fight against fruit flies (Ceratitis capitata) has entered a new stage. The flies lay their eggs inside ripe fruits and are thus a major pest for fruit growers in the tropics and subtropics. A new combination of two known techniques has turned out to be successful in the United States and Mexico, and recently Brazil has implemented the combined control programme. On the one hand, the programme concerns mass rearing of sterile males and releasing them, a practice already used in many parts of the world. On the other, it involves releasing a parasitic wasp (Diachasmimorpha longicaudata) which, once established in an infested area, starts to prey on the fruit flies. The new approach involves releasing both the wasp and the sterile male fruit flies simultaneously in large numbers.. The sterile flies reduce the number of fertile eggs. The wasps seek out the larvae of the flies in the fruits, feeds on them and lay their own eggs inside them. In this way, the wasp reproduces itself and its offspring continues the struggle against the fruit fly. The Brazilian Agricultural Research Organisation (EMBRAPA) has tested the method in various ecosystems in the country and has found that it is a viable biological control method, usable at a large scale and thus saving on pesticides. [caption to illustration] It s the quiet, small ones you have to watch out for. This pesky Ceratitis capitata is about 6 times smaller than in this photo. Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura 44.380-000, Cruz das Almas, Bahia, Brazil Fax: + 55 75 621 1118 Email: [email protected] Website: www.cnpmf.embrapa.brThe fight against fruit flies (Ceratitis capitata) has entered a new stage. The flies lay their eggs inside ripe fruits and are thus a major pest for fruit growers in the tropics and subtropics. A new combination of two known techniques has turned..


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    Preparation and characterization of nanometer sized TiO_2 thin film sintered at low temperature

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    [中文文摘]采用改进的溶胶-凝胶法令TiO2在普通玻璃载玻片表面浸渍提拉成膜,再经150℃热处理15min。用阶梯厚度仪、XRD、SEM、XPS、AFM、UV-vis吸收光谱和降解亚甲基蓝实验对所成薄膜的厚度、晶粒大小、表面形貌、吸光性和光催化性能进行了表征。研究结果表明:薄膜为类微晶玻璃态,其纳米粒子晶型为单一锐钛矿型,粒径在10~50nm,薄膜表面均匀、致密,具有良好紫外-可见吸收性和光催化活性。[英文文摘]The TiO2 thin film prepared by an improved sol-gel processing and then dip-coating on a glass substrate was sintered at 150℃ for 15min.The grain size,the thickness,the surface property,and the absorbency in UV-vis spectra of the film were characterized by a surface profile and methods of X-ray diffraction,scanning electron microscopy,atomic force microscopy,X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,UV-vis spectrophotometry and decomposition of methylene bule.The film is identified as pure anatase,the grain size is around 10-50nm and t he surface of t he film is even and compact , the film shows high light absorption in UV-vis spectra and has high photocatalytic decomposition rates of met hylene bule.国家自然科学基金资助项目(50472057


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    孢粉是重建古植被、古气候的重要基础数据。孢粉数据库对研究样点至区域和全球尺度上的古环境演变规律、古气候变化特征反演和古生物地球化学循环模拟等具有重要意义。该文收集整理了中国1960–2020年间发表和部分未发表的现代花粉数据记录,包括样品编号、采样位置、采样地经纬度和海拔高度、样品类型、数据来源、数据类型、周边植被信息、参考文献、花粉类群及其含量等信息;并对数据进行筛选和标准化等处理,由此整合为中国现代花粉数据集。该数据集由4 497个现代花粉采样点的数据信息组成,包括660个来自中国第四纪孢粉数据库数据,1 763个前期整理发表的数据和2 074个近期收集的数据,涵盖772个花粉类群。样品类型以土壤表层样品(3 332个)为主,苔藓样品以及湖泊、海洋表层样品等为辅,广泛分布于全国不同地理区域和植被类型中,其中以温带荒漠区域(24.91%)和亚热带常绿阔叶林区域(24.02%)最丰富,其次为温带草原区域(16.14%)和青藏高原高寒植被区域(15.83%)。数据按照来源可分为原始数据(58%)和数值化数据(42%);按照数据类型可分为原始统计粒数的样点(59%)和以花粉百分比表达的样点(41%)。半个多世纪以来,科研人员开展了大量的表层现代花粉取样和研究。本数据集虽然仅获取部分记录,但样点覆盖了我国绝大多数地区,可有效地用于古植被与古气候重建的现代孢粉与现代植被校验,并将为中国孢粉数据库的建立与更深入的孢粉研究提供数据支撑


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