32 research outputs found


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    通讯联系人,E-mail: dpzhan@ xmu. edu. cn介绍电化学微/纳米加工技术,特别是厦门大学电化学微/纳米加工课题组建立起来的约束刻蚀剂层技术,旨在让广大师生了解这一特种加工技术,共同促进我国电化学微/纳米加工技术的研究及产业化进程。国家自然科学基金(No.91023006,91023047,91023043);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(No.2010121022

    Response of Photosynthetic Apparatus to Different Irradiance in Flag Leaves of High-Yielding Winter Wheat PH01-35 Grown under Low Light Conditions

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    为了解弱光下生长的小麦叶片在不同光强下PS II和光合电子传递链的工作状态,解释其突然转入强光下时发生光抑制和光破坏的原因,以PH01-35为材料,采用大田人工遮光的方法,测定了小麦旗叶叶绿素含量、光合特性参数及快速光曲线。弱光处理15 d后,旗叶叶绿素含量明显上升,净光合速率、光补偿点、光饱和点、表观量子效率、羧化效率均出现不同程度的下降。与250μMOl M-2 S-1的弱光适应3 H相比,1 200μMOl M-2 S-1的强光适应3 H后,弱光下生长叶片的快速光曲线初始斜率下降幅度较大,曲线下降部分的斜率、最大相对电子传递速率、半饱和光强的上升幅度均小于自然光下生长的叶片,光能利用能力较低,其非光化学猝灭系数nPQ也明显低于自然光下生长的叶片,为自然光下生长叶片的87.5%。弱光下生长的小麦叶片光能吸收能力增强,但较低的光能利用能力和过剩光能耗散能力是其转入自然强光后易发生光抑制甚至光破坏的主要原因。To further explain the mechanism of photoinhibition and light damage in wheat(Triticum aestivum L.) leaves when it was suddenly transferred from low light to high light conditions,the responses of photosynthetic apparatus in shaded leaves of the high-yielding winter wheat line,PH01-35,were examined using chlorophyll fluorescence and gas exchange techniques.After 15-day shading,the chlorophyll content increased greatly,but the net photosynthetic rate(Pn),light compensation point(LCP),light saturation point(LSP),apparent quantum yield(AQY),and carboxylation efficiency(CE) all decreased.Compared with leaves grown in full sunlight,the initial slope(α),decline slope(β),maximum relative electron transport rate(rETRmax),and minimum saturating irradiance(Ek) of rapid light curves in leaves grown in low light were lower when the plant was transferred from low light intensity of 250 μmol m-2 s-1 to high light intensity of 1 200 μmol m-2 s-1.Non photochemical quenching(NPQ) in leaves grown in low light was significantly lower than that in leaves grown in full sunlight,indicating that the ability of light use and thermal energy dissipation was limited in leaves grown in low light.The wheat leaves grown in low light were more suscepti-ble to photoinhibition due to low CO2 assimilation and photoprotective ability,such as xanthophylls cycle-dependent dissipation of excessive energy,despite the better energy absorbability in low light conditions.山东省农业良种工程重大课题(鲁农良种字[2006]6号)资


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    5月17日,心理所召开妇女职工大会,选举产生了心理所第七届妇委会委员。会议由陈雪峰副所长主持,傅小兰所长及心理所各研究室、管理支撑部门妇女职工共计74人出席了会议。 首先,孙向红副所长致辞。她指出,心理所女职工队伍发展壮大迅速,在推进所创新发展中地位凸显。妇委会服务于女职工群体,在为女职工服务、维护女职工权益等方面一直发挥着不可替代的作用。 随后,因妇委会主任朱莉琪研究员在国外访学,由第六届妇委会委员黄端代为向会议做“第六届妇委会工作报告”。报告回顾了在过去的五年里,妇委会在院妇工委、所党委和所领导的支持下,在全所女职工的配合下,围绕组织文化活动、参与社会公益活动、提供信息服务以及加强计划生育宣传等方面开展了大量工作并取得了一定的成绩。 会议通过全体无记名等额投票方式,选举龙迪、任婧、李永娟、李甦、周莹、赵业粉、詹环蓉为中科院心理所第七届妇委会委员。李永娟研究员代表新一届妇委会成员发言,她向第六届妇委会致以感谢,表示将积极进取,努力奉献,继续为全所女同胞服务。同时也希望全所女职工继续支持新一届妇委会的工作,多提宝贵意见和建议。 会后,新一届妇委会成员通过无记名等额投票方式,选举李永娟研究员为第七届妇委会主任


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    2016年中国科学院京区职工篮球比赛于4月28日上午开幕,心理所在副所长刘勋研究员、张明霞副研究员的带领下组队参加了当日上午的定点投篮比赛。 4月28日下午至5月6日下午,在所领导和工会的大力支持下,张弢研究员、严超赣研究员带领心理所篮球队参加了5场篮球赛。虽然因为实验、组会等客观原因的影响,篮球队成员一直无法全员到场,但凭借队员们昂扬的斗志和积极的态度,我们还是拼赢了两场比赛,尤以和微生物所的最后一场比赛最为精彩,因为从以往的交锋情况来看,两队势均力敌。 该场比赛一开始,心理所队迅速找到手感,连连取分,迫使微生物所队提出暂停。随后,对方摆出小个阵容,频繁发动快攻,掌控了比赛节奏。上半场战罢心理所以9:18暂时落后。下半场心理所队做出调整,在吴斌和唐山的高效串联下,整个球队防守端加快回防速度遏制对方快攻,进攻端提高传球效率,而且投篮更加坚决,张弢研究员上场后更是稳定军心,吹起反击的号角,在第三节打出了一波9:3的小高潮,队员们士气高涨。来到关键的第四节,两队打得愈发胶着,田莫千带领场下队员和啦啦队不断加油助威。队员们的拼搏换来了一记关键三分,比赛打平!本节后半段心理所完美执行既定战术,坚持把球打到内线优势点,创造了不少罚球机会,但始终未能绝杀对手,比赛被拖入加时。加时鏖战,百尺竿头更进一步,严超赣研究员带头拼出血性,受伤不下火线,展现了精神领袖的威风;终于,由孟泽龙投进准绝杀,最终比分定格为24:22,心理所以2分优势战胜了微生物所。 艰难赢下这场赛之后,大家都兴奋地拥抱在一起,裁判和观战的观众也纷纷给心理所的队员竖起了大拇指,有的观众发出了“这么拼!竟然还能有这么精彩的比赛!”的感叹。 尽管遗憾止步小组赛,但心理所打出了士气和实力,队友们之间的感情也进一步加深。队员们集体感谢所领导和工会的支持以及张弢研究员、严超赣研究员的积极组织,相信在今后的比赛中我们所能够继续发挥这种战斗精神,再创佳绩。“参与”不是口号,科研的热情在继续、篮球的故事在继续、兄弟情在继续…

    Community Structure of Rhizomicrobiomes in Four Medicinal Herbs and Its Implication on Growth Management

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    Medicinal plants are the basic materials of traditional Chinese medicine. Soil characteristics and microbial contribution play important roles in the growth and product quality of medicinal plants, but the link between them in the rhizosphere of medicinal plants has been overlooked. Accordingly, Mentha haplocalyx, Perilla frutescens, Glycyrrhiza uralensis, and Astragalus membranaceus, four plants used in traditional Chinese medicines, were investigated in this study in order to elucidate bacterial and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) diversity in the rhizosphere and its possible association with soil quality. DGGE-based 16S rRNA and 18S rRNA gene sequencing results indicated that the diversity of both bacteria and AMF in Glycyrrhiza uralensis and Astragalus membranaceus was significantly higher than those in Mentha haplocalyx and Perilla frutescens, suggesting that medicinal plants have different preferences even under the same conditions. In addition, enzymatic activities and nutrition were enhanced in the rhizospheric soil of Mentha haplocalyx and Perilla frutescens, and the correlation among AMF diversity, soil enzymatic activities and nutrition was confirmed using RDA analysis. These results suggest the potential to grow medicinal plants with a reasonable rotation or intercrop in order to maintain long-term continuous soil development. Background: Magnaporthe oryzae, the causal fungus of rice blast disease, negatively impacts global rice production. Wild rice (Oryza rufipogon), a relative of cultivated rice (O. sativa), possesses unique attributes that enable it to resist pathogen invasion. Although wild rice represents a major resource for disease resistance, relative to current cultivated rice varieties, no prior studies have compared the immune and transcriptional responses in the roots of wild and cultivated rice to M. oryzae. Results: In this study, we showed that M. oryzae could act as a typical root-infecting pathogen in rice, in addition to its common infection of leaves, and wild rice roots were more resistant to M. oryzae than cultivated rice roots. Next, we compared the differential responses of wild and cultivated rice roots to M. oryzae using RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) to unravel the molecular mechanisms underlying the enhanced resistance of the wild rice roots. Results indicated that both common and genotype-specific mechanisms exist in both wild and cultivated rice that are associated with resistance to M. oryzae. In wild rice, resistance mechanisms were associated with lipid metabolism, WRKY transcription factors, chitinase activities, jasmonic acid, ethylene, lignin, and phenylpropanoid and diterpenoid metabolism; while the pathogen responses in cultivated rice were mainly associated with phenylpropanoid, flavone and wax metabolism. Although modulations in primary metabolism and phenylpropanoid synthesis were common to both cultivated and wild rice, the modulation of secondary metabolism related to phenylpropanoid synthesis was associated with lignin synthesis in wild rice and flavone synthesis in cultivated rice. Interestingly, while the expression of fatty acid and starch metabolism-related genes was altered in both wild and cultivated rice in response to the pathogen, changes in lipid acid synthesis and lipid acid degradation were dominant in cultivated and wild rice, respectively

    Different respiration metabolism between mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal rice under low-temperature stress: a cry for help from the host

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    Low-temperature stress is an important environmental factor that severely disrupts plant respiration but can be alleviated by symbiotic arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). In the current study, a pot experiment was performed to determine changes in the respiratory metabolic capacity of mycorrhizal rice (Oryza sativa) under lowtemperature stress. The results demonstrated that low temperature might accelerate the biosynthesis of strigolactone in mycorrhizal rice roots by triggering the expression of genes for the synthesis of strigolactone, which acted as a host stress response signal. In addition, AMF prompted the host tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle by enhancing pyruvate metabolism, up-regulating the expression of genes of the TCA cycle under low-temperature stress and affecting the electron transport chain. The alternative oxidase pathway might be the main electron transport pathway in non-mycorrhizal rice under stress, while the cytochrome c oxidase (COX) pathway might be the predominant pathway in arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis. Mycorrhizal rice also had higher adenosine triphosphate production to maintain the natural status of respiration under stress conditions, which resulted in improved root growth status and alleviated low-temperature stress

    Long-term effect of residue return and fertilization on microbial biomass and community composition of a clay loam soil

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    A field study was carried out to examine the response of microbial communities of a clay loam soil to long-term (30 years) effects of residue return and fertilization. The experimental design was a split-plot arrangement of treatments, consisting of three residue treatments (crop residues returned at rates of 0, 2500 and 5000 kg/ha) in combination with eight fertilization treatments (control, no fertilizer; N, mineral nitrogen (N) fertilizer; P, mineral phosphorus (P) fertilizer; K, mineral potassium (K) fertilizer; NP, mineral NP fertilizer; NK, mineral NK fertilizer; PK, mineral PK fertilizer; and NPK, mineral NPK fertilizer). Soil microbial communities were characterized by phospholipid fatty acid analysis. Results indicated that the more crop residues were returned, the lower ratio of fungi to bacteria was observed. However, soil microbial biomass was only found to be significantly higher in plots with residues returned at a rate of 5000 kg/ha but not 2500 kg/ha. This suggested there was a threshold for microbial biomass to increase under residue return for the clay loam soil studied. The fertilization effect on soil microbial biomass gradually decreased with increases in the amount of crop residues returned. A significant composition change was observed under N fertilization. Structural equation modelling indicated that soil microbial communities were influenced directly by residue return and indirectly by residue-induced change in ratio of carbon to N and fertilization-induced change in soil pH