132 research outputs found


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    一、前言 牛羊胰脏吸虫病是我国各农牧区中常见而且危害严重的一种吸虫病,国内此吸虫病的病原主要有胰阔盘吸虫(Eurytrema pancreaticum(Janson)、腔阔盘吸虫(E.coelomaticum(Giard et Billet)及枝睾阔盘吸虫(E.cladorchis Chin,Li et Wei)三种,其中以胰阔盘吸虫的分布区最大。关于本类吸虫的生物学问题近年来经国内外蠕虫学者的探讨而逐渐被了解(唐仲璋,1950;唐仲璋、唐崇惕,1975、1977;Basch,1965;Ksembaeva,1967;1973等)。国内在福建已详细观察了腔阔盘吸虫和枝睾阔盘吸虫生活史全过程,并经试验证实了它们的贝类宿主及不同的昆虫宿主的种类。胰阔盘吸虫的生活史虽亦经阐明,


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    家畜胰阔盘吸虫病广泛流行于世界各地。在我国主要分布于东北、内蒙、西北一带的广大农牧区;南方的福建、江西、浙江、广东、广西、贵州等省、区也有报道。 胰阔盘吸虫不仅寄生于羊、牛、猪、骆驼等家畜,而且也可感染人体,威胁人类健康。胰阔盘吸虫寄生于家畜的胰管中,由于机械性刺激、堵塞,以及代谢产物的作用,营养的夺取,引起胰脏的机能障碍和形态改变,如胰管的高度扩张,管壁增厚,粘膜出血、溃疡、炎性细胞的浸润,整个胰脏结缔组织增生,呈慢性增生性胰腺炎。从而使胰液腺和胰岛素的生成、分泌发生改变,全

    Equality of Educational Opportunities in Higher Education of the Ethnic Groups in America

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    美国自南北战争以来虽然经历了几次种族骚乱,但是族裔冲突都没有导致严重的社会动乱。美国宪政机制发挥决定性协调作用的同时,对少数族裔高等教育的优惠政策及其国家认同战略也起了十分重要的作用。从“隔离但平等“原则被宣布违宪和《民权法案》的通过,到肯定性行动和“百分比计划“的实施,美国对于少数族裔落后的高等教育采取的一系列措施取得了积极的成就。Post-Civil-War history witnessed a few racial riots inAmerica,but these riots did not turn into serious social turmoil.Despite the effects of American constitutional mechanism,government preferential policies to ethnic groups in higher education and the strategy to identify with the nation played key roles.A series of measures,including the principle of "separate but equal" being judged unconstitutional,Civil Rights Act,the implementation of Affirmative Action Programs and percent plans,taken by America had very positive consequences in promoting lagged higher education of the ethic groups.2010年度辽宁省教育科学“十一五”规划课题“民族院校少数民族教育过程公平研究”的成果;课题批准号:JG10DB30

    Method for quickly acquiring camera parameters in wide-range vision coordinate measurement

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    [[alternative]]Needs Assessment for Foot Reflexology Service of Health Center in a Northern University of Taiwan

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    [[abstract]]本研究主旨在探討教職員工生對健康中心提供足部按摩服務的需求性。研究設計為描述性橫斷式(descriptive cross-sectional survey)調查研究,採分層隨機抽樣方式選取樣本。研究工具為自擬之結構式問卷。研究對象以某一大學編制內之教職員工及年滿20歲學生為收案對象。實際發出問卷405份,回收399份,有效問卷363份,有效問卷率為89.6%。有效問卷以描述性統計、χ2 test、Fisher exact test、Monte carlo等檢定及事後比較等方法進行分析。 研究結果:一、有效樣本數363人中女性占多數,以學生為多,年齡多介於20-30歲之間,多數未婚,無宗教信仰者比率略高,收入在20,000以下最多,34.4%的教職員工生有足部按摩的經驗,足部按摩原因為放鬆減壓(62.6%)及養生保健(30.0%),有60%以上的教職員工生達到足部按摩的目的,而身體狀況居於良好者將近半數(49.1%)。二、九成以上的教職員工生對足部按摩服務需求非常高,尤其是沒有按摩經驗者,有55%能接受付費,金額以≦200元占多數。將近半數的教職員工生能接受足部按摩服務提供給社區使用,贊成付費達九成,付費金額則以≦400元居多。三、不同人口學背景影響足部按摩需求差異,在年齡、婚姻、身分別、教育程度、宗教信仰、個人每月平均收入、過去有無按摩經驗、自覺健康狀況等項達顯著差異,而在性別及有否達到按摩目的則無顯著差異。 結論:本研究發現教職員工生對足部按摩的需求性很高,而足部按摩與養生保健息息相關,建議納入學校未來可作為健康促進學校的執行策略,希驥透過有特色足部按摩的健康服務,維護及提升教職員工生的健康,並作為全國各級學校健康服務項目的參考[[abstract]]OBJECTIVE:The purpose of this study was to access the requirements of university faculty members and students about foot reflexology service in their school health center. METHODS:Using descriptive cross-sectional survey and stratified random sampling method, university faculty members and students over 20 years old were selected to complete a self contemplated structured questionnaire.The vaild sample analysis included descriptive statistics, χ2 test、Fisher exact test、Monte carlo and post hac analysis. RESULTS:Of all 405 copies of the questionnaire delivered, there were 363 copies of valid questionnaires from 399 copies returned, with the effective rate of 89.6%. We found that: (1) In these 363 valid sample the majority unmarried female student in there 20-30 years old. The ratio of subjects without religion or faith is slightly higher than subjects with religion, Monthly salary of most subjects was less than $ 20,000 NT dollar, 34.4% of faculty members and students have foot massage experience, Nearly half(49.1%) subjects live in good physical condition. The reasons for the foot massage were to relax pressure (62.6%) or for health care (30.0%), More than 60 percent of the faculty members and students achieve the goal of foot massage.(2) Over ninety percent of faculty members and students, especially those without massage experience, required foot massage services. 55% of the subjects accepted payment for less than NT200. Nearly half of the faculty members and students agreed this kind of foot massage service open to communities with payment of less than NT400 per service. (3)Different demographic backgrounds significantly affect the requirement of foot massage, which included, age, marriage status, identity, education, religion, monthly income, previous massage experience, self recogni-tion of his health status ,etc., However, there was no significant influence of the requirement of foot massage in gender and whether they achieve the goal of massage.CONCLUSIONS:This study found the urgent need of foot massage in faculty members and students. Since foot massage are closely related to health care, we suggested that foot massage could apply to the future implementation of health promotion strategies in school, Hope through distinctive healthy foot massage service to maintain and promote the health of faculty members and students and to become a national reference levels about school health services

    Study on backgrond adaptive filtering technique

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    为满足对不同背景的滤波要求,本文提出一种具有普遍适用的背景滤波算法。该算法在Buttervorth滤波器的基础上,通过计算背景的复杂程度,自动修正滤波参数,从而自动适应不同的背景滤波的需要。 &nbsp


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    采用密度泛函理论(DFT)-B3LYP方法在6-31G(d)基组水平上对邻硝基苯甲醛缩对乙酰氨基苯胺席夫碱的几何构型进行了全优化,得到其最稳定构型及能量。在优化结构基础上用同样的方法和基组计算了该分子的红外光谱振动频率并绘制了红外光谱图。在Gaussian View程序上对其红外光谱进行了归属

    DFT of Molecular Structure and Infrared SPeetrum of 4 -(2 -Nitrobenzylideneamino )Phenyl Acetamide Schiff Base

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    采用密度泛函理论(DFT)-B3LYP方法在6-31G(d)基组水平上对邻硝基苯甲醛缩对乙酰氨基苯胺席夫碱的几何构型进行了全优化,得到其最稳定构型及能量。在优化结构基础上用同样的方法和基组计算了该分子的红外光谱振动频率并绘制了红外光谱图。在Gaussian View程序上对其红外光谱进行了归属